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Search // monitor
Results 25-36 of 46 for ' monitor ' (0 seconds) Interview with Impulse Fitness Marketing Executive whom was a personal trainer/bodybuilder himself as he speaks of:- 1) How bodybuilders can establish his/her own gym through Impulse Fitness via business loan by PUNB? 2) Why is it important for a starter to hire professional BodyBuilder/Personal trainer to achieve your goal? Q: What is your name? A: My name is Zul Helmi. People often call me Angah, or Helmi. Q: What do you do here to today at Impulse Fitness? A: We are running a booth to introduce our company and also to introduce our package of promotion for complete gynamsium. Q: Who are your customers? A: Commonly are bodybuilders and gym owners. We also provide home use equipments to home-user. Q: DO you train yourself, An\'gah? A: Yes of course, I train myself also. Q: Do you engage a bodybuilder or personal trainer? A: Before this, I was also a personal trainer, and I am doing my Bachelor is Sport Science and Recreation at UiTM. Q: Do you encourage starter to seek professsional advice from personal trainer instead of doing it ownself at home, and why? A: From my opinion, we have to take advantage of training in gynasium as there are many personal trainers (and also other members with experience). In bodybuilding, there are theory and experience. We need to make use of their experience to make up our own set of experience. We will not get very efficient result if we train at home. There is no one to monitor you, whether you are cheating or doing the wrong technique (which leads to wrong habit). Hire a Bodybuilder/Personal trainer at Q: Do you encourage to have an equipment? A: Yes of course, with an equipment, there\'s a commitment. Without one, we cannot see how it can help and how much our body can develop. Q: Lastly, do you have a tip to newbie who wants to build a fit body, a simple one, and how to choose a personal trainer? A: Number 1, you have to know the principle of training. It has to be at the back of the mind. It will be used everyday. To hire a personal trainer, you have to search for one who is reliable, with proof of own body result and knowledge. ****************************************************************************************************** Check out Mr Kuala Lumpur 2013 organised by KLBBF. It was contested by over 100 bodybuilders.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4314 days ago by Wishine
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 1821 | Comments: 2
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Next time you get the feeling that the floor is falling out from beneath your feet, it might just be an ESP Detection Floor that comes to your aid. Developed in the Netherlands, the ESP Detection Floor system uses electronic flooring underlay panels to monitor rooms by detecting human movement. The panels detect if someone has fallen over and automatically notify an emergency control center.. Of course, when it comes to flooring, aesthetic design is just as important as functionality. Which is why DOMOTEX 2014 will explore trends in flooring functionality and design. The rug designer Jürgen Dahlmanns and the internationally renowned architect Jürgen Mayer H. have given a preview of their contributions to DOMOTEX 2014.
Tags // domotex  fair  floor  rug  trend  esp  detection  floor  hanover 
Added: 4099 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 1704 | Comments: 1
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Diabetes experts met and determined that some self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) systems, despite meeting accuracy standards at the time of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance, fail to consistently meet accuracy standards once on the market, potentially putting patient health at risk. In a public meeting convened by the Diabetes Technology Society on May 21, 2013, in Arlington, Virginia, leading academic clinicians, clinical chemists, medical device experts, patient advocates and FDA representatives reviewed a growing body of peer-reviewed research demonstrating that the performance of some blood glucose monitors on the market may not be meeting accuracy standards. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4325 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 1624 | Comments: 0
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The Los Angeles Police Department and the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) are warning motorists of a growing problem with unauthorized tow truck operators in the LA area. These “bandit” tow truck operators monitor police radios and respond to accidents seeking to hook up vehicles and tow them to body shops or storage facilities where they are held hostage until the motorists and their insurance companies pay inflated towing, storage and possibly repair charges to get the vehicle back. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Miscellaneous 
Added: 3757 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 1119 | Comments: 0
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Today, WebMD Health Corp. (NASDAQ: WBMD) announced new features and functionality for its Healthy Target behavior change program that connects seamlessly with Apple’s HealthKit and provides users with powerful new ways to capture, visualize and understand health information from a broad range of biometric devices. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3848 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 1073 | Comments: 2
