California-based precision home builder, Blu Homes (, has taken a significant step toward revolutionizing the way homes are built in the United States with today’s announcement that it has sold and will be manufacturing the first Blu home personalized entirely online in 3-D by a consumer.
The two-bedroom Element 48 home was designed by Cathy and Walter Pearlman, using the Blu | 3-D Configurator™ (, which allows anyone to go online to style, visualize and spend time in their own Blu Home before it is ever built.
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The Golden Gate Bridge opened in San Francisco. Comedian Bill Cosby was born. And in 1937, SPAM® products were introduced as a meal staple into American cupboards. To help celebrate 75 years of the SPAM® brand, the makers of SPAM® products are launching its first ever spokescharacter, Sir Can A-Lot™ –– a two and a half inch tall embodiment of the brand essence ready to begin a crusade to rescue the world from routine meals.
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LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:LF), the leader in educational entertainment, today announced two revolutionary new platforms: LeapPad2, the next generation of the #1 kid’s learning tablet LeapPad™, and LeapsterGS, the ultimate learning video game system.
Within a year of launch, LeapPad has received more than 20 accolades, including three prestigious awards from the Toy Industry Association (Educational Toy of the Year, Preschool Toy of the Year, and the ultimate recognition – Toy of the Year). LeapFrog introduces LeapPad2, the next generation of its magical tablet that delivers education filled with entertainment and fun creative exploration for kids.
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Two decades after the original Nissan Altima revolutionized the traditional mid-size sedan segment in North America, Nissan's best-selling vehicle is about to shake up the category all over again. Making its world debut at the New York International Auto Show, the 2013 Nissan Altima is once again poised to become the new benchmark in the hotly contested segment when it goes on sale at Nissan retailers nationwide this summer.
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Best childrens books Button Goes to School. Once upon a time, two little mice, Button and his mama, lived in a little house under the haystack on a small farm in the country. Button was young but almost old enough to go to school. Soon this day would come.
Caesars Palace, Vegas' world-class destination gaming resort, has announced many new milestones as part of its two-year renaissance. The Caesars Palace renaissance began in March 2011 with the return of Celine Dion and encompasses new entertainment launches, the addition of award-winning restaurants and two brand-new hotel towers.
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New York City looks a little greener these days thanks in part to biodiesel. This renewable, soy-based fuel powers Big Apple vehicles, furnaces and generators year-round and can be found throughout the city from Central Park to John F. Kennedy Airport.
The New York Parks Department uses a B20 blend of biodiesel when fueling diesel vehicles and generators, as well as replacing the oil heat for warming their buildings. The department has used strictly B20 in these applications for nearly two and a half years.
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PR Newswire Stockholm Holds Seminar on the Emerging Social Media Landscape.
PR Newswire, the global leader in content and news distribution, recently held a two day event themed around ‘Emerging Media Today and Tomorrow’ hosted by Michael Pranikoff, Global Director of Emerging Media.
The communications landscape is constantly evolving and as a result the way you communicate and engage with your target audience needs to be continually reevaluated.
Both journalists and consumers have changed their media consumption patterns and as more and more content is uploaded every day it becomes increasingly harder to get your message out there and engage with your target audiences.
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Presented here is the new EM Super-Jet Printing press, a two color printing press for envelopes with 6” cylinders and a multi purpose envelope feeder.
Vertex’s responsibility was the design and engineering of all plastic and sheet metal parts, as well as, exterior covers design and engineering driven by ergonomics and user interface with the press.
As part of the EM series Vertex Product Development Inc. was also responsible for the Jet EM printing press which is a two color printing press for envelopes with 3” cylinders and a Dual-Feeder option. The objectives in this effort was to use as many common parts as possible with the EM Super-Jet press to lower stock and minimize part numbers in the BOM (Bill of Material), as well as, to add new product to the EM press family.
Toastmasters International, the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to teaching public speaking and leadership skills, is launching a video series of time-tested tips for improving communication. The first two videos to debut are basic public speaking and job interview tips.
“Every day a quarter of a million people attend Toastmasters meetings, seeking to become more confident speakers and leaders. These videos give anyone, not only members, access to Toastmasters time-tested tips they can use immediately,” says Toastmasters International President Michael Notaro.
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