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On April 8th, a team of scientists, environmental experts and world-class athletes will set sail from Guadeloupe to Marseille on a catamaran. THEIR MISSION? THE OCEAN. Biotherm Homme, the number one brand in premium men’s skincare, partners with windsurf champion Florian Jung, marine biologist Dr. Frauke Bagusche and their team as they sail across the Atlantic on a 72-day mission from Guadeloupe to Marseille. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
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Added: 3616 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 730 | Comments: 0
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“Want to enjoy life,” “like to learn things,” “look for adventures and like to take risks” – these traits tell the story of how Americans perceive entrepreneurs, as revealed in the 2015 Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report (AGER). It’s an optimism that permeates the research again this year, with 86 percent of Americans expressing positive attitudes toward entrepreneurship, up a remarkable 24 percent from 2014 and a resounding 11 percent more than the 2015 global average (75 percent). Echoed by their strong desire for “independence from an employer” and “self-fulfillment, possibility to realize own ideas,” at 75 percent and 72 percent respectively, this positivity is indicative of the country’s thriving entrepreneurial spirit. “The attitude toward entrepreneurship is not only remarkably high but significantly increased from last year when fewer than two-thirds of respondents reported a positive attitude,” notes Dr. David B. Audretsch, professor and director of the Institute for Development Strategies at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs. “What’s more, the secondary importance of financial compensation contradicts the most prevalent stereotypes and myths about why people choose entrepreneurship.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3392 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m12s | Views: 732 | Comments: 0
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Filmed By: Instagram: @DirtroadSavages Twitter: @DirtroadSavages Spinrilla: MyMixtapez: LiveMixtapes:
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Added: 2476 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 719 | Comments: 3



A first-of-a-kind neural stem cell therapy that works with a common cold virus to seek out and attack a lethal and aggressive brain cancer is being tested at Northwestern Medicine in a Phase I clinical trial for patients newly diagnosed with malignant glioma. The novel drug to treat malignant glioma, notorious for recurring after typical bouts of standard cancer treatment, was developed by a Northwestern scientist and has been approved as an investigational drug by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This is only the second time the University has supported and filed an investigational new drug as a sponsor. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2811 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m28s | Views: 712 | Comments: 1
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Wave energy developer Eco Wave Power Ltd is pleased to announce that Eco Wave Power's Energy Project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar's power grid. Tel Aviv, Israel – June 1st, 2016 – The Gibraltarian Project was officially "switched-on" by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes. Gibraltar Electric Authority (Gibraltar's National Electric Company) is the purchaser of the entire Project's power. The Project is the first grid connected Eco Wave Power plant and the only wave power plant anywhere in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms. "In the last 4.5 years, we have been through a lot. People were coming with these magic black boxes, they told us you give us some funding and we will give you the power. They never came up with anything. Nothing ever worked. This is clearly working. I think that the future is bright and the future like the past all those six million years ago is in the power of the sea all around us" To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3196 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m12s | Views: 706 | Comments: 1
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As of this weekend, the City of Essen is officially the European Green Capital. The Lord Mayor of Essen Thomas Kufen launched the title year together with the EU Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella during a creative orchestrated stage show. Other well-known guests included representatives from the EU, the Federal Government and the State of NRW, such as German Federal Minister for Environment Dr Barbara Hendricks and Minister for Environment for North Rhine-Westphalia Johannes Remmel. Many thousands of visitors came to the subsequent Culture and Families Festival in the Grugapark. The Lord Mayor of Essen Thomas Kufen emphasised: “Our motto for 2017 is to ‘experience your green miracle’. We would like to invite people from Europe and across the globe to visit us in 2017 and experience their own green miracle. Our city offers many surprises - the opening weekend proved this impressively.” The third greenest city in Germany showed what it was capable of during the Culture and Families Festival. The themes accompanying the City of Essen throughout the title year turned into life in the form of illuminations, dance, theatre, sound installation, light labyrinth, walking acts, exhibitions and much more. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2961 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m22s | Views: 694 | Comments: 0
