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Embark on John E. Quinlan’s remarkable journey from the halls of high finance through back roads and mountain passes on his Harley and then on to the rainforest of Papua New Guinea, where he and his wife Fiona, start an organic coffee community venture with over 2,500 tribal farmers. Fraught with intrigue, danger, humor and the power of love, John Quinlan’s book is both a philosophical look at his inner man, and a page-turning adventure as they are shot at, participate in a tribal ritual to wipe a curse from their village, and fall at the hands of betrayal, sabotage, and even attempted murder. Find out more at Self Help, non fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2923 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 923 | Comments: 1
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Francesco Boni - Senza xdere il bene e' x vivere meglio REMIX 2014
Categories // Music  Funny  People and Blog 
Added: 3782 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 913 | Comments: 3



Klişe bir laf ama adamlar uzaya araç gönderirken, İslam dünyasında hâlâ dünya düz mü değil mi diye tartışılması gerçekten trajik. Bu tartışma birçok müslümana bile saçma gelecektir eminim. Ancak konu din olunca ve her şeyin ölçütü kutsal kitaplar olarak görüldüğünde, gerçeklerin orada yazanlara uydurulması bilindik bir durum haline gelmekte. İşte bu sebeple, 1975 yılında Suudi Arabistan'ın en önemli din otoritesi kabul edilen Şeyh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz tarafından Dünya'nın düz olduğu fetvası verilmiş ve buna inanmayanların dinsiz kabul edilerek, cezelandırılması gerektiği bildirilmiştir. Bugün, ülkemizde, hadisleri baz alarak Adem'in dinozorlarla aynı dönemde yaşadığını ve 30 m. uzunlukta olduğunu söyleyen biyoloji profesörlerimiz varken, dünyanın düz olduğunu söyleyen uzmanlar hiçbir müslümanı da şaşırtmamalı. ("Kuran'da Dünya'nın düz olarak geçtiğini söyleyenlere itirazınız var da, evrim yalandır diyenlere niye yok?" diye bir soru yönlendirilebilir kendilerine.) Şüphesiz buna inananlar sadece müslümanlar değil. 1956 yılında Britanya'da, Flat Earth Society (Düz Dünya Cemiyeti) adıyla, Dünya'nın düz olduğunu savunan ve bugün hala aktif olan bir organizasyon bile kuruldu. Bilim karşıtlığı hiçbir zaman popülaritesini yitirmiyor. Konuyla ilgili olarak aşağıdaki kaynaklara bakmanızı da tavsiye ederim: (İngilizce) (Zekeriya bin Mahmut el Kazvini'nin 16. yy'da Arapça'dan Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş astronomi kitabı Acaibul Mahlukat'tan alınan bu tasvirde, Dünya bir büyükbaş hayvanın üzerinde duran düz bir disk olarak tasvir ediliyor.)
Tags // video  super  ilginc  film  bilim  dunya  islam  duz  kutsal  kitap  kuran  din  yuvarlak  gunes  fetva 
Added: 2991 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 914 | Comments: 3
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Audi präsentiert den Sport quattro concept, das Audi A3 Cabriolet, den AUDI A8 und das cross over concept nanuk. Quattro ist Audi und Audi ist quattro – die Marke und die Technologie gehören untrennbar zusammen. Das wird auch auf der IAA in Frankfurt sichtbar, wo die Ingolstädter zum 30. Geburtstag des Sport quattro präsentiert dessen legitimen Nachfolger präsentieren. Das Showcar Audi Sport quattro concept führt die große quattro-Tradition fort – mit beeindruckendem Coupé-Design und einem Plug-in-Hybridantrieb...
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4199 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 911 | Comments: 1
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Christian Louboutin is pleased to announce an exclusive capsule collection, a first-of-its-kind collaboration, with, the newly launched e-concept store for men devoted to sport and style. Taking inspiration from the Sporty Henri motto, “Mettre Le Sport En Valeur,” Christian Louboutin created four limited edition styles, each based on beloved and highly collectible sneaker silhouettes in his men’s collection including a classic high top in the SH Bip Bip Flat and low rise SH Louis Junior. The trainers leverage the Sporty Henri brand’s clean colour palette of white, cobalt blue and black, as well as the distinctive logo – a playful and elegant profile inspired by founder and former French professional handball player Henri Tai. SH One Flat and SH Blue Flat feature Maison regular spike detailing whilst all the designs are finished with the signature Christian Louboutin red sole, here in relaxed rubber. Of the limited edition collection, Christian Louboutin says, “It’s a real pleasure for me to touch and create some exclusive designs which, I think, represent the values that are dear to Henri: sport mixed with style in a fun and colourful way. I am thrilled to be part of the new adventure of, and I wish their team and their clients all the best in a sporty and stylish world.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3100 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 913 | Comments: 0
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The National Limousine Association (NLA) and When Georgia Smiled: The Robin McGraw Revelation Foundation (WGS) join forces on The Aspire Initiative, a domestic violence program, which aims to reduce the level of intimate relationship violence in the US and instill the importance of bystander responsibility. With an escalating number of passenger assaults alleged against ride-hailing app drivers, the NLA believes Aspire is vital to ending violence and sexual assault. Robin McGraw announced the partnership in a video message posted to her Foundation’s Facebook timeline on Friday, November 20th. The message was then shared by Robin’s husband and television personality Dr. Phil McGraw to his show’s Facebook page timeline on Monday, November 23rd. The Aspire Initiative is available free of charge and includes a potentially-lifesaving smartphone app, Aspire News, a smartphone app available as a free download on Google Play, as well as at, that allows the user to create a pre-written text or voice message to be sent to designated numbers (i.e., 911 or other chosen contacts) with just the tap of a button. The ignition of the app‘s “go button” also starts a recording to capture the details of the domestic violence encounter and/or other dangerous events taking place. Aspire News is designed to appear like any other smart phone app to the untrained eye, allowing it to be downloaded and used discreetly. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3395 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 912 | Comments: 0
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Diyanet'e bağlı fetva hattı olarak bilinen “” adresinden yayın yapan internet sitesinde "Bir babanın öz kızına şehvet duymasının hangi koşullarda haram hangi koşullarda haram olmadığına dair ilginç açıklamalar yapıldı. gün boyu gelen tepkilerin ardından, tartışma konusu olan yazı diyanetin resmi sitesinden kaldırıldı ve bunun haberini yapanlara dava açılacağı duyuruldu.
