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Added: 6217 days ago by honey99gurlz
Runtime: 0m22s | Views: 12929 | Comments: 3



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Categories // Sexy  Webcam 
Added: 6300 days ago by zorrita70
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 12804 | Comments: 3



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Categories // Sexy  People and Blog 
Added: 6109 days ago by nvidia69gurlz
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 12768 | Comments: 2



More @ Some crazy kids decide that it would be fun to shoot a bottle rocket in a very inappropriate place. Get ready to cry your eyes out laughing at what happens in this epic failure. If your still bored, check out/add my profile if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Tags // ass  rocket  fail  bottle  rocket  funny  idiot  crazy  failblog  dumb  stupid  moron  fire  lol 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5832 days ago by failfunnies
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 12732 | Comments: 2
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Categories // Sexy  People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6220 days ago by honey99gurlz
Runtime: 2m33s | Views: 12618 | Comments: 2



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Categories // Sexy  People and Blog 
Added: 6096 days ago by nvidia69gurlz
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 12460 | Comments: 4



To order call toll free at 1-877-576-1112 Visit for more on the Biniki Butt Bra. Erica from Mania TV on a night on the town with the Butt bra Is Biniki? hard to put on? Not at all. Each Biniki comes with easy instruction on how to wear Biniki. Biniki is as easy to put on as a bra. See How to wear Biniki How do you adjust Biniki?? Just like a bra. It?s easy. Just put on and cinch up the adjustment straps. See How to Wear Biniki Where do I get Biniki? You can order on-line at or toll free at 1-877-576-1112 What is Biniki? Biniki is a derriere shaper, toner, lifter and support device for Mens and Womens butts. It is for people who would like a rearend-shaper type of lingerie for their buttocks. Want a rounder, bubble butt look in back without surgery or pads? Try Biniki, the internationally patented product designed to do the job. Although Biniki is designed to create buttock enhancement and make the backside look sexier and more round, it is not designed specifically to draw attention to the shapely derriere-it just can?t help but to do so. Support against the pull of gravity is always a plus. It is comfortable and provides an anti-gravity helper for the beautiful weight in back. It is also a comfortable feeling to look your best in back, of course! How does Biniki work? Biniki offers a custom fit by means of self adjustment and strategically placed leg loops. Since Biniki moves with you even with movement, Biniki stays in place. Biniki works because of a unique three ring system that adjusts to the wearer?s body, with the adjustable leg loops riding just under the buttocks, where the buttocks and thighs meet. See What Biniki Does How long will my Biniki last ? It depends on how you take care of your Biniki. It is recommended that you wash your Biniki by hand or have it dry cleaned for longer use. If you machine wash your Biniki even on the gentle cycle it will fade faster than hand washing and will not last as long. Can you see Biniki through clothing? t depends on the clothing. For instance, if you wear a black Biniki underneath a white dress or white pants then there is a chance that your Biniki will be seen. If you wear your Black Biniki with black pants or jeans then your Biniki will be much less noticeable.
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Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6168 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 12357 | Comments: 2
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More nude videos free on my page see url in video
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Categories // Sexy  People and Blog  Webcam 
Added: 6153 days ago by damann1976
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 12241 | Comments: 2



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Categories // Sexy  People and Blog 
Added: 6220 days ago by honey99gurlz
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 12241 | Comments: 1



Poolside babe! Sexy ass Blonde Swimsuit model in skimpy thong bikini. Bouncing by pool
Added: 5919 days ago by hotblonde832009
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 12122 | Comments: 2



Poly and Ami are the hottest Syke girls…they add an extra special something to Syke #9.
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Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 5835 days ago by sykeenergy
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 12049 | Comments: 1



Massagem - Brasil Wife At Home- Sex
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Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6143 days ago by janor222
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 11962 | Comments: 2



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