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It's down to three girls - and the competition is definitely heating up! The remaining girls find out they're going to have a sing-off to see who stays… and they all think it's their time. Catch the Finale Wednesday at 11 pm ET on FUSE.
Categories // Music  Sexy  Event and Party 
Added: 5939 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 10791 | Comments: 2



This London 2012 Olympics video, was created as a motivational piece also for the legacy of London 2012. Look at what is being said and ask yourself, are you going for what you want in your life, or are you busy watching other people and staying stagnant. This video was made at a point where it was hard to feel like a WINNER, but there is nothing more powerful than being able to express yourself through creativity. Go for your dreams, never stop. Chiller Scheme's And The Winner is... Video Presentation outlines what is needed to be a Winner (link here) - Follow Chiller Scheme's Twitter here :- Chiller Scheme Twitter -
Categories // Music 
Added: 4682 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m0s | Views: 10292 | Comments: 0
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More @ When a couple of french kids are crossing a creek, they see that one of their pals is having a hard time crossing over their bridge which is a huge fallen tree. As the one kid tries to get accross the large log, other kids taunt him and joke that he is going to fall into the water. Indeed, they were right. Watch and laugh as you see the taunts, the struggle, and then eventually the fail fall slip accident. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5822 days ago by failfunnies
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 9809 | Comments: 2
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TOO MUCH TIME...more videos on
Tags // time  much  busy  last  life  going  trip  beyond  young  beautiful  worried  late  love 
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6198 days ago by allanrich
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 9634 | Comments: 2
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Mobil 1 Open Road iPhone App. Looking for a great day out? Mobil 1 Open Road will help you find it. Just choose a category and how far you want to drive. Open Road will suggest great places to visit in your area, then show you how to get there. Going away? Open Road can help you plan your trip before you go. Just want to drive for pleasure but think British roads are too stressful? Check out the Mobil 1 Mission with James Martin Open Road gives you the Top 10 Great British Drives to explore as voted by you. From the thrilling twists and turns of the A82 from Glasgow to Fort William, or the smooth ride and stunning views from the Severn Bridge on the M48, there's a great drive near you! Ever wondered when and how to change your oil? Open Road will show you in the Car Care Tips section. Plus, take a look at the Mobil 1 YouTube Channel and Mobil 1 Facebook page for even more tips. Download Mobil 1 Open Road now and start getting the most out of your car. For your own safety, do not use the Open Road app while driving.
Tags // mobil  1  open  road  app  mobil  mobil  open  road  app  james  martin  saturday  kitchen  iphone  best  road  worst  road  scotland  glasg 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5164 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 9601 | Comments: 3
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Walk On lyrics And love It's not the easy thing The only baggage That you can bring Not the easy thing The only baggage you can bring Is all that you can't leave behind And if the darkness is to keep us apart And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off And if your glass heart should crack Before the second you turn back Oh no, be strong Walk on Walk on What you got, they can't steal it No they can't even feel it Walk on Walk on Stay safe tonight You're packing a suitcase for a place None of us has been A place that has to be believed To be seen You could have flown away A singing bird In an open cage Who will only fly Only fly for freedom Walk on Walk on What you got You can't deny it Can't sell it or buy it Walk on Walk on Stay safe tonight And I know it aches How your heart it breaks You can only take so much Walk on Walk on Home Hard to know what it is If you never had one Home I can't say where it is But I know I'm going Home That's where the hurt is And I know it aches And your heart it breaks You can only take so much Walk on Leave it behind You've got to leave it behind All that you fashion All that you make All that you build All that you break All that you measure All that you steal All this you can leave behind All that you reason All that you care It's only time And I'll never fill up all my mind (??) All that you sense All that you speak All you dress up And all that you scheme All you create All that you wreck All that you hate
Tags // fathers4justice 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5879 days ago by MrBaylster1
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 9583 | Comments: 1
      12 Month Millionaire: Audio Coaching Sessions With Vincent James A program called 12 month millionaire was recently released by Russell Brunson, which is a 6 part audio interview with direct mail marketer. This program is based on Vince James now out of print book 12 Month Millionaire. Vince James is a former convicted criminal, who makes more money per year than most CEOs of very large companies; He reportedly has made 100 million dollars by doing direct mail marketing which is an offline type of marketing. He has taught internet marketers ways to make money in his book. Russell Brunson decided to interview him to see how it could help his own internet marketing business improve. Russell Brunson himself has made millions of dollars by applying the techniques learned from Vince James, and he is now also called upon to deliver lectures around the world on internet marketing. Much of the information provided in this program would be extremely useful if you really want to take your online business offline and that is the point of this interview. Vince talks about advertising in print media, radio and TV and you could easily adapt these techniques to grow an online business. However an average internet marketer may not get most of the points in this interview but a smart marketer is probably going to pick useful points and apply them to expand his marketing business. The topics covered in different sessions of this interview are: Session 1: This session is about how Vincent James, a 21 years boy gets started in his million dollars business and what is his niche and how he achieved success in it. Vincent will also talk about how he set up his membership site and sold 65,000 memberships within the 12 month period. Session 2: Its about information product creation and information publisher. Vincent shared his secret on how he sold more information products through direct mailing and direct marketing. Session 3: This interview session is about listing building and maintaining the latest information of customers and prospects. You will learn Vincents techniques on how he handles his list and maintains the latest contact information of his list. This session also teaches about the life time value of a customer and how you can turn these customers to be your continuous streams of income. Session 4: This session focuses on the advertising techniques used by Vincent that made his million dollar business a success. This is an important session on how to drive your business and convert these traffics to sales. Session 5: This session continues from session 4 on advertising techniques. You will see how Vincent generates his leads from commercial ads such as TV and radio advertisement. Session 6: This session focuses on how Vincent handles the potential problems that rise throughout his $1 million money making path. You will also learn on what actions to be taken if you find your product being cloned by unauthorized people. This program in going to give you valuable tips on how to earn through offline marketing whether you already have some marketing experience or you are a newbie.
