Allen Edmonds, a premium men’s shoe manufacturer headquartered in Port Washington, Wis., celebrates out-of-the-box thinking and innovative design in its second annual collaboration with Parsons The New School for Design.
Parsons design students were invited to explore Allen Edmonds’ design archives and collaborate with master shoemakers to reimagine classic American style. Students brought a range of ideas to the table - including sustainable materials and Midwestern values.
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The biggest annual event in the Fashion Retail Academy’s Calendar, the FRA Awards Ceremony took place yesterday and was attended by Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education. Nick Grimshaw also made a guest appearance to present the Commitment Award. The Awards acknowledge the success of FRA graduate students and pave the way for them to begin their careers within the Industry. Sir Philip Green (Arcadia), Jason Tarry (F&F for Tesco), Christos Angelides (Next) and John Dixon (Marks and Spencer) all presented at the event as key sponsors of the FRA.
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The Wingman, a new condom from the Netherlands, has won the iF Gold Award 2014. A price which is considered the highest international distinction, “the Oscar for product design.” Newcomer Wingman now joins a line of renowned winners such as Apple, Nokia, Philips and Porsche.
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Holiday car thieves had their busiest day in 2014 on, ironically, Labor Day, stealing 2,200 vehicles according to new data released today by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). NICB’s 2014 Annual Holiday Vehicle Theft Report analyzes data from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), which showed a total of 695,246 vehicle thefts for the year.
After Labor Day, New Year’s Day was the next most active holiday with 2,011 thefts. Halloween came in third with 2,010 thefts followed by Memorial Day with 1,933 thefts. Independence Day rounds out the top five holidays for 2014 with 1,877 thefts.
The holidays with the fewest thefts in 2014 were Christmas Day with 1,225 thefts and Thanksgiving with 1,384 thefts.
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New survey results from Connections Academy,, one of the country’s leading providers of full-time online school for students in grades K through 12, reveals the reasons parents enroll their children in online schools. The results are from the Connections Academy 2014 Parent Satisfaction Survey, an annual third-party survey now in its twelfth year. All families with students enrolled at the time of the survey were invited to participate – 45% of the families responded to the survey, totaling more than 18,000 respondents. The survey results suggest key explanations for the continuing growth of virtual schooling in the United States.
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60 years, countless stories. As PR Newswire celebrates 60 years of press release distribution and multimedia engagement, the focus remains on the future of communications.
With the rapid evolution of technology and a changing communications landscape, public relations and marketing professionals must rethink their strategies. These shifts require a multi-faceted approach that capitalizes on digital, social and mobile to cut through the noise and generate buzz in the market.
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After nearly eight years of careful planning, guests from across Illinois gathered today in Lake Forest to celebrate the ceremonial opening of the new Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital, which will officially open on March 3, 2018.
The new state-of-the-art hospital, which broke ground in 2014, will provide patients convenient access to world-class physicians with seamless access to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Illinois’s premier academic medical center when needed. The new Lake Forest Hospital will offer cutting-edge treatments and innovative clinical trials within a world class health system.
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Le plan de relance du Logement voté par le Parlement à la fin 2014 porte ses fruits : le dispositif Pinel, allié au nouveau zonage, séduit les investisseurs. La TVA à 5,5% dans 1.296 quartiers prioritaires, le développement du logement intermédiaire, la réduction des délais d’instruction des procédures d’urbanisme, tout comme la limitation des recours abusifs vont également contribuer à éclaircir les perspectives pour le secteur du logement.
Dans le même temps, la baisse des taux à laquelle on assiste depuis la fin 2013 équivaut, selon l’Observatoire Crédit Logement/CS, à un recul des prix d’achat de 10 %, tant sur le marché du neuf que sur celui de l’ancien. Malgré une légère remontée constatée fin août, les conditions de financement restent exceptionnellement favorables, et l’hypothèse d’une accentuation de la hausse demeure faible à court terme.
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Der ADAC hat jetzt in der Münchener Allerheiligen-Hofkirche vor rund 400 Gästen aus Industrie, Wirtschaft und Politik zum zehnten Mal seine begehrten Mobilitätspreise „Gelber Engel