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Search // film
Results 25-36 of 651 for ' film ' (0 seconds)
With through this series of very short films, it was a question above all of making a exercise of style: an idea, a sequence shot, a range, a recurring character. A whole program thus... The absurdity thus comes to be grafted with this exercise and makes it possible these three a little eccentric ideas to become small well shifted films. A film by Cyril Cohen featuring Cyrial Legaucher TECHNIKAL: Written & Directed by: Cyril Cohen Production : Barbecue Films Executive Producers: Cyril Cohen / Didier-Victor Cohen / Emmanuel Murat Photography: Ami Cohen Sound : Barbecue Films Editing : Didier Victor Cohen
Tags // barbecue  films 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6319 days ago by johndaube
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 13070 | Comments: 1



With through this series of very short films, it was a question above all of making a exercise of style: an idea, a sequence shot, a range, a recurring character. A whole program thus... The absurdity thus comes to be grafted with this exercise and makes it possible these three a little eccentric ideas to become small well shifted films. A film by Cyril Cohen featuring CyriaK Legaucher TECHNIKAL: Written & Directed by: Cyril Cohen Production : Barbecue Films Executive Producers: Cyril Cohen / Didier-Victor Cohen / Emmanuel Murat Photography: Ami Cohen Sound : Barbecue Films Editing : Didier Victor Cohen
Tags // barbecue  films 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6319 days ago by johndaube
Runtime: 6m39s | Views: 12921 | Comments: 1



Now or Never is the opening musical number and first single from the Walt Disney Pictures film, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, and is the first song off the High School Musical 3 soundtrack.
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song  high  school  musical  3 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6073 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 4m2s | Views: 12864 | Comments: 0



Clockenflap 2008
Added: 6256 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 12851 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated



People (the HulkeN-fans) are scared by this dangerously ghost ! FICTION OR REALITY? Now, you will discover the truth ( ! )
Categories // Music  Funny  Webcam 
Added: 6212 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 12768 | Comments: 1



Dvd Out Now – Own It Today - There are heroes. There are superheroes. And then there's... Hancock a new blockbuster movie starring Will Smith and Charlize Theron
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Event and Party 
Added: 5945 days ago by utopian
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 12689 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated



NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH MUSICAL ARTIST(S). I OWN NOTHING. _______________________________________ Kanye West, Stronger _______________________________________ Click here to see the longer and unedited version: _______________________________________ Im just testing out some of the effects form a new program I got and see what I could do with it. I was thinking about filming but I didn't know what to film so I used one of my older videos. I took me like 5 hours to do this I think. Give me a comment and tell me what you think. _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Tags // kanye  west  stronger 
Categories // Music  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5893 days ago by RustyHutto1
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 12671 | Comments: 1



Based of an idea I had 4 years ago...Finally got around to making this one. May make a film out of it, or just keep it at this. Things are always scarier when you can`t control them......
Categories // Music 
Added: 5817 days ago by patmanmcyo
Runtime: 2m28s | Views: 12515 | Comments: 0



Dieser Clip ist im Rahmen des 99Fire-Films Awards 2012 entstanden. Die Handlung ist exakt 99 Sekunden lang und musste innerhalb von 99 Stunden abgedreht werden. Vorgaben im Film waren ein Laecheln und die Zahl 500. Kurz zur Handlung, der Protagonist nimmt Abschied von einen Freund am Rheinufer, die Aufloesung kommt erst am Schluss. Dann beginnt nach einen unheimlichen Donnern eine Flucht. Der Protagonist trifft unter anderen auf einen Schamanen, der dem Protagonisten einen reichen Gewinn verspricht, im Anschluss findet der Protagonist den reichen Gewinn von nur 500 Rubel und loest diesen Komplett bei einen Dealer ein, nun kommt die Aufloesung.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 4777 days ago by filmstubekoeln
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 12382 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated



In the name of the King is coming out on DVD on April 15, no one even knows about this film, it is a cross between Blade and Lord of the Rings, Jason Stathom kicks some serious tail
Added: 6173 days ago by keeganasgaard
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 12157 | Comments: 1
      Imagens de uma gata na janela ouvindo o cantar do sabiá. Images of a cat in the window hearing singing the thrush. Film einer Katze in der Fensterhörfähigkeit den Thrush singend.
Tags // fanny  cat  singing  bird  turdus  thrush  sabia  passaros 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 6164 days ago by xiruveio
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 12121 | Comments: 1



One man's second chance. Once Kid's hope for any chance...Audience Award for best Feature Film. In a story that is both uplifting and heartbreaking, Tony Luke Jr. portrays a down on his luck small time ex-heavyweight fighter named Joey 'The Nail' Nardone. The film is based on an original story by Tony Luke Jr., with a screenplay written by Jason Noto,produced by Leo Rossi and directed James Quattrochi.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5645 days ago by thenailthemovie
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 12107 | Comments: 0



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