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Elon Musk unveils the Model 3 at the Tesla Design Studio March 31, 2016. I was among the first to take a ride in the new car and was impressed with the design, power, and great looks! The interior just has one 4:3 ratio monitor in a horizontal positon. There are no gauges or dials anywhere! Still a very fast car and I'm sure options will include models that can go 0-60 in the 4.5 second range. Base models will innclude auto pilot and supercharging. Read about a $3,000,000 mobile home in escrow at
Added: 3195 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 5m9s | Views: 1047 | Comments: 1
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Hospital-acquired infections can be deadly – and many times preventable. Nearly every major public health organization agrees that ineffective “hand-hygiene” (hand washing or using disinfecting sprays, wipes or gels) is one of the most significant contributors to the problem. Further compounding the problem is the fact that compliance rates among caregivers are difficult to track and often found to be low. Hill-Rom has developed a new system to help hospitals monitor hand-hygiene rates: the Hill-Rom® Hand Hygiene Compliance Solution. The new offering, which is now available to hospitals nationwide, provides real-time monitoring and staff reminders, simplifies reporting, and can use the same hardware and devices as other Hill-Rom real-time locating solutions. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4310 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 1018 | Comments: 1
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LONDON, 23 Jan., 2019 – Dell Technologies (NYSE:DELL) announces new additions to its portfolio of purpose-built technology designed to challenge, engage and inspire K-12 educators and students worldwide. This newest line of products, including an interactive monitor plus intelligently tough Latitude and Dell Chromebook devices and a new charging cart, helps educators integrate technology with new teaching and learning practices, while encouraging students to follow their own path of discovery. “Recent Dell Technologies research on Generation Z – those born in the mid-1990s and later – confirms our belief that for students to be successful now and in the future, educators must empower them to drive their own success and support them with tools and resources that ignite students’ natural curiosities,” said Adam Garry, director of education strategy at Dell. “These new devices enable both educators and students to inquire, create and collaborate seamlessly, wherever learning takes place.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2259 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 978 | Comments: 0
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Edwards Lifesciences Corporation (NYSE: EW), the global leader in the science of heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring, today announced it has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for the ClearSight system. The ClearSight system is a noninvasive monitor that provides clinicians access to valuable blood volume and blood flow information for patients at moderate or high risk of post-surgical complications, in whom invasive monitoring would not be used. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3926 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 9m1s | Views: 961 | Comments: 2
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We’re different. Other companies just monitor. Once they call you, it’s too late. Our goal is to prevent your identity from ever being stolen.
Tags // identity  theft  prevention 
Added: 4456 days ago by smithrick
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 896 | Comments: 1
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Can’t remember if you locked your front door or left your bedroom window open when you left your house? You’re not alone. Today, Pella® Corporation introduced its new Insynctive® technology app which provides homeowners self-monitored security via their mobile device. Now you can monitor the status of your Pella windows and doors and control motorized between-the-glass blinds and shades in a variety of Pella products, including Architect Series® collections, Designer Series® and entry doors. With the Pella Insynctive app, get real-time push notifications so you know the status of your windows and doors. This new Pella solution creates a way to achieve peace of mind for the 75 percent of Americans who have felt uncertain about whether or not they locked their doors.* Click here to learn more about the Pella Insynctive app works. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2394 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 887 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated With 7 production facilities located in both Denmark and Sweden, DOT is the leading Nordic full-service supplier of metal surface treatment.Today, we are visiting DOT in Køge, Denmark, where they specialize in hot-dip galvanization. On top of the savings and operative benefits, DOT has the ability, using exodraft’s Trendlog system, to assess remotely, via a computer, the efficiency of their heat recovery system as well as monitor, in real time, its generated energy savings. Heat recovery is simply good common sense and benefits both the economy, operations as well as the environment. Visit to learn more about how to recover your waste heat and contact us today for a free assessment.
Tags // heat  recovery 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2057 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 851 | Comments: 0
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