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Search // ultimate
Results 25-36 of 198 for ' ultimate ' (0 seconds)
Journey back to the Fading Lands for the long-awaited conclusion of an epic tale of love, magic and destiny.Ellysetta could secure the world for Light or plunge it into Darkness. As the final battle draws near, and the overwhelming Army of Darkness approaches, Rain and Ellysetta must face their fate. To complete the truemate bond or make the ultimate sacrifice to save their world. Learn more about this book: Learn more about this author: Romance and Fantasy
Tags // fantasy  epic  battle  cl  wilson  romance  book  trailer  video  tairen  soul 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5270 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 8697 | Comments: 2
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Jay Godfrey is the founder and creative director behind his eponymous collection of sleek, sexy and sophisticated designs. Perpetually inspired by the chic New York woman, Godfrey’s goal as a designer is to meld the classic tailoring techniques of Savile Row with modern silhouettes and luxurious fabrics. The result is his distinctive contemporary collection of dresses and separates that accentuate the female figure. A native of Toronto, Godfrey realized his dream of becoming a designer while working his first summer job at Hugo Boss. He studied finance at Montreal’s McGill University in order to gain a grounding in business and accounting. Upon graduating, Godfrey headed to Wall Street and worked for Citigroup. While learning the finer points of finance, Jay’s goal of designing a collection led him to Parsons School of Design. An internship with Oscar de la Renta fine-tuned the young designer’s style and technique, and helped him determine the ultimate Jay Godfrey woman. Having only been in business for a little over two years, Godfrey has quickly cultivated his signature aesthetic, which perfectly lends itself to the fashion-forward and glamorous woman. The collection has caught the media’s attention and has been featured in WWD, ELLE, Cosmopolitan and the New York Post. Godfrey’s designs have also captured a loyal celebrity following and he is proud to have dressed Eva Mendes, Jennifer Lopez, Petra Nemcova, Carmen Electra, Sarah Michelle Geller, Gabrielle Union, Kate Walsh, Katherine Heigl and Jaime Pressly. Courtesy of Check out more videos of Jay Godfrey on
Added: 6135 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 8439 | Comments: 3
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The Ultimate Guide to Child Care Marketing: Tactics, tools, and strategies for success is now available. From the power behind comes a must have book on how to do child care marketing using proven successful techniques. To learn more about The Ultimate Child Care Marketing Guide visit:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4764 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 8404 | Comments: 0
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As most high school and college students are busy tackling tests or taking it easy during spring break, student teams from across the Americas are preparing for the ultimate extracurricular activity – designing, building, and testing a vehicle that travels the farthest distance using the least amount of energy. After months of coordinating designs and constructing vehicles, 43 student teams – among 9 high schools and 29 universities – are putting the finishing touches on their vehicles for the 2010 Shell Eco-marathon Americas energy challenge. These leaders of tomorrow, and their fuel-efficient creations, will soon take to the streets of downtown Houston, March 26-28 around Discovery Green Park. We’ll find out if these students can beat the 2,757.1 miles per gallon (1,172.2 kilometers per liter) achieved in 2009 by Laval University, but more than that, the students will grant us a glimpse into the fuels, technologies and transportation of tomorrow. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5463 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 8138 | Comments: 2
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Get ready for the most explosive, hard-hitting ultimate all-action film to hit your senses since Ong-Bak! Coming to the UK in January 2010.
Tags // ong  bak  tony  jaa  martial  arts  fireball 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 5594 days ago by cultlabs
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 7954 | Comments: 1
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MSG Fight Club hits MMA Promoter Scott Coker with a round of questions.
Categories // People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 5703 days ago by nycgardensports
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 7906 | Comments: 0
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In this Episode Mike Aponte as well as other Legends of Blackjack and poker compete in an all out Battle ON TV!!!
Categories // Comedy  Games  Sport 
Added: 6184 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 8m35s | Views: 7860 | Comments: 3



In this Episode Mike Aponte as well as other Legends of Blackjack and poker compete in an all out Battle ON TV!!!
Categories // Comedy  Games  Sport 
Added: 6184 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 9m8s | Views: 7828 | Comments: 3
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In this Episode Mike Aponte as well as other Legends of Blackjack and poker compete in an all out Battle ON TV!!!
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Sport 
Added: 6184 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 8m40s | Views: 7764 | Comments: 2
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In this Episode Mike Aponte as well as other Legends of Blackjack and poker compete in an all out Battle ON TV!!!
Categories // Comedy  Games  Sport 
Added: 6184 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 9m3s | Views: 7763 | Comments: 3
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In this Episode Mike Aponte as well as other Legends of Blackjack and poker compete in an all out Battle ON TV!!!
Categories // Comedy  Games  Sport 
Added: 6184 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 9m25s | Views: 7577 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated is the world's leading website and newsletter to help you discover how to find and create the missing pieces that will enable you to live your ULTIMATE life! The Burst of Hope videos are part of Ginny Dye's gifts to the world. This intro video lays the ground work - with many more coming your way!‬Please join us on this magnificent journey to lead the life you have always dreamed of, the life you deserve. Sign up today to receive your free twice-weekly newsletter and your free copy of 101 Ways to Give to YOURSELF! This powerful e-book will make you feel better about your life immediately! I guarantee it! I look forward to being in your world! Ginny Dye‬ 
Tags // hope  how  to  find  hope  where  to  find  hope  where  i  can  find  hope  ulc2012  haveyourultimatelife  hope  quotes  hope  now  hope  quote  what  is  hope  definition  of  hope  hope  hope  define  hope  quotes  of  hope  quotes  on  hope  hopeful  hopes  quote  about  hope 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4695 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 9m47s | Views: 7558 | Comments: 0
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