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Search // building
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Combining muscles and beauty, the 2008 Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships were held over the weekend, 19-20 July. The Hong Kong National Team won an incredible numbers of awards including 4 gold medals, 2 silver, 1 bronze. SO-U.TV will bring you the highlights of the event next week. See it all at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6090 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m51s | Views: 10624 | Comments: 0
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Baghead thinks he has the ability to do air-swimming. He jumps off a tall building and . . . oh, I can't look!
Tags // silly  wacky  funny  crazy  stupid  air  swimming  swim  humor  comedy  cool  insane  fly  flying  baghead 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  People and Blog 
Added: 5746 days ago by baghead
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 10001 | Comments: 1
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Dan and Dave moore own a rare gun shop and in their free time the race off road trucks. for the past three years hey have been building this one of a kind race truck. check it out
Tags // racing  baja  1000  trucks  girls  fast  fun 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5153 days ago by suckerpunchsallys
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 9865 | Comments: 2



Worldwide looks fashion bulletin must have tips to keep you amazing every season. For all models interested in building a portfolio.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5758 days ago by priyasingh34
Runtime: 5m22s | Views: 9644 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated 12 Month Millionaire: Audio Coaching Sessions With Vincent James A program called 12 month millionaire was recently released by Russell Brunson, which is a 6 part audio interview with direct mail marketer. This program is based on Vince James now out of print book 12 Month Millionaire. Vince James is a former convicted criminal, who makes more money per year than most CEOs of very large companies; He reportedly has made 100 million dollars by doing direct mail marketing which is an offline type of marketing. He has taught internet marketers ways to make money in his book. Russell Brunson decided to interview him to see how it could help his own internet marketing business improve. Russell Brunson himself has made millions of dollars by applying the techniques learned from Vince James, and he is now also called upon to deliver lectures around the world on internet marketing. Much of the information provided in this program would be extremely useful if you really want to take your online business offline and that is the point of this interview. Vince talks about advertising in print media, radio and TV and you could easily adapt these techniques to grow an online business. However an average internet marketer may not get most of the points in this interview but a smart marketer is probably going to pick useful points and apply them to expand his marketing business. The topics covered in different sessions of this interview are: Session 1: This session is about how Vincent James, a 21 years boy gets started in his million dollars business and what is his niche and how he achieved success in it. Vincent will also talk about how he set up his membership site and sold 65,000 memberships within the 12 month period. Session 2: Its about information product creation and information publisher. Vincent shared his secret on how he sold more information products through direct mailing and direct marketing. Session 3: This interview session is about listing building and maintaining the latest information of customers and prospects. You will learn Vincents techniques on how he handles his list and maintains the latest contact information of his list. This session also teaches about the life time value of a customer and how you can turn these customers to be your continuous streams of income. Session 4: This session focuses on the advertising techniques used by Vincent that made his million dollar business a success. This is an important session on how to drive your business and convert these traffics to sales. Session 5: This session continues from session 4 on advertising techniques. You will see how Vincent generates his leads from commercial ads such as TV and radio advertisement. Session 6: This session focuses on how Vincent handles the potential problems that rise throughout his $1 million money making path. You will also learn on what actions to be taken if you find your product being cloned by unauthorized people. This program in going to give you valuable tips on how to earn through offline marketing whether you already have some marketing experience or you are a newbie.
Tags // 12  month  millionaire 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5432 days ago by mikesherratt
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 9553 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Learn how to build a massive downline list right now
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4783 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 9484 | Comments: 0
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Athena talks about how she got into building motorcycles
Tags // super  sick  bikes 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5740 days ago by suckerpunchsallys
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 9459 | Comments: 1
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Honeywell(NYSE: HON) today introduced its new Attune™ Advisory Services, a suite of professional services that combines cloud-based tools and analytics with a global network of operations centers, and energy and facility experts to provide enhancements that can reduce utility bills and operating expenses up to 20 percent. Attune Advisory Services help building owners wherever they are on the energy- and operational-efficiency spectrum, providing technology and support to gain baseline awareness of building performance, make improvements to reduce energy and operations costs, and define an ongoing strategy to manage and optimize a facility. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4753 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 9436 | Comments: 1
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What is the key to making money online and building an online presence? See how and who is doing it...
Tags // alex  jeffreys  list  building  mailing  lists  online  business  how  to  make  money  on  the  internet 
Added: 5902 days ago by ThreeToedCrow
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 9545 | Comments: 4



Keith walks you through building the exhaust for this bike
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5472 days ago by suckerpunchsallys
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 9117 | Comments: 1
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Running and swimming AFS Aquathon race is a real endurance test. www.SO-U.TV will bring you the tears, the sweat and the joy of this extreme races. AFS Aquathon is also a fundraising event with all the proceeds going towards AFS Intercultural Programs, one of the world’s largest volunteer organizations dedicated to building a peaceful world through international student exchange. Watch it all at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6077 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m59s | Views: 9037 | Comments: 0



Taber talks about when and how he got into building custom motorcycels
Tags // super  sweet  motorcycles 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5739 days ago by suckerpunchsallys
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 9026 | Comments: 1
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