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Search // 7
Results 301-312 of 468 for ' 7 ' (0 seconds)
The recent flooding in Texas means the end of the road for an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 insured vehicles that suffered water damage. That’s the current estimate from Copart, a company that works on behalf of insurers to handle the vehicles damaged in catastrophes. About 2,500 cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs and other vehicles have already been towed to one of Copart’s locations, a 200-acre processing facility in Houston. After a disaster, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) works with its member companies, law enforcement and companies like Copart to identify the vehicles that have had an insurance claim filed and to process them for sale. All of the cars will be retitled with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the new title will indicate the fact that the vehicle has been flood damaged. Most of the vehicles are sold to parts companies who will dismantle them and re-sell usable parts that were not damaged by the flooding. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3565 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m31s | Views: 1058 | Comments: 1
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There isn't much of a story behind the making of this song ..... I was still in the optimum song writing mode after the completion of The Devil's Dance and so I went with a more upbeat beat and then just rocked this one to the finish line LYRICS : In my motor mind I can climb so high. I can jump right up and baby touch the sky. In my motor mind when I'm feeling high, I can bring you up as I fly on by. In my motor mind I can climb so high. I can jump right up and baby touch the sky. In my motor mind when I'm feeling high, I can bring you up as I fly on by. We'll take a ride from Hades to Heaven. We'll grab some grub from 7 11. We'll take a ride from Hades to Heaven. We'll grab some grub from 7 11. Repeat verses.
Added: 2587 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m35s | Views: 1054 | Comments: 4



At Entertainment Weekly’s Con-X fan festival at Comic-Con, July 21-24, Schick Hydro is introducing larger-than-life Robot Razor, the superhero razor ready to dive into the fanfare and smooth out the many irritations that often damper fan experiences. “Up until now, we’ve only seen Robot Razor in digital form in an epic battle against a regular lube strip in a showdown,” said Anastasia Tobias, Schick Hydro Senior Brand Manager, Edgewell Personal Care. “Now, we’re excited to bring his powers to real-life situations for fans at EW’s Con-X -- making Schick Hydro the brand that doesn’t just mean a smooth shave, but a smooth experience.” In anticipation of the arrival of Robot Razor in San Diego, Schick Hydro is launching their #HydroRescue social campaign a few weeks prior. On July 7, from 9am – 9pm EST, guys are encouraged to tweet some of life’s funniest irritations with #HydroRescue and #Contest for a chance to win the Grand Prize trip to San Diego with a friend, meet actor Zachary Quinto, and enjoy VIP treatment at the Schick Hydro Super Shave Shop and Hydration Station at EW’s Con-X. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3167 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 1045 | Comments: 0
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Well here's the scoop on this poop ...... My Windows crashed on my main PC and I had lost all of my studio programs a few months back ..... I was focused on creating more pop orientated songs such as what I've been doing for 2017 but all of my vocal songs are still missing vital audio pluggins to continue on with them ..... I've now upgraded from FL 7 to FL 10 and I've got my studio program back but I'll need to work with it more to create new vocal material .... In the meantime, I'm composing new Electronic music with my FL 10 and I have a couple of monster size Electronic tunes created from my FL 7 but I'm still shying away from making videos for them and uploading them to here ...... So what I have here is a project that I was working on with my 7 version but it's also lacking the pluggins for me to go the full route with it ...... What inspired me to do this was after watching Youtube videos of rock songs being spliced together, most likely by university students with an engineering degree and I figured that I could probably do a better job with my old school methods ..... perseverance and a good hammer and nail ..... What I'd like to add to this description was that 4 months back, I had made this comment to a fellow MUSICIAN ??? ...... Youtuber who had just put together a mashup that took him a whole 5 hours to create ...... "A world's record from what I've seen around here" ...... My comment to him pretty much describes what I have here ..... "This sound's awesome bro ..... I'm involved in a similar project right now but with me it's always months of work ..... I'm doing the impossible right now of mashing up classic rock tunes with me accompanying them ..... I started off with Space Truckin .... The problem with this work is that they're not Electronic tunes and so they have no digital BPM .... I have to take my best guess as bands often speed up or slow down .... I added Smoke On The Water by speeding up the track and raising the pitch up 2 steps and then Strange Kind Of Woman which is in 3/4 timing and then Lazy over Space Trucking to Daft Punk's Robot Rock to Chicago's version of I'm A man to Alvin Lee's Going Home to Van Halen's I'm The One to the Stones Around and Around to Sympathy For The Devil mixed in with April Wine's Could Have Been A lady and now I'm gonna try to work in Aerosmith's guitar riff to Walk This Way to Could Have Been A lady ..... Boy ..... and people wonder why it takes me so long to upload a new song." ....... and his reply back was ...... "LOLOLOL Well with Projects like that, ... Do they know what you do??? ...and why put so much pressure on yourself... or is that just what you do? You're obviously talented, why don't you just simply make originals or covers? Oh, and Thank you!!! :-)" ......... ??? ...... Well "LOLOLOL dee DOH" on me ........ What the Hell is wrong with me anyway? ........ Spend over a day to create something special when all I need to do is to pick up my acoustic guitar and sing you all a song through my cell phone and come back to you tomorrow and the next day and then every day afterwards? ....... We'll that may be the Youtube way but it's not my way to all of you Frank Sanatra wannabies ........ You want to make something great? ..... you gotta work at it and spend more time composing than uploading ....... YEAH !!!!! ......... and you gotta wait for me when I feel it's time to sing because I'm the FAT LADY here and the fat lady want's to shine like a pair of dancing shoes and leave some kind of memorable musical poop stain on this planet before making her grand exit ...... Mr. POOPY LOLOLOL 5 hour PANTS !!!!!!
