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Breast cancer now represents one in four of all cancers in women worldwide and touches lives every day. While experiences with the disease may vary, the desire to defeat breast cancer is universal. This year, in honor of a shared vision for a world without this disease, The Estée Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign celebrates the power of global solidarity by encouraging people around the world to “Take Action Together to Defeat Breast Cancer.” The 2016 BCA Campaign invites women, men and families to draw inspiration from one another and unite in action on and social media, while supporting lifesaving breast cancer research. Over the past two decades, The Estée Lauder Companies’ BCA Campaign, launched by the late Evelyn H. Lauder, co-creator of the Pink Ribbon and founder of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation® (BCRF), has been a leading voice for breast cancer awareness around the world, igniting a global movement that has helped save millions of lives and fund innovative breast cancer research. Today, The BCA Campaign is active in more than 70 countries and has raised more than $65 million to support global research, education and medical services, with more than $50 million funding 200 BCRF medical research grants worldwide over the past 22 years. These funds help accelerate critical research across wide-ranging areas such as tumor biology, heredity and ethnicity, lifestyle and prevention, treatment, survivorship and metastasis. Around the world, The BCA Campaign partners with more than 60 breast cancer organizations focused on breast cancer research, education and medical services. This year, The BCA Campaign is committed to raising $6 million in support of its mission to defeat breast cancer through education and medical research. To view the multimedia release go to:
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