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Search // 45
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Just in time for Orangutan Caring Week, Audubon Zoo has raised the curtain on its new habitat for the critically endangered primates. Audubon’s family of Sumatran orangutans recently moved to their new Asian Domain home. The expanded exhibit provides three times as much space as their former facility in the World of Primates. New features include a moat, a cascading waterfall, palm trees and climbing structures that soar up to 45 feet, significantly taller than before. From the highest point, the orangutans have a panoramic view of much of the zoo and even boats as they cruise along the Mississippi River. “Orangutans are the largest arboreal animals on the planet,” said curator of Primates Courtney Eparvier. “And this gives them increased opportunity to exhibit their natural behaviors.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3372 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m28s | Views: 1490 | Comments: 1
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Just in time for the holiday gift-giving season, the Ram Truck brand is launching a new photography book with National Geographic titled, “The Farmer in All of Us: An American Portrait.” The book is available for purchase now for $45 at and will be in retail stores beginning late spring 2014. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4085 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 1447 | Comments: 2
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Bhutanghat, 45 km from Alipurduar in West Bengal, is famous for its scenic beauty. Located near the border with Bhutan, this region is blessed by the river Raidak. Bhutanghat is a mountainous terrain, flanked by hills covered with abundant green forests. Bhutanghat is elephant country and is an attractive destination for wildlife lovers. To get more information Knock us...,,Phone- CL... +91-983-069-4705 / +91-900-700-8366 / +91-974-889-7048
Tags // jaldapara  gorumara 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4182 days ago by dooarsecoviillege
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 1412 | Comments: 1
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KEI Industries has reported a sales turnover of Rs 411.63 crore and a C. For the quarter ended Sep 2011 the sales turnover was Rs 394.27 crore and net profit was Rs 5.45 crore.More details on
Categories // Business 
Added: 4445 days ago by keicable
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 1385 | Comments: 1
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In a detailed 45-minute webinar attended by executives from hospitals and health systems, physician practices, payers, and other healthcare professionals from around the nation, Ken Perez, MedeAnalytics’ director of healthcare policy and senior vice president of marketing, separated fact from speculation in the national debate on Medicare reform. The webinar, titled “Straight Talk About Medicare Reform,” is the latest example of MedeAnalytics’ ongoing commitment to provide clear, accurate, and unbiased information in a nonpartisan way to the healthcare industry on issues of critical importance. MedeAnalytics is a leading provider of healthcare performance management solutions. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4481 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 1387 | Comments: 1
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BIG FM is one of the largest radio network in India with over 45 channels. It is using since last 3 years to manage its sales, service and customer relationship operations. CRMnext has provided a single strategy execution platform which has helped Big FM to plan and execute daring visions and strategy to maintain its leadership position.
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Categories // Business 
Added: 4257 days ago by crmnext01
Runtime: 2m57s | Views: 1227 | Comments: 1
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Ein völlig neues Konzept für einen Mehrzweck-Roller stellen Wissenschaftler von TUM CREATE auf der 3. Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show (EV Taiwan) vor: Das Zwei-Rad-Konzept-Fahrzeug VOI hat seinen Namen von dem vietnamesischen Wort für Elefant? ein Symbol für sicheren und intelligenten Transport. Studierende der Technischen Universität München (TUM) und Singapurs Nanyang Technological University (NTU) entwickelten und bauten es gemeinsam in Singapur. Mit dem Konzept VOI verfolgen die Studierenden das Ziel, einen agilen und erschwinglichen Zwei-Rad-Transporter zu entwickeln, der die Sicherheit eines Autos bietet. Kompakt und manövrierfähig ist der Elektroroller das ideale Vehikel für dicht besiedelte Megastädte, in denen Staus ein permanentes Problem darstellen. Eine geschlossene Passagierkabine verleiht dem Chassis zusätzliche Steifigkeit und schützt den Insassen. Der Fahrer sitzt hinten erhöht und überblickt das Verkehrsgeschehen. Mit dem VOI kommt der Passagier schnell und sicher von Ort zu Ort, selbst wenn sich der Autoverkehr staut. Damit ist der Elektroroller auch eine ideale Ergänzung zum öffentlichen Nahverkehr, indem er die Wege zwischen den Stationen bedient. Doch der VOI ist nicht nur auf den Personentransport begrenzt: Sein Vorbau kann auch Güter transportieren oder eine mobile Küche. Das effiziente Elektrofahrzeug entlastet die städtische Umwelt, da es selbst keine Abgase erzeugt. Dank seiner Leichtbaukonstruktion besitzt es eine Reichweite von 80 Kilometern. Seine Höchstgeschwindigkeit liegt bei 45 Kilometern pro Stunde.