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 2761 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 7m46s | Views: 1043 | Comments: 6
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According to the 2016 Franchise Business Economic Outlook report, employment growth in the franchise sector will continue to outpace the growth of employment in all businesses economy-wide, as it has in each of the last six years. The franchise industry is set to grow by 1.7 percent in 2016 which added over 13,000 new franchise businesses, generating over $900 billion in economic output and 278,000 new jobs in 2015. Kumon, the world’s largest education franchise, continues to flourish as it surpassed company milestones in 2015 with nearly 300,000 students enrolled in its math and reading programs nationwide. “Many of our 1,500 franchise owners opened Kumon centers after experiencing first-hand how Kumon gave their own children an academic advantage that put them ahead of their peers,” says Larry Lambert, vice president of franchise recruitment at Kumon North America. “Kumon is helping thousands of aspiring small business owners transform their lives with a career that rewards them and changes the lives of youth every day.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3295 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 1039 | Comments: 0
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Mary Murphy partners with Osteo Bi-Flex® The GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ Title for the ‘Largest merengue lesson’ has officially been set as of Friday, April 15, by none other than joint supplement Osteo Bi-Flex. Led by celebrity choreographer Mary Murphy, ballroom dancing champion, at the Fremont Street Experience, the lesson involved more than 250 participants who gathered to learn and perform the high-energy, Latin-inspired merengue. Record attempt participants stepped in time throughout the half-hour lesson, under the expert direction of celebrity dancer and choreographer Mary Murphy. The joint support supplement’s record-breaking feat was held as a celebration of movement, encouraging folks to be active and to continue enjoying the activities that make them happy at any age. “Osteo Bi-Flex is leading the call for movement and enabling individuals to continue participating in the activities they love by facilitating joint comfort, flexibility and movement,” said Derek Bowen, Senior Vice President for Osteo Bi-Flex. “Our product has been helping people for years, so to have our name down in the record books for getting people moving is a perfect fit with our brand! From our standpoint, stillness is the new smoking. Taking Osteo Bi-Flex will help people feel more comfortable within 7 days of taking it.*” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3247 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1031 | Comments: 1
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Im Jahr 1982 erblickte der erste Golf GTD das Licht der Welt. Der erste Gran Tourismo Diesel, was das Namenskürzel eigentlich bedeutet, war weitestgehend ein Golf GTI, allerdings mit einem Selbstzünder unter der Haube. Trotz der im Vergleich zum aktuellen GTD mager anmutenden 70 Turbo-Diesel-Pferde, war der erste GTD damals so etwas wie die Sportskanone unter den Dieseln. Das lag zum einen am straffen Fahrwerk, zum anderen am geringen Gewicht. Rund 900 Kilogramm brachte das zierlich wirkende Auto damals auf die Waage. Der aktuelle GTD lässt bei Bedarf 184 Pferde galoppieren, diese müssen aber knapp eine halbe Tonne mehr in Bewegung halten. Die Gewichtszunahme ist optisch leicht zu erkennen, der neue GTD ist gegenüber seinem Urahn stolze 50 Zentimeter gewachsen. Aber auch unter dem Blech hat er nun eine Menge Technik, die das Fahren sicherer und komfortabler macht. Dass der Neue, dem ersten GTD in jeder Lebenslage die Rückleuchten zeigen kann, lässt sich am leichtesten mit dem Leistungsgewicht erklären. Beim Golf I sind es mehr als 12 Kilogramm, die jede Pferdestärke bewegen muss, beim aktuellen stemmen sich nur noch 7,4 Kilo gegen jedes PS. In Sachen Höchstgeschwindigkeit lässt der Golf 7 dem Oldtimer keine Chance. Während 160 Km/h in den 80ern als zügig galten, sind es heute 230 Stundenkilometer… Doch eines verbindet die beiden GTD. Damals wie heute standen und stehen die drei Buchstaben für einen echten Langstreckenexpress.
