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Call of duty by 8ball and CTC . great play and sniper war.
Tags // 8ball  ctc  call  of  duty  cod  cod  4  modern  warfare  price  crash  sniper  elite  shoot  head  shot  the  best 
Categories // Games  Webcam 
Added: 6107 days ago by 8ballWASD
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 12800 | Comments: 2



This video was intended for youtube but umg is fucking dum and wont let me upload a bit of music that i am dancing to, EVEN THO I BOT THE SONG AND I GAVE REFERENCES AT THE END OF THE CLIP. NOT TO MENTION THE OTHER VIDEOS THAT USE THE SONG... Tisk tisk.
Tags // you  tube  wtf  ghay  gay  umg  video  xxx  lawl  cod  4  5  halo  3  legend  of  zelda  nintendo  game  cube  prank  fail  owned  gtfo 
Categories // Music  Sexy  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5835 days ago by tyler007158
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 12646 | Comments: 1



What is there about a male model, 4 days, 130 bottles of quality nail varnish and a beautiful little car that isnt to like? Especially when theyre all record breakers! Find out more at:
Tags // fiat  500  pink  ride  car  artist  nail  varnish  record  paint 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5515 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 12557 | Comments: 2



Based of an idea I had 4 years ago...Finally got around to making this one. May make a film out of it, or just keep it at this. Things are always scarier when you can`t control them......
Categories // Music 
Added: 5816 days ago by patmanmcyo
Runtime: 2m28s | Views: 12510 | Comments: 0



Categories // Family 
Added: 5931 days ago by wilson5585
Runtime: 4m39s | Views: 12479 | Comments: 0
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The last race before the final was the coldest yet. Anxious athletes broke out of the start line to capture as many points as possible.The next race will be the deciding event on who will be King of the Hill!.Watch the fast paced excitment here. For more information turn to www.seyonasia. The full action of race 4 can be found on sponsorship information or how to get your event filmed contact Prosperity Research
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6248 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 12454 | Comments: 1



A recent survey conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of the newly-formed Coalition to Prevent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication Misuse (CPAMM) finds that college students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the misuse, abuse and diversion of ADHD prescription stimulants are complex. The findings paint a portrait of students who recognize the risks of misuse, but understand why some students may choose to misuse, given the academic pressures in today’s college environment. CPAMM intends to use the findings to inform and develop educational campaigns to help prevent nonmedical use of ADHD prescription stimulants. The survey was conducted online between May 15 and June 11, 2014 among 2,056 US college students (full-time, 91%, part-time, 9%), defined as adults aged 18 to 24 enrolled and seeking a degree at a 4-year college or university and attending at least some in-person classes.1 To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3741 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 12431 | Comments: 1
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Terrorist's Farewell Video: Female suicide terrorist sees killing Zionists as her ticket to heaven Reem Riyashi, Hamas, before her attack killing 4, Hamas website, 2004 2009 I am the Martyr Reem Saleh Riyashi, I hoped that the shredded limbs of my body would be shrapnel, tearing Zionists to pieces, knocking on heaven's door with the skulls of Zionists. How often I spoke to my soul: "Oh soul, if you loathe the Zionists, enemies of my religion, my blood shall be my path to march to Heaven". Since 8th grade I have striven, seeking people daily to guide, listen, and help me. How often I desired to carry out a Shahada-Seeking (suicide) operation inside Isreal, and by perseverance, and with Allah's grace, my wish was fulfilled.
Tags // reem  riyashi  farewell  hamas  website 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5712 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 12400 | Comments: 0
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The Hong Kong's Basketball Championship is still going and So-U.TV filmed Match 4 in Mongkok, Saturday July 5, 2008. SCAA and Fukien are still fighting for it. The pressure was mounting in the second half but Fukien claimed lead at 45:47. SCAA were able to come back strong and finished at 76:65. Watch how SCAA finally triumphed at
Tags // nike  hong  kong  basketball  video  sports  news  game  hkbba  fukien  scaa  semi  final  soutv  basket  ball  bball 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6085 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 12385 | Comments: 0



1 of 4 im doing
Tags // dragon  ball  z  amv 
Categories // Music  Cartoon 
Added: 6001 days ago by ElderGodBrandon
Runtime: 3m18s | Views: 12338 | Comments: 2



Vídeo de despedida: Una terrorista suicida ve en la matanza de sionistas su pasaporte al cielo Reem Riyashi, Hamás, antes del atentado en que mató a 4 personas, sitio web de Hamás, 2004 2009 Soy la mártir Reem Saleh Riyashi, Quisiera que los miembros destrozados de mi cuerpo fueran esquirlas para hacer pedazos a los sionistas, y golpear a las puertas del paraíso con los cráneos de los sionistas. Cuántas veces dije a mi alma: "Oh alma, si aborreces a los sionistas, enemigos de mi religión, mi sangre será el sendero al Paraíso ". Desde el octavo grado he luchado, buscando a diario gente para que me guíe, me escuche y me ayude. Cuántas veces he querido cumplir una misión de Shahada (martirio) dentro de Israel, y gracias a mi perseverancia y por gracia de Alá, mi deseo se cumplió.
Tags // reem  riyashi  farewell  sitio  web  hamas 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5710 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 12313 | Comments: 0
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New Sniping Operations Executed Against the u.s occupation forces in my beloved country iraq from (20-4-2009) to (4-6-2009)
Tags // iraq  baghdad  resistance  ied  vbied  efp  us  obama  insurgent  terrorest 
Added: 5751 days ago by saifc4
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 12181 | Comments: 0
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