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Results 349-360 of 1000 for ' about ' (1 seconds) Southern Bike Night TV is a biker reality series about the times and life of a biker. SBNTV gives a one of a kind look into the motorcycle world never before seen. There has been no other camera or show that has until now been able to produce this type of perspective. This is a show made by bikers for bikers to show the brotherhood, camradery, and love for one another, community, country, and for the open road. This is a show about the life and times of a biker and the events, poker runs, bike rallies, and where he rides to after purchasing a bike.
Tags // motorcycle  biker  bike  nights  harley  hog  harley  davidson 
Added: 5474 days ago by sbn_2010
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 8233 | Comments: 2
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David Morris, star of The Bucks of Tecomate talks about getting its first buck. Learn more about David Morris by logging on to:
Tags // david  morris 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5654 days ago by VersusCountry
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 8230 | Comments: 0
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If you\'re hankering after a movie that\'s all about pure action then FIGHT NIGHT delivers and introduces newcomer Rebecca Neuenswander to the ring. She hits hard and she\'s for real - check out this trailer for the UK DVD (out 13th July) to see what we mean! Optional if you have space: The winner of numerous international film awards FIGHT NIGHT tells the gripping story of a female prizefighter\'s experiences in the male-dominated world of illegal underground boxing. A brutal but invigorating film that explores the darker side of a world previously seen in films such as \
Categories // Miscellaneous  Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 5724 days ago by cultlabs
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 8198 | Comments: 1
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Introduction about windows movie maker video tutorials.
Tags // windows  movie  maker 
Added: 5797 days ago by j1030
Runtime: 2m22s | Views: 8194 | Comments: 3
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Return to Melissa Marr’s enchanting world in Radiant Shadows, where romance, danger, and intrigue collide. The future of Faerie rests on the choices of two individuals: Ani, half mortal and half fey, and Devlin, assassin and brother to the High Queen. Drawn together by their natures, each has reason to fear the other and to fear for each other. Radiant Shadows Melissa Marr Full Book Trailer Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5464 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 8192 | Comments: 1
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com Watch Reaper Online. Look at the Reaper Episode Guide here and enjoy all Reaper Episodes Online for free. Check out this great serie and enjoy it.. This video explains what it is about.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5643 days ago by josudiguez
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 8189 | Comments: 1
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Wolf was very remarkable! IN MEMORY OF WOLF! I was the owner of "WOLF" the real talking dog. WOLF was a Pomeranian. Some of the things WOLF spoke were: Hello, Hi Mom I want one! ( which means to us that he wants a doggie bone )I want one right now. May you enjoy watching a video clip of Wolf talking dog...Also you may type in Google: Wolf the Talking Pomeranian... Wolf, the World's only Talking Pomeranian passed away on September 14th 2006. He will be very missed. How does one share unto others that quality which Wolf had? His remarkable ability to speak the human language and use it correctly was extraodinary to say the least. Many hospital patients and children will miss the visits by Wolf, whom had absolute free roam to visit the hospital wards and patients. He brought many smiles to the childrens wards and the seniors and even the staff members. His videos are good, but do not carry the wonder of seeing him in persona and watching him actually talk. Wolf was totally remarkable...In the mornings one could say hello to him and he responded with hi or hello back...crazy little dog. But, he was enjoyed by multitudes upon multitudes and shall be sadly missed. All we can say: Is God has a new puppy now! Mr. Wolf is resting in peace and the land of endless bones. I appreciate it very much! Visit BEAR CAVE SYSTEM at Visit Wolf's Memory Shop at Wolf passed away September 2006..Sadly missed! August 2008 Note from pabear48 I still remain amazed at the responses to my newest books! Especially: Nine Months Plus One Day about a baby telling the story from inside the womb from God to birth, and explaining all the things he hears through the "Magic Wall". The story begins at God and enters conception and follows through till birth. In between is the adventure told from the babies view and understanding inside the womb. This story will make you laugh and cry warm tears! Absolutely a PRO LIFE story! And, easily could be given as a gift to all young pregnant mothers as an aid for them to make connection with the child within them in a special way. The must have book for every woman! My book series titled Hray-Mah is now available via direct download to hand held book units, as is Nine Months Plus One Day. I remain amazed! The Hray-Mah Jesus Christ is Coming! As Christians today we face so many denominations and named churches each sharing the Good News from the pulpits: Yet! We as individuals have forgotten that we each are called to learn for ourselves with the Comforter who is the Teacher of the Word of God that God shared through writers inspired by the Spirit to write the scriptures and stories we now accept as Inspired as the Bible. Throughout the world the Bible is in every language and many translations, and yet in every single one the Precept and Concept brought forth by the Indwelling Spirit to every writer and contributor to the Holy Word is always intact. No translation can change the Concept and the Precept as it was granted by the Father through the Spirit and revealed by the Son of God, whom is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus opened the simple pathway to know the Father. I am amazed when so many know the Lord's Prayer Jesus gave us all to pray: And yet, so few have ever read or heard of the special prayers Jesus gave ONLY to those following him. Nonetheless, these prayers are in the New Testament in every translation in the world. And, they are not spoken of from the pulpits? Why? Go read for yourself and then enter your prayer chamber with the Creator and ask what you were simply missing and why? These are the end days spoken of by the Lord, and we as Christians must be prepared and send out the Trumpets Sounding. Behold! Jesus Christ is Coming! Amen and Amen Theology is simply the individual studying of the Word and sharing what you have studied.
Tags // pabear48 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Family 
Added: 6041 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 0m8s | Views: 8183 | Comments: 2



Number 1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Alexander will sweep you away with her dazzling new historical romance novel where after the discovery of a scandalous memoir, one otherwise proper lady learns some desires are worth the scandal, and that passion is her legacy. Learn more about this book here: and its author here: Historical Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5190 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 8181 | Comments: 2
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This is an episode of MoonDaze TV hosted by Breck Stewart about the economy and how the bailout of huge banks and Wall Street by the government created a new dollar bubble which will eventually result in a new stock market crash in 2010 with Barack Obama and Ron Paul as key players in the world's current economic troubles.
Added: 5527 days ago by breckstewart
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 8165 | Comments: 0



Can a love that transcends death survive a war between angels, vampires, and lycans? Adrian Mitchell is an angel of immense power and insatiable desire. When he seduces Lindsay Gibson into his dangerous world, she finds herself caught between her angel lover, her vampire father, and a full-blown lycan revolt. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, Paranormal Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5032 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 8155 | Comments: 2



This song is a very thought provoking song. The lyrics are about The town of Leith which is the home of a scottish football team called Hibernian. The lyrics are very endearing. And it is sung by 1000s of supporters week in week out. In March 2007 Hibernian won the scottish league cup. The television cameras picked up on 1000s of supporters with tears in thier eyes as this song was played. This song has so many meanings and is extremely inspirational. This song has to one of the most sentimental football songs ever written
Categories // Music 
Added: 4872 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 4m33s | Views: 8142 | Comments: 0



#booktrailers Lucian was dark and dangerous, a predator, an immortal, a Carpathian. Jaxon is a petite, curvy and courageous. Honed by Special Forces training she is now a policewoman, fighting to save others and putting herself in danger. When Jaxon is set up to be murdered she can only turn to the one man she is sure is the most dangerous of all, Lucian. He will kill anyone who tries to harm her. Because she belongs to him. His lifemate. He will save her to claim her and bind her to him with passion and fate. Learn more about this book here: and its author here: Paranormal Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5152 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 8140 | Comments: 1
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