With the kick-off of pro football season and September marking National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the American Urological Association (AUA) Foundation and the National Football League (NFL) have teamed up for a third year to educate men about prostate health and encourage them to join the “Know Your Stats” campaign. With the support of an increasing number of NFL greats and prostate cancer survivors, the national campaign is focused on turning awareness into action by encouraging men to know their risks and get tested.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/51874-aua-foundation-nfl-mike-haynes-know-your-stats-prostate-cancer-awareness
For the full write up click on the link below:
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So many have gazed out on Lake superior with dreams of exploring it. A couple in their 60\'s are packing their bags for a journey. Mike Link and Kate Crowley\'s story together started on Lake Superior nearly 24 years ago.
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My Name is Mike Sherratt and I am a internet marketing mentor that helps people reach there dreams by build there business from home, I help everyone no matter what business your in so if you need help which I know 95% of you do then come and say hello and let me help you for free....
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Discovery Communications today announced the expansion of its ‘Discover Your Skills’ public affairs job skills program, including a partnership with Montgomery College focused on better preparing students with the necessary skills to take advantage of available job opportunities, and the airing of eight public service announcements (PSAs) across its U.S. networks and digital platforms highlighting career opportunities in the skilled trades, and the importance of training workers to fill critical jobs in manufacturing, health care, energy, technology, construction and other industries.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/51862-discovery-communications-american-job-growth-job-skills-development
Mike Hanback explains the educational process of missing a deer. And that missing a deer will make the hunter think what he did wrong, a beneficial learning experience. Get more of Mike Hanback at: http://www.versuscountry.com/
Hi Everyone,
My Name is Mike Sherratt and I am a internet marketing mentor that helps people reach there dreams by build there business from home, I help everyone no matter what business your in so if you need help which I know 95% of you do then come and say hello and let me help you for free....
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Ches Cholmondeley saw his sister disappear. Now there are more mysteries: atomic clocks have lost a second, resulting in bizarre events from dropped casseroles to plane crashes. What’s a brother to do? Learn about the book http://bit.ly/l9gudT Learn about this author here, http://mikemasonbooks.com/about/ Christian Fiction