Tags // sapik  deist  ateist  diyanet  fetva  baba  kiz  hatti  oz  sehvet  resmi  site  skandal  allah 
Added: 1938 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 908 | Comments: 0
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The 6th forum has become a record-breaking one by every measure by gathering 18,200 participants from 98 countries. During three thematic day-long sessions on business, government and society, presentations of more than 650 speakers took place. Within the framework of the forum business program and in the press center 42 agreements were signed, including 24 partnership agreements with the Skolkovo Foundation. Notably some agreements deal with billion ruble infrastructural projects, such as, e.g. deploying the 5G network in Skolkovo, while other ones suggest direct investments of hundred million rubles, such as the agreement between VEB and IIDF amounting to 200 million dollars or the agreement between IBS company and “Skolkovo Venture – IT I” amounting to 100 million rubles. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2685 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m34s | Views: 901 | Comments: 2
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For over a quarter century, PBS has inspired viewers with the annual broadcast of the multi award-winning NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT, dedicated to our men and women in uniform, their families at home and all those who have given their lives for our country. Live from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, the night of remembrance will honor the over 400,000 valiant men and women who are laid to rest in the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery; and chronicle the experiences of the millions of American veterans who still suffer from the seen and unseen wounds of war. Tony Award-winner Joe Mantegna (CRIMINAL MINDS) and Emmy Award-winner Gary Sinise (CRIMINAL MINDS: WITHOUT BORDERS) are set to co-host this poignant and heart-warming event for the 11th year. The acclaimed actors, whose dedication to the show is evident, are also longtime supporters of veterans’ causes and our troops in active service. The all-star line-up includes: distinguished American leader General Colin L. Powell USA (Ret.); world-renowned four-time Grammy Award-winning classical superstar Renée Fleming; iconic music legends The Beach Boys; gifted actress and singer Katharine McPhee (SCORPION); country music star and Grammy-nominated member of the Grand Ole Opry Trace Adkins; Emmy, Golden Globe and SAG Award-winning actress S. Epatha Merkerson (CHICAGO MED, LAW & ORDER); Award-winning actor Esai Morales (MOZART IN THE JUNGLE); plus Tony Award-winning international sensation Alfie Boe, who is currently starring in Finding Neverland on Broadway; in performance with the National Symphony Orchestra under the direction of top pops conductor Jack Everly. And marking the end of an era, Trent Harmon, the final winner of AMERICAN IDOL, will open the show with a special performance of the “National Anthem.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3214 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 898 | Comments: 1
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Richard Dawkins gençlere yönelik olarak Evren, Dünya, canlılar ve diğer birçok konuya ilişkin sorulara bilimle cevap verdiği son kitabı The Magic of Reality'deki "İlk İnsan Kimdi?" adlı bölümde bahsi geçen, gözle görülemeyen evrimi (diğer bir deyişle bakteri ve virüslerdeki kadar hızlı görülmeyen) kavrayabilmemiz için bir düşünce deneyi gerçekleştiriyor. Evrim sürekli devam eden bir süreç. Bu yüzden milyonlarca yıllık bir ağaç üzerinde sadece belli duraklardaki dallara bakarak çeşitli isimler veriyoruz: Homo sapiens (modern insan), Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis gibi... Hepsi bu zincirin bir devamı olduğundan ilk insan kimdi sorusu da anlamını yitiriyor. Önce bebek, sonra çocuk, sonra yetişkin, en sonunda da yaşlanmamız gibi bu kesintisiz süreç hep devam ediyor ve bebeklik, çocukluk vs. diye adlandırdığımız, ancak kendimizde göremediğimiz bu aşamaları fotoğraf karelerine aldığımızda bir ayrım yapabiliyoruz ancak. Kitap bir yayınevi tarafından henüz Türkçe'ye çevrilme aşamasında.
Added: 3026 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 897 | Comments: 2
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Olives from Spain offers American consumers great recipes with this millenary ingredient from the Mediterranean, during their Have an Olive Day campaign. Ideal in high temperature weather, olives are a key component of the Mediterranean Diet which is part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The supply of olives - is extensive with numerous formats and more than eighty types of fillings. The versatility of European olives means they can be used in any recipe as they combine four classic flavours; sour, bitter, sweet and savoury. The antioxidants maintain cell integrity furthermore; olives are a natural source of antioxidant Vitamin E. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2427 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 896 | Comments: 1
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Employees and consumers are gaining greater influence over corporations' behavior thanks to a surge in e-commerce and social sharing, according to Sodexo's 2015 Workplace Trends Report, released today. A new form of public accountability, dubbed "Rateocracy," is putting unprecedented pressure on companies to act transparently, highlighting one of the major shifts in how the workplace is changing in response to technology and cultural expectations. The report provides an in-depth analysis of nine notable implications accompanying this new era of Rateocracy, including the need for constant real-time reputation management and the new role of the CEO, which is to communicate an honest and aspirational vision that connects employees and consumers. Transparency is particularly important in addressing public relations challenges that are increasingly being amplified through social channels. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 3695 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m38s | Views: 898 | Comments: 2
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