Cast appearance:
Peddler - Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)
Gazeem the Thief - Mr. Snoops (The Rescuers)
Jafar - McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under)
Iago - Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Cave of Wonders - Monster House
Aladdin - Kermit the Frog (The Muppets)
Razoul and his Henchmen - The Gangreen Gang (The Powerpuff Girls)
Woman at the Window - Mulan
Ladies Laughing at Aladdin - Flowers (Alice in Wonderland (1951)) including Madeline Kahn
Abu - Conker the Squirrel (Conker\'s Bad Fur Day)
Three Balcony Harem Girls - Muses (Hercules)
Three Balcony Harem GIrls\' Mother - Pocahontas
Necklace Man and Woman - Philoctetes (Hercules) and Rapunzel (Tangled)
Fat Ugly Lady - Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls)
Two Hungry Children - Roo (Winnie the Pooh) and Lumpy (Pooh\'s Heffalump Movie)
Prince Achmed - Hercules
Two men watching Prince Achmed - Pain and Panic (Hercules)
Sultan - Pumbaa (The Lion King)
Rajah - Tod (The Fox and the Hound)
Jasmine - Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Cast appearance:
Peddler - Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)
Gazeem the Thief - Mr. Snoops (The Rescuers)
Jafar - McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under)
Iago - Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Cave of Wonders - Monster House
Aladdin - Kermit the Frog (The Muppets)
Razoul and his Henchmen - The Gangreen Gang (The Powerpuff Girls)
Woman at the Window - Mulan
Ladies Laughing at Aladdin - Flowers (Alice in Wonderland (1951)) including Madeline Kahn
Abu - Conker the Squirrel (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
Three Balcony Harem Girls - Muses (Hercules)
Three Balcony Harem GIrls' Mother - Pocahontas
Necklace Man and Woman - Philoctetes (Hercules) and Rapunzel (Tangled)
Fat Ugly Lady - Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls)
Two Hungry Children - Roo (Winnie the Pooh) and Lumpy (Pooh's Heffalump Movie)
Prince Achmed - Hercules
Two men watching Prince Achmed - Pain and Panic (Hercules)
SUBSCRIBE to see more of Andy & Ben Do Mexico: into the heart of Mexico. This
episode sees the boys find the Mexico they were looking for when they
arrive in the deeply-traditional town of Puebla. Here, they experience
some of the finest dining and flavours in the country at the acclaimed
restaurant El Mural de los Poblanos. Andy & Ben are
never far from a Mexican market and Episode 2's market experience is as
full on as you'd expect - mountains of food, intense flavours and their
own, personal one-man-band.To top it off the boys eat a kilo of
meat, each, and stumble across a local area commonly known as 'Sweet
Street', which sees Ben and his sweet tooth in his natural habitat. Edited by Kent HauDesign by DavrosAssociate Producer Madeleine GasparinatosDigital Designer Alex De BonisMusic by Audio Network
Cast appearance:
Peddler - Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)
Gazeem the Thief - Mr. Snoops (The Rescuers)
Jafar - McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under)
Iago - Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Cave of Wonders - Monster House
Aladdin - Kermit the Frog (The Muppets)
Razoul and his Henchmen - The Gangreen Gang (The Powerpuff Girls)
Woman at the Window - Mulan
Ladies Laughing at Aladdin - Flowers (Alice in Wonderland (1951)) including Madeline Kahn
Abu - Conker the Squirrel (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
Three Balcony Harem Girls - Muses (Hercules)
Three Balcony Harem GIrls' Mother - Pocahontas
Necklace Man and Woman - Philoctetes (Hercules) and Rapunzel (Tangled)
Fat Ugly Lady - Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls)
Two Hungry Children - Roo (Winnie the Pooh) and Lumpy (Pooh's Heffalump Movie)
Prince Achmed - Hercules
Two men watching Prince Achmed - Pain and Panic (Hercules)
Sultan - Pumbaa (The Lion King)
Rajah - Adult Tod (The Fox and the Hound)
Jasmine - Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Omar; Melon Seller - Tantor (Tarzan)
Pot Seller - Woody (Toy Story)
Nut Seller - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Necklace Seller - Hamm (Toy Story)
