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The Future; Not all it\'s cracked up to be. From The Book by James P. Othmer from RandomHouse Books. A VidLit Production.
Tags // vidlit  animation  flash  futurist  humor  funny  space  hotel 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6096 days ago by vidlit
Runtime: 3m33s | Views: 18108 | Comments: 2



It is christmas
Tags // crazy  frog  christmas 
Categories // Music  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6279 days ago by mumpa
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 18024 | Comments: 3



Imagine being castaway on a remote uninhabited island. Only this is not some tropical paradise, but a bleak island in the north Atlantic. In February. And the castaway is Tess, a woman so timid and ineffectual that she’ll need a miracle to survive. This exciting novel follows Tess’s desperate efforts, and those of Cal Fisher, the detective assigned to investigate her disappearance. It also follows Mike, the man who put Tess on the island, as he struggles to live with the demons of his past, and the horrors that they drive him to. Abandoned is available from all online bookshops
Categories // Miscellaneous  People and Blog 
Added: 6057 days ago by briarcal
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 17978 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated



When it attacks run away!!!
Tags // funny  cats  pets 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny 
Added: 6469 days ago by mefete
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 17987 | Comments: 3



I didn't know Britain's wildlife had so much talent, not only can they forage for nuts and hibernate for winter and stuff, but they can play brass instruments and mime better than Britney !! Remarkable achievement, it really is !
Tags // bbc  cute  animals  christmas  song  jonah  lewie  stop  the  cavalry  funny  breathing  space 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 5926 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 17962 | Comments: 1



just playing around with the vid feature on my camera. my liitle girl doesn't hesitate to ham it up.
Tags // cute  funny  daddys  girl  gymnast  silly  family 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6153 days ago by star41
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 17751 | Comments: 1



It is snowing in Oradea
Tags // snow  zapada  town  oradea  birds 
Added: 6287 days ago by ssummerr
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 17704 | Comments: 2



This is a song written by Kayla Riley and she wrote it about Michael Smiley and the lyrics are below: Walking around school all sad and glum Because last night you didn\'t get some All you do is sit around and pout Because your boyfriend never puts out Little virgin man No woman can stand Forever alone You\'ll never get boned Little virgin man No woman can stand You might as well be gay That\'s all I can say Now your by yourself once again All the years you\'ll be alone; lets count by ten Your only lover is your hand Sitting down or you can stand Little virgin man All short and stout You\'ll get laid, yeah that\'s a doubt Little virgin man No woman in sight You might as well put on some really tight tights Looking around all lame and gay To get a woman you\'ll have to pray Always in your loose sweat pants I know why... It\'s easier to use your hand Little virgin man The time will pass When you will finally get some ass Not from a woman, not from a man Only from yourself; you\'re your biggest fan Little virgin man You\'re filled with strife Well welcome to Michael Smiley\'s life!
Tags // little  virgin  man  written  by  kayla  riley  about  michael  smileys  life 
Categories // Music  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6098 days ago by MichaelSmiley
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 17685 | Comments: 2



Bob Boonah is the dude who can really \\\'soccer-it to ya !\\\' Aside from the extremely dodgy accent & terrible yellow sweater, the Rembrandt reference is simply class & he\\\'ll certainly change the way you think about (or eat) tapas forever !
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6114 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 17382 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated



Cry Baby is a 1990 musical directed by John Waters. It stars Johnny Depp as 1950s teen rebel Wade Walker. Cry-Baby (Wade Walker), a Drape, and Allison, Square, create upheaval and turmoil in their town by breaking the subculture taboos and falling in love. The movie shows what the young couple have to overcome to be together and how their actions affect the rest of the town. Part of the film takes place at the now-closed Enchanted Forest amusement park in Ellicott City, Maryland.
Tags // johnny  depp  cry  baby  clip 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6106 days ago by JohnnyDeppMovies
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 17342 | Comments: 0



well it aint frogs hopping about - that is for sure - lol
Tags // fast  car  racing  steel  metal  motor  crash  island 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Funny  Games 
Added: 6396 days ago by axelopa
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 17289 | Comments: 3



Digital Lover is a video that was done with many layers of images to illustrate how the web can create unrealistic expectations about life by flashing in front of us this opulent, synthetic and fabricated virtual world. This is a single released by MoonDaze Productions from the album Utopia. It features a few images from the shelved movie Utopia combined with new footage shot exclusively for this production. This video can be embedded, posted and linked on any web site without restrictions.
Categories // Music 
Added: 6294 days ago by breckstewart
Runtime: 4m0s | Views: 17041 | Comments: 0



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