Tags // 12  month  millionaire 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5417 days ago by mikesherratt
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 9551 | Comments: 0
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Dean Meldaus first single Beautiful. The music video was shot in Belgium in April 2006. It was nominated for Best Love Scene award for 2006 MK89 Awards! Dean is currently recording his new album and will be relocating to the United Kingdom in September 2007 Find out more by going to
Tags // beaty  beautiful  sexy  boy  girl  love  scene  sex  award  blonde  relationship  bond  blue  eyes  beanie  style 
Categories // Music  Sexy  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6237 days ago by deanmeldau
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 9451 | Comments: 1



Try this famous workout, best known for shaping up all the body\'s muscles. Find some stairs, and get going on this challenging cardio workout!
Tags // stairs  sarina  jain  santa  monica  exercise 
Added: 5964 days ago by kushtv
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 9378 | Comments: 1
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To order call toll free at 1-877-576-1112 Visit for more on the Biniki Butt Bra. How to put on a Biniki Bra Biniki is a New Product that Raises and Defines the Derriere Women have had the bra to support their breasts for over a hundred years. Each generation of women learns that regular wearing of a bra brings day-to-day beauty and reliable long-term benefits. Going braless didn't last very long. Surprisingly, a similar garment to beautify and preserve the buttocks has been notably missing. After four years of development, nationally and internationally patented Biniki, is ready to step forward and fill this void. Biniki does for the back what the bra does for the front. Biniki is the Ultimate Support Solution Biniki is an invention developed to lift and define the derriere, smooth out the backs of the thighs and, in general, beautify the backside. Biniki consists of two leg loops that are attached at very specific points along the waist-hip band. The leg loops are designed to perfectly encircle the bottom. Once Biniki's waist-hip bands is in place and the leg loops are self-adjusted to fit the individual, the skin on the backs of the thighs will lift up, the bottom will be raised and Biniki is guaranteed to stay in place. How Biniki Benefits the Wearers: Biniki is capable of emphasizing smaller, flatter derrieres, enhancing the silhouette with or without clothes and will bring a new sense of confidence about how one looks in back. People with small or flat bottoms benefit greatly from this shape wear. Biniki cannot be detected under most clothes and can be worn low on the hips. In other words, Biniki provides and bra-type support and comfort for the other side. This is an option that has been too long missing from the marketplace. Biniki is leading the way towards a better bottom look and support, because it is functional rear gear. Why a Biniki? The truth is today we have a whole body fashion consciousness. The backside is no longer something to be ignored, but an important aspect of the human body needing and deserving a hip hoister like Biniki. Heads are turning more frequently now because of well supported and beautifully defined derrieres even though buns of steel are still rare. Most people do not notice how they look in back for several reasons. One is that bottoms look much better when they are supported and effective support has been lacking up until now. The backside is a beautiful part of the human body when supported and properly framed by interesting bottom hugging clothing. One sign this way of viewing the entire body is finally here is the acceptance of many sports and entertainment personalities. Some even use the highlighting of their notably well formed buttocks' as self-defining assets. Biniki is a product designed to beautify and preserve the bottom.
Tags // butt  bra  sex  sexy  ass  beyonce  jlo  buns  of  steel  tight  buns  firm  derriere  tits  gluteus  maximus  glutes 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6175 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 9272 | Comments: 2
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Robert Carl Blank
Tags // robert  carl  blank 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5459 days ago by robertcarlblank
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 9263 | Comments: 0
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Going green is a dominant theme in home furnishings this year; some appliance makers are responding to the need with environmentally friendly appliances.
Added: 5648 days ago by NextpertNews
Runtime: 3m7s | Views: 9247 | Comments: 1
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