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A PASSION FOR GIVING is a stylish, powerful and beautifully shot film with great music and compelling interviews with fascinating people, some famous some not, who inspire the viewer to give and help other people, animals and the planet.
Added: 5618 days ago by passiongiving
Runtime: 4m19s | Views: 6865 | Comments: 0



Germany is witnessing a constant rise in the number of private schools – there are roughly 3000 at present. The reason: Many parents have lost faith in state-run education, not least after the damning verdict and the abysmal ratings of the so-called 2006 PISA report. They prefer to send their children to privately funded schools. The percentage of private students has reached eight percent nationwide and has doubled since the mid-1990s, regardless of monthly tuition fees of an average 150 Euros per child. Private schools may follow a variety of different educational approaches. Nevertheless they are united in their ultimate objective of providing a better and individually-tailored education to their pupils. Hamburg’s Bugenhagen College is one of the schools that are going down this route. It is particularly worth mentioning that the college does not differentiate between non-handicapped and disabled youngsters.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5982 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 6861 | Comments: 0
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Stephanie Dolgoff’s twenties are behind her… but she’s not in hot flash territory either. In her new book, My Formerly Hot Life: Dispatches from Just the Other Side of Young she imparts wacky and wise observations about this little discussed flux time, demonstrating that becoming a ‘Formerly’ is poignant and hilarious. Learn more about this book: Learn more about this author:
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5321 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 6845 | Comments: 1
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It takes a certain kind of crazy and fearless character to be able to withstand this sort of harsh environment, to be able to not panic and cry like a newborn when your truck careers off the road into a frozen wilderness. Truck that.
Tags // ice  truckers  trucking  hell  series 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Funny 
Added: 5661 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 6847 | Comments: 2



These books are available at These books will help you Pursue your Passion-Does your passion bring you wealth? Health? Love? Your passion maynot be for you, it may be for someone else. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Change your thinking-Change your life. Do you know that you can totally turn your life around by changing the words you speak? Your words can create solutions to every life challenge. If you'll faithfully continue to Look Within and get to know God by His Spirit-and a crucial part of that process is praying-then one year from now, you will not be the same. In time, you will reach your debt-free goal and live the good life you deserve-From Debt Prison To Financial Palace! This video was produced by
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4803 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 6843 | Comments: 1
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One thing is for sure - everyone needs to eat and drink. A fact that lets the food producers have a certain degree of security. Approximately 1200 Companies came to Düsseldorf with this sense of security to visit the food fairs InterMeat, InterCool and InterMopro, and the hotel and gastronomy fair hogatec. The upturn in the German economy - the organizers know this on the last day of the fair - has not yet arrived. But: some signs of recovery are evident.
Categories // Business 
Added: 5282 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6852 | Comments: 2
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Reduce weight naturally and detox your body for optimum health. You may not be aware that many diet vpills contain harmful substances that can ruin your internal organs and overall health so we have come up with the top 3 natural solutions to reduce your weight naturally.
Tags // reduce  weight  naturally  effective  weight  loss  how  to  loss  weight  quick  weight  loss  diets  need  to  loss  weight  help  losing  weight  best  ways  to  loss  weight  lose  weight  diets 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5344 days ago by bernie7270
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 6830 | Comments: 0
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Chlamydia. HPV. Herpes. Gonorrhea. They’re not easy topics to bring up with your teen, but sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates are rising among adolescents. Nearly half of all new STD cases are in young people between the ages of 15 and 24, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Parents can help slow the rise in STD rates by talking to teens about STDs, STD prevention and the importance of STD testing — but first they need to have the facts. prepares parents to talk to their kids about STDs by offering a variety of expert interviews, life story videos and resources. Watch the video What Can I Do About It? To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4909 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 6825 | Comments: 2
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This is Bus jelcz M11 model was design for game that unfortunately will be not finished.
Categories // Games 
Added: 6445 days ago by andy
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 6822 | Comments: 1
     the Social Network for Freelancers. is aimed at providing professionals with the easiest way to get in touch with capable freelancers all over the world. As opposed to many social networks, does not focus on personal branding, but only on results. How do we make it happen? Projects are made of real people. The projects you have contributed to probably included more than one person. The good news is: when adding projects to your portfolio, you will be able to add a list of your coworkers. The better news is: adding them will trigger a verification system allowing them to rate your work, confirm that yes, you are a real person and yes, so are they. The long term effect? A network exclusively made of real people!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4682 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 6820 | Comments: 1
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If you’re planning a move this summer, you’re not alone -- nearly 40 million Americans are expected to move this year. And with an average of 60 tasks to do to prepare for a move, it’s no surprise that important things can sometimes slip through the cracks. HGTV’s LISA LAPORTA, Interior Designer and organization guru shares some practical tips to help Americans prepare for a move, including smart decisions you can make when moving your belongings from one home to another, the latest on “techorating” – or how to incorporate technology into your new home and the best kept secrets for using your existing belongings to create a brand new look in your new space. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5001 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 6806 | Comments: 0
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Zara and Nick are soul mates, meant to be together forever. But that's not quite how things have worked out. For starters, well, Nick is dead. The thrilling new book in the Need series by Carrie Jones.
Tags // vidlit  book  thrilling  pixies  book  entice 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5252 days ago by vidlit
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 6795 | Comments: 0



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