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New York Yankees all-time great Bernie Williams is teaming up with Boehringer Ingelheim to raise awareness of a lung disease called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) that his father suffered from for years before he passed away in 2001. His father, Bernabé, inspired Williams to play baseball and make it to the Major Leagues, and taught him to play guitar which has become William’s second career since retiring from baseball. In honor of his father’s battle with IPF, Williams has joined the Breathless™ campaign to turn his family’s devastating experience with this rare lung disease into a chance to help other families. Williams hopes to educate and empower others who think they may have IPF to seek early diagnosis and treatment and is encouraging people to visit the campaign website – – and share the videos and educational content through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2899 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 717 | Comments: 0
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You stock your kitchen’s pantry shelves with quality food. Why would you skimp on the shelves of your bathroom cabinet? With cold and flu season upon us, it’s a great time to purge the medicine cabinet. Better to shop and prepare now than scramble when you are sick. Clean out clutter, get rid of anything that’s expired or you aren’t using, and stock up on the staples. A fresh start can make all the difference. Well-known RN and health expert, Linda Ciampa has been helping families stay healthy for over a decade. On Wednesday, January 18th, Linda will be available for live interviews to share her best tips for preparing your medicine cabinet for the colder weather. She will also provide viewers with an easy-to-use option for keeping track of your family’s medical and fitness information.
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Added: 2962 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m6s | Views: 695 | Comments: 0
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CyberScout’s 5th annual Privacy XChange Forum included an exciting roster of experts and industry leaders to discuss and shape the cybersecurity and privacy agenda for the coming year. CyberScout founder Adam Levin welcomed an all star line up of speakers, including former US Attorney Preet Bharara, counter-terrorism expert Malcolm Nance, and Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Bruce Schneier who put into sharp focus the need to make cybersecurity a front burner issue in the wake of the devastating Equifax breach and Russian hacking and interference in US elections. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2687 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 692 | Comments: 2
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Travelling for the first time? It’s not as scary as you think but please don’t make this mistake! It will look bad on your passport!
Tags // travelling  mistake  to  avoid 
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Added: 2048 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m0s | Views: 686 | Comments: 0
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Volvo Cars, the premium car maker, is promising that you will never have to stop at a petrol station, go to a car wash or even take your car in for service ever again, with the launch of a range of concierge services that will become an integrated part of the Volvo On Call mobile platform. Volvo is announcing the roll-out of a pilot program in San Francisco, targeting Volvo owners driving the new XC90 SUV and S90 luxury sedan. In an effort to make their customers’ lives easier, Volvo has dug deep into consumer research to deliver on their customers’ unmet needs. The pilot is due to start in November and will ramp up to include around 300 Volvo owners. “Imagine parking your car in the morning at work and when you head home your car has been serviced, cleaned and refuelled. These are the kind of services we want to deliver to our customers. Our research shows that people spend hours every week doing these small errands – we want to give that time back to Volvo drivers, so they can do something more valuable instead,” said Björn Annwall, Senior Vice President, Global Consumer Experience at Volvo Car Group. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // volvo  cars  auto  technology  luxury  new  xc90  suv  s90  sedan  multivu  7983651 
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Added: 3029 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 684 | Comments: 0
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Ways to Conserve Energy without breaking your budget. Simple yet effective, every little action you do adds up to a lot! You can conserve energy quickly and easily. By implementing just a few energy saving solutions, you can really make a dent in your power consumption and electricity bills. Saving Energy will not only help you and your family, but it will protect all of mankind and mother Earth. With our energy saving devices, we have solutions to help you save easily and effectively! By focusing on the motors/appliances in your home, you can quickly laser target the biggest energy consumers in your home and make them as energy efficient as possible- WITHOUT spending thousands of dollars! Energy Conservation doesn't have to be difficult. By using just a few of my free electricity tips on my site, you can EASILY save 10%. Start conserving electricity in your home or business today and stop suffering from high power bills and stress!
Added: 3178 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 687 | Comments: 2
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Throughout 2017, Pepsi® is celebrating life’s “Live For Now” moments. Moments when we decide to let go, choose to act, follow our passion and nothing holds us back. “Jump In,” a short film that depicts these moments and stars Kendall Jenner, captures the spirit and actions of those people that jump in to every moment. It features multiple lives, stories and emotional connections that show passion, joy, unbound and uninhibited moments. No matter the occasion, big or small, these are the moments that make us feel alive. The “Jump In” Pepsi Moments film takes a more progressive approach to truly reflect today’s generation and what living for now looks like. Kendall is the latest in an impactful line-up of global icons to work with Pepsi and she exemplifies owning “Live For Now” moments. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2891 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 672 | Comments: 1
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Are you one of the millions of Americans struggling to stay on track with your New Year’s resolution to get healthy in 2016? While losing adopting a healthier lifestyle are at the top of mind for many as we turn the calendar, many go about it the wrong way and end up failing. A huge reason for this failure is the fact that people tend to choose a goal that’s too vague or unrealistic. Lifestyle expert and former senior health and nutrition expert at Shape Magazine, Sharon Liao is available to share simple yet attainable changes that will make a big impact on reaching your goals!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3323 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m34s | Views: 658 | Comments: 0
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