“It’s the relentless attention to the “small beginnings” that will make all the difference.” Wesley Berry’s fresh flower business started in a small florist shop in Detroit some forty years ago, but he quickly propelled it to a $60 million-dollar international company with 30 franchises in five states and a customer base reaching 130 countries around the world. In his new bestselling book, Big Things Have Small Beginnings, Wes Berry inspires, empowers and equips the reader with the tools that they need to succeed in whatever they aspire, in both business and in life. For anyone planning to start a business, is deeply enmeshed in one, or is just wanting to kick-start their life, this is the guide to get it done. Available at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Goodreads or the author’s website: http://www.WesleyBerry.co For a review copy or to interview the author, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing scottlorenz@westwindcos.com Non-Fiction/Self Help/Business
Visit Roger Dalton at http://www.rogerdalton.ca ROGER DALTON - "Hell Sounds Like Heaven" (Official Music Video) - dir.Gene Greenwood
Roger Dalton and The Dalton Gang
Music Producer: Rob Begg
Editor: Gene Greenwood
Video Production: Farting Puppy Productions
Support the Roger Dalton & The Dalton Gang at www.rogerdalton.ca
Shot in in a secret location north of the Equator
Special thanks to Patricia Simon, Chris Jeklin, Aurora Morris and "Black Beauty", Joyce Soda and her gun control, and everyone else that showed up and drank my beer and whiskey.
The Walt Disney Studios today unveiled its exclusive cloud-based digital movie service, Disney Movies Anywhere. This all-new app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and Web experience enables consumers to discover, purchase, manage, and watch movies from Disney, Pixar, and Marvel at home and on the go. iTunes is the premier digital movie provider for Disney Movies Anywhere.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/65907-disney-app-watch-disney-pixar-and-marvel-with-movies-anywhere-itunes
http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/freedom_from_jealousy.htm How to stop being jealous treatment and help with hypnosis and NLP overcome insecure feelings and jealousy. Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP master practitioner has put her years of experience helping clients to leave their jealousy in the past where it belongs. Jealousy is a poison which holds you back from being your best. When you are jealous, it masks a feeling of insecurity and possible rejection and feelings of being less than or not good enough as you compare yourself to others. Anger often sits side by side with jealousy to mask those insecure feelings beneath the surface. Again a very destructive emotion. Wouldn\'t you rather feel in control; of your emotions and ditch the jealousy and feel good about yourself for a change? Get your copy of Birmingham hypnotists self help NLP and hypnosis recording now, read more about the freedom from jealousy hypnosis recording here http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/freedom_from_jealousy.htm
Introducing the next major version of the TMA - Travelport Mobile Agent developed by TTS - Travel Technology & Solutions. This video is a quick preview of some of the new features included in TMA 2.0 for iOS. Main new features: - Full tutorial, - Support for masked commands, - Support for any GDS operation, - Advanced PKeys, - Linked commands, - Terminal pinch to zoom, - Text selection, - Copy to clipboard, - Send by email (selection, current screen or all pages), - Print to AirPrinter (selection, current screen or all pages), - Keyboard always open, - Support for external Bluetooth keyboard, - Performance increase, - Faster boot time, TMA 2.0 is already available in the Apple App Store. You can download it at http://itunes.apple.com/app/travelport-mobile-agent/id447792568?mt=8
ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/death-audio/id576278326?ls=1 JB HiFi: http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/music/hard-rock-heavy-metal/death-audio-signed-copy-online-comp/676712 Death Audio Store: http://www.deathaudio.com/store Album Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V2q8TmJ6_Q Download FREE SONG here: http://shm.im/3fnzrj Connect with Death Audio: http://www.deathaudio.com http://www.facebook.com/deathaudio http://www.twitter.com/deathaudio **please share this video** Director - Matthew Smolen Director Of Photography - Shaun Herbertson Editor - Dave Cleeve Colourist - Simon Holt Shot on Sony FS700, Canon 5Dmk3, Canon 5Dmk2 Produced by Matthew Smolen, Balloon Tree Productions http://www.balloontreeproductions.com
Matthew Schultz drops exciting and hot new single Crazy Heart (feat. Alessia Guarnera) available on iTunes now https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/crazy-heart-feat.-alessia/id872735912 make sure you get a copy today.
Subliminal programming. Join a wonderful course and get a special price by copy and paste link in new tab - http://tinyurl.com/ctuzow6 - Subliminal programming.
Listen to Always Count on You by Raquel Herring on @AppleMusic.
Raquel Roqué Herring best known as the first black female Mousketeer to be cast as a series regular on Disney Channels sketch variety TV show the Mickey Mouse Club. Raquel was the first teen to reign as champion for ten consecutive weeks on Ed McMahon’s Star search and won both championship titles of Best teen Vocalist and Best Teen Performer. Raquel Roqué Herring is the new Christian music artist to watch for 2016 and the years to come. Raquel returns to music with her ground breaking debut album Always Count On You soaring among the new album releases of contemporary Christian music. With her platinum pipes and unconventional style of praise – part pixie, part rocker, all worshipper – Raquel delivers a new twist on gospel music in this eclectic collection of praise and worship songs that is guaranteed to become a classic. Whether rocking her songs in your car, during quiet times of meditation or while having a praise party, Always Count On You is a soothing balm for your ears and soul, an unforgettable worship experience that will resonate with believers and non-believers alike.
What are you waiting for? Get your copy now on iTunes.
Noted pediatric heart surgeon Dr. Kristine Guleserian has opened up her OR, and her career to author Mark Oristano to create Surgeon’s Story Inside OR 6 With a top Pediatric Heart Surgeon. Dr. Guleserian’s life, training and work are discussed in detail, framed around the incredibly dramatic story of a heart transplant operation for a two-year old girl whose own heart was rapidly dying. Find out more at- http://surgeonsstory.com/ Media Contact: For a review copy of Surgeon’s Story or to schedule an interviewwith Mark Oristano, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing, 734 667 2090 scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or http://www.book-marketing-expert.com Medical Non-Fiction
"Shattered Soul"
from the album 'Castrofate' out March 1, 2014
Cataclysmic Metal Records
Video by JNP Productions
Order Page: www.castrofatepictures.com New CD and New Hit The Lights/Castrofate Shirt Paypal buttons will be added soon
CASTROFATE's "Shattered Soul" is Track 4 off the band's 5th self-titled album 'Castrofate' which features 8 songs and will be available from the band for $5 on March 1, 2014. The album will be sent free to people who purchased the band's previous 2 albums 'iHuman' & 'Systematic Suicide', anyone who has purchased those was placed on a list to receive a free copy, and anyone who still buys them will still be placed on the list up until February 4. Pre-Orders will also begin soon. The album, as well as the video, are the first to feature a full 4-piece line-up.
'Castrofate' album line-up:
Danny Castro - vocals & guitar
Tom DeFazio - lead guitar
Dok Dwyer - bass
Dima Shnaydman - drums
Produced by Nick Killmeier & Danny Castro
Engineered by Nick Killmeier at Crossfire Productions
After his wife of 54 years died in 2006, Chuck Swartwout decided there had to be more to life than merely the time spent on earth.
This realization motivated him to take a long analytical look at the afterlife, which he believes we will all enter after death. Using his training in the scientific method, Swartwout researched and published You Don’t Die – You Just Change Channels! which he describes as a ‘common sense’ approach to prove the existence of an afterlife.http://www.chuckswartwout.com/ Media Contact: For a review copy of You Don’t Die – You Just Change Channels! or to arrange an interview with Chuck Swartwout, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090 http://www.book-marketing-expert.com Inspirational