Tags // elektroantrieb  roller  scooter  tum 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4307 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1228 | Comments: 1
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Vier Modelle fallen im aktuellen Winterreifentest glatt durch und erhalten die Note „mangelhaft“. Aufgrund deutlicher Schwächen auf nasser Fahrbahn rät der ADAC vom Kauf des Kormoran Snowpro b2, des Maragoni 4 Winter E+, des Interstate Winter IWT-2 und des Sailun Ice Blazer WSL-2 ab. Verbraucher haben dennoch eine große Auswahl: Insgesamt haben ADAC und Stiftung Warentest 32 Modelle untersucht - elf Reifen erhalten ein „gut“ und sind damit besonders empfehlenswert. Gleich sieben gute Reifenmodelle gibt es in der kleinen Dimension mit der Größe 185/60 R15T (z.B. für Audi A 1, Citroën C3, Fiat Punto Renault Clio, VW Polo). Testsieger mit Bestnoten auf nasser Fahrbahn sowie auf Schnee und auf Eis ist der Continental ContiWinterContact TS850. Der neu entwickelte Dunlop Winter Response-2 überzeugt die Tester besonders auf nasser Fahrbahn, auf Schnee und beim Kraftstoffverbrauch. Ebenfalls sparsam ist der Semperit Speed-Grip 2. Der Michelin Alpin A4 glänzt beim Verschleiß und der Nokian WR D3 überzeugt auf trockener Fahrbahn. Bei den größeren Reifen (225/45 R17H z.B. für Audi A 3, Mercedes C-Klasse, Opel Astra, Skoda Oktavia) schneiden vier Produkte mit „gut“ ab. Drei Modelle setzen nach Ansicht der Tester besondere Akzente: Der Continental ContiWinterContact TS850 mit der Topbewertung auf Schnee, der Bridgestone Blizzak LM-32S mit der Bestnote auf Nässe und der Michelin Alpin A4 mit dem geringsten Verschleiß. Der ADAC Winterreifentest hat insgesamt 18 Prüfkategorien und bietet somit dem Verbraucher umfassende Informationen. Es wird unter anderem ein Praxistest auf einer verschneiten Passstraße, umfangreiche Brems- und Ausweichversuche auf Nässe, Schnee und Eis sowie Tests zu Verschleiß und Kraftstoffverbrauch durchgeführt. Im Gegensatz dazu bietet das EU-Reifenlabel nur Informationen zu Rollwiderstand, Nassbremsen und Außenfahrgeräusch - wie wintertauglich ein Pneu ist, zeigt es nicht.
Tags // winter  reifen  winterreifen  test  adac 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4146 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 1134 | Comments: 1
      Migrate to 3DCart in no time! Find out how easy and quickly you can migrate your products, customers, orders and all the corresponding data from more than 45 popular shopping carts to 3DCart with Cart2Cart! You don't need to be a programmer or hire one to conduct the migration process. It's completely web-based, so there's no software to install and you can get started right away. Start your FREE Demo Migration to 3DCart at
Tags // 3dcart  migration  migrate  to  3dcart  move  to  3dcart  how  to  migrate  to  3dcart  3d  cart  migration 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4387 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m45s | Views: 1093 | Comments: 0
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AARP Travel (, a valuable resource for America’s 76 million baby boomers who spend over $120 billion annually in leisure travel, today announced new research related to SOLO TRAVEL. Traveling solo has become a transformative way for people 45+ to get away and have the freedom to set their own schedules. Travel Channel host and AARP Travel Ambassador Samantha Brown and AARP Travel offer some valuable tips and even some discounts on solo vacations at To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3700 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 1081 | Comments: 0
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BMM, Asia’s only Midnight Marathon, was conceived by Rotary Bangalore IT Corridor (RBITC) and the first edition run was held on 19th May 2007. Since then this event is growing from year to year and today people from more than 20 countries are participating in this event and also the number of runners from 2400 in the Year 2007 has increased to 10,000 runners apart from 45 Corporates participating in the event held in 2013, being the seventh edition run. RBITC’s effort in making BMM as a mega event is laudable as it focuses both on bringing about awareness amongst today's youth of the need to be physically fit and mentally strong and also transforming this as a vehicle for raising funds for various charitable activities, aimed at bringing about a difference in the lives of the underprivileged section of the society. To-day BMM has become the largest fund raising platform for RBITC. Some of the major activities undertaken by them are Adoption of Government Schools, Medical Surgeries, Free Eye Surgeries, Holding Blood Donation Camps, Integrated Village Development, Potable Water Project etc. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 3704 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m27s | Views: 1056 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated Free Pick-up and drop off To-N-Fro from your respective places. * Pick Up time 05:30 AM and drop off time around 10:30 AM.* Desert Driving / Dune bashing in 4WD (Toyota Land Cruiser) by professional drivers * Dune Breakfast * Beautiful sunrise while doing one-hour Camel trekking deep in the desert.* 45 minutes Quad Bike driving (ATV)on the beautiful sand dunes.*Complimentary Arabian Head Scarf* Pictures with national bird - Arabian Falcon* Sand-boarding in the high sand dunes * Complimentary mineral water *Complimentary souvenir Pictures For further inquiry please feel free to Contact Us. Awaiting your confirmation Call or WhatsApp 00971502661837
Tags // desert  safari 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2180 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 1045 | Comments: 0
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