Fish Seller - Rex (Toy Story)
Fire Eater - Mr. Potato Head (Toy Story)
Boy wanting an apple - Andy (Toy Story)
Farouk; Apple Seller - Edgar (The Aristocats)
Old Jafar - Mr. Nebbercracker (Monster House)
Filmed at Canalot Su dios and Syon House, the Man sion of the Duke of Northum ber land, Lon don/UK
Di rect ed by Ju lian Grif fith
Pro duced by Jere my Godd
Lyrics and Music by Barry Blue and Marco Sabiu
Recording produced by Barry Blue and The Rapino Brothers
Recorded at Matrix Studios, London/UK
Cast appearance:
Peddler - Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)
Gazeem the Thief - Mr. Snoops (The Rescuers)
Jafar - McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under)
Iago - Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Cave of Wonders - Monster House
Aladdin - Kermit the Frog (The Muppets)
Razoul and his Henchmen - The Gangreen Gang (The Powerpuff Girls)
Woman at the Window - Mulan
Ladies Laughing at Aladdin - Flowers (Alice in Wonderland (1951)) including Madeline Kahn
Abu - Conker the Squirrel (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
Three Balcony Harem Girls - Muses (Hercules)
Three Balcony Harem GIrls' Mother - Pocahontas
Necklace Man and Woman - Philoctetes (Hercules) and Rapunzel (Tangled)
Fat Ugly Lady - Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls)
Two Hungry Children - Roo (Winnie the Pooh) and Lumpy (Pooh's Heffalump Movie)
Prince Achmed - Hercules
Two men watching Prince Achmed - Pain and Panic (Hercules)
Sultan - Pumbaa (The Lion King)
Rajah - Adult Tod (The Fox and the Hound)
Jasmine - Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Omar; Melon Seller - Tantor (Tarzan)
Pot Seller - Woody (Toy Story)
Nut Seller - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Necklace Seller - Hamm (Toy Story)
Fish Seller - Rex (Toy Story)
Fire Eater - Mr. Potato Head (Toy Story)
Boy wanting an apple - Andy (Toy Story)
Farouk; Apple Seller - Edgar (The Aristocats)
Click: Sarantos Releases Newest Rap Hip Hop Music Video That Will Answer The Break-Up Question - “Why”
Sarantos helps every woman out there who has ever wondered what a man thinks about after a relationship ends and when an ex refuses to answer them.
For most of his life when Sarantos had to go through a breakup, he would always turn to his dad for advice. Sadly, not too long ago Sarantos lost his devoted father after a hard-fought battle to lung cancer. This experience had a major impact on Sarantos' life, enabling him to overcome any obstacle that may present itself. The Chicago singer has since been driven to remain strong and positive not just for himself but also for his friends & fans.
The promising artist quickly responded to his fans' request by releasing the music video to his rap hip hop song "Why." With this newly released video, Sarantos hopes to encourage everyone to mend their heart and use their new-found understanding to move forward with their lives.
“Going through life’s hardships has given me the willpower to write songs and to sing from the heart,” says Sarantos. “I wouldn’t have had the passion or energy to strive for my dreams if it wasn’t for my loving family and friends. I know my father would have been very proud of me!”
Sarantos just released his 7th music video for “Why.” The song was released on July 1st, 2014.
Sarantos describes it as, “a hip and powerful rap song that answers the basic questions on every woman's mind about their relationship. Why does he love me? Why does he put up with me? Why does he stay here? Does he care for me? Does he really love me? The answer is lengthy and before he met you, he couldn't tell anyone why but now he can. He tells her exactly why!”
Sarantos has a strong motivation with his musical passion to raise money for charity. One-third of any music-related sales profits are going straight to charity. For “Why,” Sarantos has chosen the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation. His love for helping others to improve has always been his motivation, and now, his music can reflect that.
Sarantos Facebook artist page:
Sarantos Twitter:
Sarantos Youtube:
Sarantos iTunes:
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