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Results 433-444 of 553 for ' research ' (0 seconds)
Combining their expertise in clinical trials support and cellular therapies, BloodCenter of Wisconsin (BCW) and the San Diego Blood Bank (SDBB) have created a strategic partnership to accelerate advancements in research and patient care. Together, BloodCenter of Wisconsin and San Diego Blood Bank will offer Celluvative™ – a portfolio of products and clinical trial services that will include esoteric laboratory testing, blood products for research and manufacturing applications, cell processing, and access to a broad database of diverse donors who have expressed interest in clinical trials. “Through the strength of our partnership, we are able to offer end-to-end services to academic organizations, research institutions and other industry partners who are working to develop novel cellular therapy approaches,” said Matthew Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., medical director, BloodCenter of Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories. “Among other offerings, our Celluvative portfolio enables access to an extremely diverse donor database – an invaluable resource to enable advances in the area of regenerative medicine and drug discovery.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3191 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 834 | Comments: 1
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ClosetMaid®, the industry leader in home storage and organization, has launched KidSpace™, a new collection of kid-tested and approved juvenile storage furniture. Comprised of 10 laminate storage items and a variety of compatible fabric drawers and wire frame fabric bins, this new line is attractive, durable, functional, safe and kid-friendly. Designed to be affordable and gender-neutral to look good anywhere in the home, KidSpace helps kids take a more active part in getting and staying organized. The entire product line ranges in price from $7.99 to $69.99 and will be available for purchase on, popular online retailers and at select stores. “Considering $22 billion is spent annually on toys in the USA, we created KidSpace to help keep them all organized,” said Scott Davis, vice president of product development and marketing, ClosetMaid. “Our research showed most storage products on the market classified as Juvenile/Kids were general items like bookcases and soft storage, so we wanted to take it a step further to offer something more to consumers.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2855 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 837 | Comments: 2
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Announced today by VICHY Laboratoires, the VICHY EXPOSOME GRANT will promote and encourage research activity on the skin exposome. One research grant of 15 000 € will be awarded annually to a research project proposal in the field of exposome and skin. What is exposome? The human body is subjected to and responds to complex exposures throughout the lifespan, including exposures from the environment, diet, lifestyle. For this highly complex interaction, the term exposome was recently coined by Dr. Christopher Wild at the World Health Organization‘s International Agency for Research on Cancer. The exposome analysis, therefore, complements the human genome by providing a comprehensive description of individuals’ lifelong environmental exposures. Exposome research aims to look at the holistic view of the human body’s exposures, how the body responds to those exposures, and their combined effects. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3290 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 837 | Comments: 0
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Wheels Up, the revolutionary membership-based private aviation company, officially unveiled the first-ever pink Beechcraft King Air 350i aircraft yesterday evening at the Westchester County Airport in White Plains, New York, in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The event hosted by Kenny Dichter, Founder and CEO of Wheels Up, kicked off the #WheelsUpGoesPink campaign in support of the Company’s ongoing commitment to the Dubin Breast Center of The Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai in New York City, one of the world’s most renowned and advanced facilities for breast cancer treatment and research. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3435 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 829 | Comments: 3
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Educators engage with the most vulnerable populations and good intentions aren’t enough to drive decisions. Ethics goes beyond a simple right vs. wrong and there is a clear and compelling gap in educators’ professional continuum. Now, the research-based ProEthica™ program offers educators techniques and strategies for improving awareness of professional risks and vulnerabilities, and for the application of professional ethics in daily decision making. Developed by Educational Testing Service (ETS), the ProEthica online educator ethics training program is research-based and designed for teachers and educational leaders. Through a series of interactive modules that combine instruction and checks for understanding, the ProEthica program uses real-life scenario-based simulations and activities to help educators establish an understanding of ethical principles and decision making, and learn how to apply them in their daily practice. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3243 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 828 | Comments: 1
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Nearly three in four American voters (74 percent) favor increasing federal funding for cancer research, according to the results of a new national survey conducted on behalf of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). The survey results were released today in conjunction with the AACR’s fifth annual Cancer Progress Report. The report highlights how federally funded research can power progress against cancer and urges Congress and the administration to implement a strategy for providing annual budget increases of at least 7 percent for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in fiscal year 2016 and thereafter. The national survey, which was conducted by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies, shows that five out of every six voters recognize what the AACR Cancer Progress Report 2015 details: that progress is being made against cancer. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3458 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 832 | Comments: 0