Tags // volkswagen  golf  gtd  test 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4283 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 1031 | Comments: 1
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WE invites Americans to tune in to the second annual US national broadcast of WE Day on August 28, 2016 at 7 pm/6 pm CT. Charlize Theron, Demi Lovato, Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen, Selena Gomez, Natalie Portman, Common, Big Sean, Jennifer Hudson, Ciara, Jacob Tremblay, Zooey Deschanel, Tyrese Gibson, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, Paula Abdul, Hannah Simone, Rico & Raini Rodriguez, Kermit the Frog along with other Muppets and more will come together to lend their voices to WE Day, part of the WE Movement that brings people together and gives them the tools to change the world locally and globally, achieving transformative outcomes for themselves and others. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3125 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1029 | Comments: 0
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The National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF), in partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), announced today the 2015 Hall of Fame Inductees, all of whom have changed the world through human, social and/or economic progress. Among this year’s class of Inductees is Nobel Prize winner Shuji Nakamura, responsible for the blue light-emitting diode (LED) which enabled the white LED, and the blue laser diode; Jaap Haartsen, the inventor of Bluetooth® technology, now used in 2.7 billion devices and growing; George Alcorn, who furthered deep space exploration with his X-ray spectrometer; Kristina M. Johnson and Gary Sharp, pioneers in display technology related to rear projection television and 3D applications; and duo Ioannis Yannas and John Burke, who have saved the lives of many burn victims with their invention of Artificial Skin. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3692 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 1023 | Comments: 2
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L’Oréal announced the winners of its International Awards for Social Responsibility in Dermatology, “Caring to Inspire Skin Confidence” at the 23rd World Congress of Dermatology taking place in Vancouver, Canada. For North America Dr. Danielle Marcoux from Canada Camp Liberté – Summer camp for children with skin disorders This one-week summer camp run by volunteer dermatologists and nurses enrolled children aged 7 to 12 with moderate-to-severe skin disorders, as well as their families, to bring them together for support, social interaction and to increase their confidence. All the activities aim to increase patients’ confidence and self-esteem, improve social skills, reduce stigma about their condition and improve adherence to treatment. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3540 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 1021 | Comments: 0
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The last year saw many achievements for Chengdu’s meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) industry. According to data from the Chengdu Municipal Statistics Bureau, Chengdu hosted 530 major exhibitions, conferences and forums in 2014, of which 214 were exhibitions, 45 more than a year earlier or a year-over-year (YOY) growth rate of 26.6 percent, and 113 were international conferences and forums, 8 more than a year earlier, or a YOY growth rate of 7.6 percent. The events took up 3.25 million square meters of space in the aggregate, a YOY growth rate of 8.0 percent, of which 49 were international in nature, occupying 1.74 million square meters, a YOY growth rate of 16.0 percent. Direct revenue derived from the industry for 2014 totaled 6.95 billion yuan, up 14.9 percent year-on-year while overall revenue (direct plus indirect) revenue reached 58.4 billion yuan, up 14.5 percent year-on-year. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 3607 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1016 | Comments: 0
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Forty-five million people – or 1 in 7 Americans – are living in poverty in the United States today. It often takes just one misfortune or one missed paycheck to change an individual or family’s life causing them to fall below the poverty line. Today, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) launches #End45 – Raise a Hand to End Poverty in America, a national initiative to help shine a spotlight on the issue and the millions of others in need or struggling to make ends meet. Timed to coincide with Pope Francis’s visit to the United States in late September and to align with his commitment to helping the poor, #End45 – Raise a Hand to End Poverty in America encourages individuals to show support for the cause by taking a picture of their hand with “#End45” written on the palm and posting it to their social media channels using the hashtag #End45. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3470 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 1016 | Comments: 0
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