Outback Steakhouse tonight introduced new menu options to customers nationwide through an unprecedented one million free steak dinner giveaway. ‘The Great Aussie Steak Out’ was designed to help introduce consumers to Outback’s new wood-fire grill and to celebrate Outback’s new menu offerings.
“The introduction of our new wood-fire grill, in addition to our classic seasoned and seared cooking method provides our customers with more choice in how they’d like their steaks prepared. Additionally the wood-fire grill gives us a big platform to innovate new and exciting products,” said Jeff Smith, president of Outback Steakhouse.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/51697-outback-steakhouse-great-aussie-steak-out
Cu Tornero, Mihai Traistariu s-a impus imediat in peisajul muzical din Romania. Este prezent pentru recitaluri in Romania dar si in strainatate, si este permanent invitat la spectacole, lansari, campanii electorale, petreceri diverse, manifestari orasenesti, nunti, botezuri si revelioane. Contact impresariat artistic si programari-0722.410.597 sau 0745.503.350 ori trimiteti e-mail la tvbucuresti@yahoo.com
Furthering its status as the leader in cat gaming, the Friskies brand ignites speculation about which species reigns supreme with the introduction of the first duel-species tablet game, “You vs. Cat,” available for iPad and iPad2 tablet devices.
“You vs. Cat” is the first tablet game designed for two players – one human and one cat – to bring big-time competition to playtime. Download the free game for you and your cat at YouvsCat.com and iTunes.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/55151-friskies-launches-you-vs-cat-tablet-game-buddy-challenges-college-mascots
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Today Walgreens (NYSE, NASDAQ: WAG), announced the Walgreens Way to Well Health Tour with AARP, a program dedicated to providing free prevention and early detection health services to some of the nation’s most underserved communities. Now through December 2012, the tour will provide free tests, assessments, education and consulting services to communities located predominantly in cities with the highest prevalence for leading diseases, and highest uninsured and unemployed populations.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/54970-walgreens-way-to-well-health-tour-with-aarp
Starting today, anyone with an iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Mac or PC can text message with people around the world for free, and chat on the largest social networks. HeyWire™, created by MediaFriends, is the first and only Multi-Screen Texting and Chat Service that delivers free international messaging with a real phone number.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/heywire/46202/
TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank®, today hosted a Flash Mob in Times Square to inspire consumers to get a FREE “checking checkup.” TD Bank employees from New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, as well as local New York dancers donned doctors' scrubs and danced into the heart and heads of tourists and New Yorkers as they performed a WOWza dance routine to get consumers' attention that now, more than ever, they need to take a closer look at their checking products. With upcoming changes to checking products, TD Bank wanted to find a fun way to educate consumers on the many changes being implemented by banks nationwide.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/tdbank/49105/