LIFEWTR, the premium water brand that believes art is as essential to life as water, is committing to advancing arts education in schools nationwide as the foundation of where creativity begins. New research shows we are heading toward a creativity crisis in schools – 91% of American parents agree that arts education is important to teach children to think outside the box, yet 4 in 5 people say that arts education is not being offered as much as it once wasi. This week, in partnership with Americans for the Arts during its National Arts Action Summit, LIFEWTR announced its commitment to making every day vibrant by infusing creativity into schools across the U.S., reaching 10 million students through school and community beautification projects and arts education programming as part of its continued collaboration with Scholastic.
“At LIFEWTR we believe that arts education plays an invaluable role in helping students achieve success and reach their full potential in school and beyond,” said Alexis Porter, Senior Director, LIFEWTR Marketing. “Students involved in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievementii, which is why it’s more important than ever to #BringArtBackToSchools. Through our collaboration with Scholastic and Americans for the Arts, we are making a concerted effort to impact 10 million students nationwide through arts education programming and to preserve the critical source of where creativity begins, in our schools.”
To view the multimedia release go to:
A cartoon character from a Buddhist temple in Beijing has been making waves online. But Xian’er the monk is no ordinary two-dimensional comic strip – he’s a walking, talking, 24-inch high robot who can chant, answer questions and interact with his surroundings.
Xian’er the robot monk is not the first high-tech solution to Buddhist teachings from Longquan Temple. The institution is staffed by monks who operate computers and smart phones along with their prayer beads and singing bowls. His creator, Master Xianfan joined the temple after graduating from China’s most prestigious art school – the Central Academy of Fine Arts
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Bukruk/ Thai-European Connection is the first large-scale collaboration between Thailand and Europe in the field of street art.
Organized by The Toot Yung Gallery, Nemo Studio, BKK Arthouse and sponsored by Bangkok Art and Cultural Center or BACC, and numerous European embassies based in Bangkok, the festival includes an art and design exhibition at BACC as well as graffiti artwork in public spaces around the Pathumwan intersection where the artists have created works on site in the beginning of February 2013
Live Looping with an RC- 300, GR-20, Digitech Jamman, phase shifter, ambient reverb, tera echo, and a Boss Digital Delay. The RC - 300 is used to loop guitar all on separate loops/tracks, the pedals are used to create ambient and delayed sounds with the guitar.
Video by HouseTwelve Media (
Epson, the number-one selling projector brand worldwide, today announced LightScene™ – a new category of accent lighting laser projectors for digital art and signage. LightScene is designed to simultaneously illuminate and project dynamic content on virtually any surface or material to engage audiences and provide an immersive experience for commercial signage applications in markets such as retail, hospitality, showrooms and museums. LightScene and other Epson laser projectors will be on display at Digital Signage Expo (DSE) 2018 in Las Vegas from March 28-29 at the Epson booth, #2336.
To view the multimedia release go to:
New Amsterdam® Vodka is teaming up with talented street artists across the country to launch the “It’s Your Town” Street Art event series– an eight-city tour showcasing original works by local artists that celebrate the vibrant culture and people who make each city come alive. Each artist will draw inspiration from their city surroundings to create eight original pieces of work. The crown jewel of each exhibition will be a larger-than-life outdoor mural for the entire city to enjoy.
The final collection of “It’s Your Town” artwork will feature pieces from all eight artists, creating an opportunity for fans across the country to recognize and celebrate the individual culture that makes their cities unique.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Bu videoda İslam'da kadının yeri tartışmasına son noktayı koyuyoruz.
/Nisa 34 ayeti (Diyanet Vakfı meali)
Allah'ın insanlardan bir kısmını diğerlerine üstün kılması sebebiyle ve mallarından harcama yaptıkları için erkekler kadınların yöneticisi ve koruyucusudur. Onun için sâliha kadınlar itaatkârdır. Allah'ın kendilerini korumasına karşılık gizliyi (kimse görmese de namuslarını) koruyucudurlar. Baş kaldırmasından endişe ettiğiniz kadınlara öğüt verin, onları yataklarda yalnız bırakın ve (bunlarla yola gelmezlerse) dövün. Eğer size itaat ederlerse artık onların aleyhine başka bir yol aramayın; çünkü Allah yücedir, büyüktür.
/video geçen hadis ve kaynak
3273 - Hz. Ömer (radiyallahu anh) anlatiyor: "Resûlullah aleyhissalatu vesselam buyurdular ki: "Erkege, hanimini ne sebeple dövdügü sorulmaz." Ebu Davud, Nikah 43, (2147)
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being a self-tight artist I know how difficult it can be to grow your art skills to a professional grade subscribe to the channel to learn how you can become the artist you've always wanted to be check out some of my newest tips tricks, and techniques I use to create the best drawing practice sessions for you, I'll be breaking down my personal practices to help you draw smarter not harder.
also be sure to check out my additional artist tips at the end of each video, packed with super beneficial artist vitamins to help you build great habits
American designer Sigrid Olsen announces reacquisition of rights to her namesake (“Sigrid Olsen”) brand this May. With success as a multi-million dollar national women’s fashion and lifestyle business, Sigrid revitalizes business potential focused on a unique vision of mindful design, beautiful products, and holistic experiences, with a unique commitment to creative well-being, nature, balance, simplicity and joy. Establishing a select team based between New York and Florida, she sets new sights on the creation of a coastal creative headquarters in Sarasota and opens her next chapter celebrating 30 years, combined, as an independent artist, creative entrepreneur, American fashion and home designer, and healthy wellbeing advocate and global retreat leader.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is collaborating with the University of North Carolina School of Medicine (UNC) to create a research partnership between patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the scientific community. CCFA Partners is a “patient-powered research network” for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (collectively known as IBD) that uses state-of-the-art bioinformatics to engage and gather information from patients that researchers can study and analyze along with clinical and other patient-generated data.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Carlsberg is celebrating its unique history with the re-launch of six of their its vintage labels, each telling a story of how the Danish beer company has been a first-mover in everything from long beards to international shipping.
From the creators of the pH scale and the first pure brewer’s yeast, the company that donates significant proportions of its earnings to support science, art and culture through the Carlsberg Foundation, and the company for whom phrases like “Open-Source” and “Corporate Social Responsibility” were part of the vocabulary centuries ago…
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
BHATAK NA BANDE A Short Film Promo A Presented by Jacob Films & Entertainment Directed by Bhavesh Mishra,Produced by Pradip Jacob, Lyrics, Story, Screenplay & Dialogue Pradip Jacob, D.O.P.: Chittranjan Dhal, Music Director: Raj Verma, Singers: Brijesh Shandilya, Art Director: Devendta Tawde, Costume Desighner Rekha Jacob, Starring : Harshit Mishra, Sumit Pathak, Mahesh Mehra, Ramji Mishra, Sujeet Patel, Rahul Singh, Advocate Kamlesh Singh, Renuka Shah, Rekha Jacob and Ramesh Goel.