Download Free Recipes at How to cook tofu ? Sounds difficult? Here is the most easy way to prepare the tofu dish. It is the best nutrition food source for people who is working on weight loss. Prepare Cold Tofu is Simple, fast and ready in 5 minutes. How to cook tofu ? Not necessary, just open and serving. 1. 1 Box MoriNu Soft Tofu, Silken. 2. 1 Kikkoman Hon Tsuyu or 1 Kimlan Soy Paste. 3. 1 Green onion, 1 carrot , 1 broccoli. Done. Get the Free Recipe Download at our blog.
Energy efficiency is at the heart of Europe’s growth and transition to a resource efficient economy. The European Union aims to save 20% of its primary energy consumption by 2020 (compared to what has been forecast). Everyone’s contribution is crucial in meeting this goal. By better insulating buildings we can reduce energy consumption by 28% by 2020. By choosing modern energy-efficient refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers etc. we can use significantly less energy than with older appliances. By buying lighter vehicles or using low fuel consumption tyres we can double the fuel efficiency of an average car.
This video clip provides an overview of the European Union’s energy efficiency objectives and shows how each of us can make the difference, be it in our professional or private life. This video clip was disseminated in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria and United Kingdom.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
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