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Don’t trust us, trust Science: Abbott is among the best science-based companies to work for in the world. For the 13th consecutive year, the journal Science today recognized Abbott on its Top Employers list, evaluated on 23 characteristics including financial strength, easy adaptation to change and a having a research-driven environment. ”Abbott is unique in that we’ve been adding to our reservoir of scientific knowledge for 128 years,“ said John Frels, Ph.D., chair of Abbott’s Scientific Governing Board, which oversees the company’s senior scientific career track. ”We strive to bring in the best and brightest scientists and engineers to work on some of the biggest problems in healthcare today. This helps us to create new, breakthrough innovations that change people’s lives.“ To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3050 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 828 | Comments: 0
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Announced today by VICHY Laboratoires, the VICHY EXPOSOME GRANT will promote and encourage research activity on the skin exposome. One research grant of 15 000 € will be awarded annually to a research project proposal in the field of exposome and skin. What is exposome? The human body is subjected to and responds to complex exposures throughout the lifespan, including exposures from the environment, diet, lifestyle. For this highly complex interaction, the term exposome was recently coined by Dr. Christopher Wild at the World Health Organization‘s International Agency for Research on Cancer. The exposome analysis, therefore, complements the human genome by providing a comprehensive description of individuals’ lifelong environmental exposures. Exposome research aims to look at the holistic view of the human body’s exposures, how the body responds to those exposures, and their combined effects. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3290 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 829 | Comments: 0
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Building on the results of the largest behaviour change study on physical activity, Vitality and its global network of insurers have collectively committed to improving the health of millions over the next seven years. This is in line with the World Health Organizations’ Global Action Plan on Physical Activity, which aims to address the dramatic growth in lifestyle diseases, caused in part by a lack of exercise. Incentives and Physical Activity, conducted by leading independent research institute, RAND Europe, found an average 34% increase in activity levels of participants using Vitality Active Rewards with Apple Watch. The study examined the behaviours of over 400 000 people in the UK, US and South Africa. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2280 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m52s | Views: 828 | Comments: 1
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In the fourth edition of its annual trend report, Ericsson ConsumerLab presents the hottest consumer trends for 2015 and beyond. Michael Björn, Head of Research, Ericsson ConsumerLab, says: "Services and products that quite recently seemed beyond imagination are now easily accepted and believed to rapidly reach the mass market. With only five years until 2020, the future really does seem closer than ever before." To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Added: 3738 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 814 | Comments: 1
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Soy consumption is up 14 percent since 2011,26 yet confusion lingers over soy’s role in everything from human health to food production. To clear up misperceptions, the United Soybean Board (USB) busts five common soy myths with science-backed facts on 1) Eating soy does not increase breast cancer risk. Clinical studies show soy isoflavone exposure does not adversely affect breast tissue as assessed by markers of breast cancer risk, such as breast cell proliferation.1–7 The American Institute for Cancer Research and the American Cancer Society say that women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer can safely consume soyfoods. In fact, the World Cancer Research Fund International has identified a link between soy consumption and an improved survival of breast cancer patients.8-9 “Not only does evidence indicate soyfoods may benefit women with breast cancer, but consuming soy when young helps prevent the onset of this disease later in life27-30,” stated Mark Messina, Ph.D., who has dedicated the past 30 years to understanding the health effects of soyfoods. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3128 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 815 | Comments: 0
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The Astana Economic Forum 2016 is to take place in Astana, Kazakhstan on May 25-26. The theme of the AEF - "New economic reality: diversification, innovation and knowledge economy" - is related to global changes in the world determined by the development of a new economic reality and a number of challenges in geopolitics, the economy and financial systems. This year AEF is organized by the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, the “Economic Research Institute” JSC, and the "Economic Initiatives Fund of Kazakhstan" CF. The Forum will host 20 events which are focused on four main subthemes: global economy, economic diversification, innovation and technology, and knowledge economy. AEF 2016 expects 3,000 delegates, including renowned politicians, international economists, Nobel Prize winners, heads of international organizations and representatives of influential media to attend. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3205 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 816 | Comments: 0
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