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On One Knee by Gyles 2012, Lyrics: Gyles & Reece, Music: Duffmusiq, Produced by Justin Forsley co-produced by Duffmusiq. Mastered by Tom Rogers Atomix Studios, Los Angeles, CA. Video by Modifeo Productions - twitter@gylesmusic
Tags // on  one  knee  gyles  on  one  knee  gyles  duffmusiq  reece  modifeo  productions  atomix  studios 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4690 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m22s | Views: 3542 | Comments: 0
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Claycards studio is a full fledged stop-motion / claymation animation studio it was conceived to provide a breath of fresh air to the current VFX scenario by bringing in the beauty of hand-made animation, our characters when conceived were just a figment of our clay imagination but now seem to have taken a life of their own , we look forward to develop our unique IP and also expand as a claymation service provider to other studios and channels.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4431 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 3515 | Comments: 0



Today we travel to Atlanta, because it's
Tags // the  walking  dead  boshans  studios 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4540 days ago by BoshansStudios
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 2800 | Comments: 1
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Inspired by its surrounding southwestern landscape, the Health Sciences Education Building (HSEB) at The University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix is one of the most innovative construction projects in the United States utilizing predominately recycled copper. Using nearly 6,000 copper panels and more than 10,000 copper parts, this 268,000 square-foot building consists of six stories of administration and faculty offices, lecture halls, learning studios, flexible classrooms, clinical suites, gross anatomy facilities, laboratories and conference rooms. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4324 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 2659 | Comments: 1
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Robert Johnson Project From: DELANEY & BONNIE & FRIENDS: Recorded live at A & R Studios, New York City, NY July 22, 1971 (Duane Allman on slide guitar)
Tags // delaney  and  bonnie  duane  allman  robert  johnson  come  on  in  my  kitchen 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4310 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 2634 | Comments: 0
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Ejemplo de voz en off para video corporativo de locutor ingles britanico en Madrid Edward Olive con estudio propio para grabacion de locuciones. Locución grabada en home studio con Rode Videomic Pro, FiiO, Audacity y Toshiba SATELLITE P875 Harmon Kardon. Edward Olive es un locutor y actor nativo inglés británico nacido en 1970, residente y autónomo en Madrid España, que propone servicios de locuciones para todo tipo de proyecto audiovisual. Además de ser locutor y actor Edward abogado inglés y ex profesor de derecho y ofrece una voz a la vez neutra de narrador de clase media corporativa seria y también cálida y amable de 35-50 años para videos de empresa y venta, campañas de anuncios televisivos, programas de viaje, e-learning y para apps de tabletas y teléfonos móvil. Además de una voz estándar de locutor corporativo, como actor Edward tiene a sus disposición una gran variedad de personajes, acentos regionales y actuaciones que se puede adaptar para crear todo de papeles de personajes de diferentes tamaños y edades tanto serios o dramáticos como cómicos para video juegos, cuentos infantiles, voces para maquinas tragaperras, dibujos animales etc. Edward Olive dispone de estudio propio para grabar locuciones en Madrid centro y de desplaza a los estudios y productoras de sus clientes para colaborar con directores de proyectos. Edward Olive is a native British English voice-over artist and professional screen actor resident and legally self employed in Madrid Spain. As well as professional voice over actor Edward is a UK solicitor (attorney / lawyer) and ex law lecturer and offers a neutral middle class educated professional corporate narrator voice which is at the same time serious and professional and also warm and approachable in its tone and delivery, perfectly adapted for all sorts of audiovisual projects including corporate & sales videos, television advertising campaigns, travel programs, tablet & mobile phone apps and e-learning. As a professional actor Edward also offers a range of characters which can be adapted to clients\\\\\\\' projects that can include age changes, bodies of large and small size, regional accents and voice variations. Various roles can be played from the serious or dramatic to the light and comic for videogames, slot machines & one arm bandits, children\\\\\\\'s stories and cartoons. Edward has his own studio in Madrid and also offers the possibility of collaborating with clients and directors in their studios in Madrid to suit the clients\\\\\\\' need best. Websites:
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4206 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 2425 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Directed by Mark Tierney. Produced by Mark Tierney and Matt Ruys. Executive producer: Andrew B. White. Starring:Matt Ruys, Alie Craig, Tom McLaren, Grip/Gaffer: Tyler Charles Sanderson, Assistant: Sabine Doerstling, Makeup: Tokiko Inoue, Post: 808 Studios, Santa Monica, Additional grading and light effects: Technicolor Los Angeles, Additional post: MPC Los Angeles, Shot on location in Downtown Los Angeles, Malibu, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Jawbone Canyon Mojave Desert, CA, March 2013, Thanks to New Zealand On Air
Tags // go  stop 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4316 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 2113 | Comments: 0
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Music video by Kyrie London performing Toxic (Live at Dean Street Studios London). 2013 Sancola Music
Tags // kyrie  london  music  toxic 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4281 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 1852 | Comments: 0



Click: "Manhattan Desert" features creative animation about Oz with happy ending. Music recorded at Tom-Tom Studios in Budapest 2/2014 Gary Lucas--guitar and fx Dezső Toni--alto saxophone Visuals by Rokus Kalapis (Zagreb, Croatia)
Tags // manhattan  deser  music  by  gary  lucas  and  dezso 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3781 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 5m6s | Views: 1834 | Comments: 1



Click:  Jenavive performing Human Nature. © 2013 Blackstream Records Produced/Directed by : Madigan Of'Storms Of Storms™ Creative Studios Filmed at Calgary Circus Studio and Dalhart Studios Producer: Airgead
Tags // jenavive  human  nature  official  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4049 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 3m42s | Views: 1782 | Comments: 0
     This is part 1/2 of the ReState of Emergency Music Video Movie! Starring : Shaad P MH the Model Mayra Leal DJ Tony Styles Scott Lindsey t.h.e. MisFit Crazy8 Production: Duck (Duck & Mello) Engineering: Barron Studios Video and Editing :
Tags // devin 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3955 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m11s | Views: 1561 | Comments: 0
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Click:  Filmed at Canalot Su dios and Syon House, the Man sion of the Duke of Northum ber land, Lon don/UK Di rect ed by Ju lian Grif fith Pro duced by Jere my Godd Lyrics and Music by Barry Blue and Marco Sabiu Recording produced by Barry Blue and The Rapino Brothers Recorded at Matrix Studios, London/UK
Tags // lydia  canaan  beautiful  life 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4004 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 1307 | Comments: 1



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