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Graduation slideshow created with Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder
Added: 5948 days ago by tipbag
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 10593 | Comments: 2
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Fathi Hamad, Member, Palestinian Legislative Council, Hamas Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Feb. 29, 2008 For the Palestinian people death became an industry, at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel, and the children excel. Accordingly, (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: We desire Death, as you desire Life.
Tags // hamas  desire  death  human  shield  civilians  english 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5715 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 10359 | Comments: 0
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This London 2012 Olympics video, was created as a motivational piece also for the legacy of London 2012. Look at what is being said and ask yourself, are you going for what you want in your life, or are you busy watching other people and staying stagnant. This video was made at a point where it was hard to feel like a WINNER, but there is nothing more powerful than being able to express yourself through creativity. Go for your dreams, never stop. Chiller Scheme's And The Winner is... Video Presentation outlines what is needed to be a Winner (link here) - Follow Chiller Scheme's Twitter here :- Chiller Scheme Twitter -
Categories // Music 
Added: 4684 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m0s | Views: 10293 | Comments: 0
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Movie Story created with Wondershare Movie Story
Added: 5944 days ago by tipbag
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 10207 | Comments: 3



Jewelry designer and owner of StarlinGear, Ryk Maverick specializes in creating sterling silver and aluminum jewelry, apparel and home items. The first item he created was a hot rod shifter made of aluminum, and in the shape of a skull. Skulls are a common theme in Ryk’s work, his inspiration coming from a dream he had when he was a child. With showrooms in Tokyo and Los Angeles, Ryk is expanding his business to reach more customers. He is also expanding his product line to include custom apparel and print work. Visit Ryk Maverick on MOLI.
Added: 6143 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 10159 | Comments: 1
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Thomas McNamara, otherwise known as Macky, has been making art for as long as he can remember, winning sculpting contests as early as junior high. At 11, his father got him a lead soldier-making kit. That’s when art was introduced and it quickly became evident that it was to be his purpose in life. At 11 he could melt the lead in a small pot, pour it into molds, and paint the little figurines. These soldiers were often given to his parent’s friends. The response was wild - the adults all loved them!! As a boy this was real validation for a child surrounded by intimidating, book-smart people. The art carried Macky into all the art classes at Cardinal Newman high school. His love for lead figure painting continued to grow during this period. It was the MTV generation, which Macky believes also had a huge impact on him . . . Since then, there have been many great moments, including showcasing Macky's art on two episodes of MTV's “PUNK'd”, which featured Ashlee Simpson and Hugh Jackman. Mutt™ has been the label for Macky's passion since 1997. Just recently, Mutt donated a customized 3-foot skateboard to the Rush foundation, a charity created to send kids to art school. It was a huge honor for Macky to be able to be a part of such a worthy charity. Courtesy of Thomas McNamara on
Added: 6143 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 9963 | Comments: 1
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Thanksgiving Slideshow created with Wondershare Movie Story
Added: 5949 days ago by tipbag
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 9922 | Comments: 2
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After 6 months touring the UK conquering its four corners and everything in between, Liverpudian indie kids, The Steeples will release their second single Loosy Lucy on 23rd June. A combination of crafted songwriting, passionate performance and shear ‘blood, sweat and beers’ have seen them already convert unsuspecting gig goers to bona fide ‘Steeple People,’ throughout the land. With a bouncy boyish playfulness, and heartfelt yearning, the Steeples ‘Loosy Lucy’ takes us to a familiar heartache of a past relationship when the grass seems greener. Their sincerity is balanced with a jovialness that results in an upbeat pop song, saving us from an unwanted adolescent angst or depressing dirge. There is a certain romantic charm to these boys as they sing of their despair that will leave Lucy’s everywhere flocking to their next gig. With ‘Album of the Month’ in Maxim and ‘Single of the week at Xfm’ they have already created quite a buzz with their pretty boy looks, cheeky northern accents and great indie pop riffs. The Steeples offer us a fresh ‘Doherty-esque’ sound that remains tight and together, and possess a certain quirkiness that few bands can convincingly convey. Earlier this year the band were invited to play Liverpool and Blackburn’s Oxjam events alongside The Bluetones, The Wedding Present, The Thrills and Rumblestrips. With the single out this June, closely followed by the much anticipated debut album, ‘Tea For Two’ in July The Steeples are sure to be a towering success. 2008 will see the band storm through the Indie scene as they embark on their first nationwide tour.
Tags // indie  pop  rock  the  steeples  guitar  nme 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6151 days ago by zestpr
Runtime: 3m59s | Views: 9898 | Comments: 0
    As a result, drinking acai berry green teas gives you the double the antioxidants, double the power, double the fat misplaced, double the deliciousness, and so forth. Green tea also has antibacterial properties that may help tremendously in combating tooth decay. Now, 1 phrase of caution about this wonderful combination--do not confuse it with acai berry black tea. Black teas is created by fermenting the tea leaves, which results in a drastic reduction in particular well being advantages and a total elimination of other people. Acai berry green tea is the product you want, not acai berry black teas. Additionally, acai berry inexperienced teas consists of particular benefits of elements in green teas that the acai berry (however super of a superfood it may be) doesn
Tags // acai  berry  and  green  tea  acai  berry  green  tea  diet  acai  berry  white  tea  gnc  green  tea  oprah  green  tea 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5261 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 9763 | Comments: 0
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Travel slideshow created with Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder
Added: 5945 days ago by tipbag
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 9677 | Comments: 0



Breast implant breakthrough with the use of a triple antibiotic solution created by Dallas plastic surgeon William P Adams Jr. or
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6006 days ago by lookingyourbest
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 9633 | Comments: 2
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Dr. Marcel Daniels created Image Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery with the belief that providing quality surgical care is only one aspect of a successful practice. He recognizes that each patient is an individual with unique goals, desires and concerns.
Tags // plastic  surgeon  surgery 
Added: 6067 days ago by lookingyourbest
Runtime: 0m21s | Views: 9618 | Comments: 1
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