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Wave energy developer Eco Wave Power Ltd is pleased to announce that Eco Wave Power's Energy Project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar's power grid. Tel Aviv, Israel – June 1st, 2016 – The Gibraltarian Project was officially "switched-on" by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes. Gibraltar Electric Authority (Gibraltar's National Electric Company) is the purchaser of the entire Project's power. The Project is the first grid connected Eco Wave Power plant and the only wave power plant anywhere in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms. "In the last 4.5 years, we have been through a lot. People were coming with these magic black boxes, they told us you give us some funding and we will give you the power. They never came up with anything. Nothing ever worked. This is clearly working. I think that the future is bright and the future like the past all those six million years ago is in the power of the sea all around us" To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3196 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 694 | Comments: 1
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St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is naming the institution’s principal research tower after Donald Pinkel, M.D., whose legacy of driving progress toward advancing cures for pediatric catastrophic diseases continues at the institution today. When St. Jude was established 55 years ago, Pinkel, the hospital’s first medical director, committed to finding cures for childhood cancer, leading to groundbreaking treatments that saved countless children’s lives. Many of these cancers were deemed incurable prior to Pinkel’s research, but his distinct approach to eradicating diseases established a model for how cancers could be treated. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2903 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 683 | Comments: 0
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Do you know the condition of your vehicle’s battery? For a majority of drivers, the battery is unnoticeable unless the engine refuses to start, which happens more frequently in the cold and rainy winter seasons. “Extreme temperatures, irregular use, short trips and the age of a vehicle influence the starting power of a battery,” says Dr. Christian Rosenkranz, Vice President Engineering at battery manufacturer Johnson Controls. He explains the four main causes of battery failure and how drivers can safeguard against it. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3009 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 677 | Comments: 0
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You Can Get The Full FREE Info Now -​ Watch Video Here -​ Hello, I'm Dr Khatri As always, helping you stay loved, stay healthy and stay wealthy.. Today we are talking about the #1 method to help support a healthy prostate. Since numerous long stretches of individual preliminaries and tests, I accept that they have at last found an uncommon mix of fixings which may help anybody support a healthy prostate. The accompanying equation is determined and acclimated to give THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS with regards to help keeping up the great wellbeing of your enlarged prostate.
Tags // prostate  health 
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Added: 1434 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m34s | Views: 668 | Comments: 1
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In today’s always-on world, people are more digitally-connected than ever before – yet less connected to one another in meaningful ways. That’s why Murad®, the pioneering clinical skincare brand, is launching the EyesUp Campaign, a new initiative designed to educate people about the danger of digital-only relationships and the power of real-world human connection. Through the campaign, Murad is encouraging people around the world to go “EyesUp” and connect with one another in real life. Renowned as the “Father of Internal Skincare,” Dr. Murad’s groundbreaking work and research over the past decade has centered on helping people cope with Cultural Stress™, or the stress of modern living. The hallmarks of Cultural Stress include digital dependency, the inability to disconnect from work, and lowered self-esteem due to increased social expectations. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2918 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 666 | Comments: 0
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HealthCare Partners, a division of DaVita Inc. (NYSE: DVA), a leading independent medical group in the United States, is encouraging Medicare beneficiaries to review their health care coverage during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period. From October 15 through December 7, Medicare holds its annual Open Enrollment Period. During this seven-week window, Medicare beneficiaries can make changes to their health and prescription drug plans for the following year. If you are satisfied with your Medicare coverage, you may wonder how open enrollment applies to you. As the old adage goes, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it,” right? While this may certainly be the case for many things in life, it may not be true about your Medicare coverage. Choosing a Medicare plan is similar to shopping for other insurance; by comparing different plans and rates, you choose the coverage that’s best for you. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3027 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 651 | Comments: 0
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