I worked super hard on this! And I'm obsessed with this song lol.
The song is Lockdown Denial
It's sung by Cute Is What We Aim For
Oh and sorry if you offended at all by this video. I did not make it to offend anyone. And I'm sorry if this type of video does not appeal to your taste, but please don't act negative about it. [:
experimental video by the last rockband before the border green wave, germany, produced 2011 by Tino Francus as part of his bachelorwork in mediainformatics; song from
the double-cd “ …we used to cut the green grass…/…the war is over…”(2009), which, as well as the cd “the inner garden” (2000), belongs to the trilogy –concept-story “…green bdays on a planet blue…”.
This song is dedicated to the memory of Vivian Stanshall and Mario Schäfer
you can order the cds at green-wave48@web.de or as mp3 at amazon, iTunes, Napster, etc.
you find the story at http://www.green-wave48.blogspot.com/
you can hear all of the songs at www.imradio.com/greenwave
Bank of the West has seen a rise in mortgage loan applications since April as homeowners seek to take advantage of low interest rates under the government’s Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) 2.0.
For consumers wanting to learn more about HARP, Bank of the West has published Eight Essential Harp Tips and introduced an educational video series on HARP loans that can be viewed on YouTube at YouTube.com/Bankofthewest.
“We are anticipating that one out of every five new borrowers will be a homeowner seeking a HARP 2.0 refinance loan this year,” said Karen Mayfield, Bank of the West’s National Sales Manager for the Mortgage Banking Division. “This program is providing real relief for homeowners who are current on their mortgage but have been unable to refinance due to a decline in the value of their home.”
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/54577-bank-of-the-west-mortgage-loan-applications-refinance-harp-2-0
http://www.weprintdirectforless.com Get Great Service High Quality Low Cost Full Color Printing Fast For Your Business or Organization. Plus get your printing processed printed and shipped in as little as one business day. Featuring a full in-house direct mail marketing department.
We have great service, print in high quality, plus we will save you on your business cards, postcards, rack cards, brochures, flyers, posters, catalogs, door hangers, rolodex cards, table tents, CD jackets and inserts, stationary, scratch out marketing, coupon sheets, event tickets, notepads, and calendars.
What are the best plays? Who are the biggest stars? Which rivalries are the nastiest? We've put together the highlights that are burned into your memory. Are they your favorites?
Vote at MSG.com
How To Attack Zombies - Dead Rising 2 We go live to our Japanese studio for another edition of How To Attack Zombies in Dead Rising 2.
Watch as our exuberant hosts tape together weapons, this time a paddle and a chainsaw, then see Dead Rising 2 in game footage for how it works, or check out http://tapeitordie.com for more zombie killing inspiration. In Dead Rising 2 you have to remember to Tape It Or Die.
The scene is set. Hundreds of glass beakers are stacked one on top of the next, containing every imaginable fuel source—from hydrogen to ethanol, natural gas and algae oil—to form a larger-than-life wall. Suddenly, a Lexus LS 600h approaches, accelerates and shatters the wall, creating a kaleidoscope of glass and liquids. The voice-over states: “Lexus Hybrid Drive technology is designed to optimize any fuel source on the planet, even those we don’t know about yet.”
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/lexus/50670/
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Lay where you're laying
Don't make a sound
I know they're watching
They're watching
All the commotion
The kitty loved pain
Has people talking
They're talking
Your sex is on fire
Dark of the alley
The breaking of day
Head while I'm driving
I'm driving
Soft lips are open
Them knuckles are pale
Feels like you're dying
You're dying
Your sex is on fire
And so
Were the words to transpire
Hot as a fever
Rattling bones
I could just taste it
Taste it
But it's not forever
But it's just tonight
Oh we're still the greatest
The greatest
The greatest
Your sex is on fire
Your sex is on fire
And so
Were the words to transpire
And you
Your sex is on fire
And so
Were the words to transpire
“Across the country we’re seeing an alarming number of what we call staged accidents,” said Joe Wehrle, NICB president and chief executive officer. “These are crashes that are made to look like accidents, but in reality are carefully orchestrated scenarios aimed at collecting medical and vehicle damage payments from insurers. The simple truth is they are expensive and dangerous. We are working with our member insurance companies and law enforcement partners to put the people that commit these crimes behind bars.”
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/nicb/43814/
We work with small and large companies to create branded entertainment that delivers. Our programming is as diverse as our clients but it\'s our objective that the programming we produce makes you feel good about your brand in the course of telling a compelling editorial story - and in a much more entertaining way than \