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The just-released 2014 Salary Guides from Robert Half show that U.S. starting salaries for professional occupations are projected to increase an average of 3.7 percent next year. Technology positions are expected to see the largest gains among all fields researched, with an anticipated 5.6 percent increase in the average salary for newly hired workers. Accounting and finance professionals can expect starting salaries to rise an average of 3.4 percent, according to the research. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4155 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1195 | Comments: 0
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Today, SC Johnson celebrated the anniversary of one of its recent renewable energy investments, two wind turbines at the company’s largest manufacturing facility, Waxdale, in Mt. Pleasant, Wis. These turbines have successfully cut nearly 6,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases in their first year. Combined with the site’s cogeneration systems already in place, the Waxdale facility, which is the size of 36 football fields, is now able to generate, on average, 100 percent of its electrical energy onsite. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4092 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1196 | Comments: 1
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Farmers in Ivory Coast struggle with a mango harvest season that is as short as the fruit is sweet. “For a 4-6 week period in April and May, the country is flooded with good mangos, but it ends abruptly when the rainy season starts. From then on, the mango just starts decaying,” explains Mathew Shed, container manager in the specialist shipping company Africa Express Line (AEL). “We were approached in April by Eolis, a CF logistics company, who asked for some kind of smart solution that would keep the fruit delicious and marketable for a longer time,” he adds. The solution turned out to be special reefer containers. With quick help from a container leasing company and a container depot in Antwerp, Belgium, Star Cool containers were upgraded to work with controlled atmosphere, in short known as CA, and sent to Ivory Coast. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3825 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 1192 | Comments: 3
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A snapshot of 6 acres in Muskingum County where I found this little guy (or girl) It\'s a nice, scenic, wildlife-filled area and I have other similar country acreage also. Interested to learn more? Visit today!
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 4269 days ago by heathdetweiler
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 1180 | Comments: 1
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Two of HGTV’s top experts, Jonathan Scott and Drew Scott, stars of the Property Brothers, are in an all-out battle to win HGTV’s newest competition series, Brother vs. Brother. The six-episode series, premiering on Sunday, July 21, at 10 p.m. ET/PT, pits Jonathan’s skills as a licensed contractor against Drew’s experience as a real estate agent as they and their teams vie to execute the smartest home renovation upgrades and score the biggest property-value increase. Each week the results of the completed home renovation is evaluated by the discerning eyes of HGTV real estate stars, including Mike Aubrey (Power Broker), Kennon Earl (Selling LA) and Hilary Farr and David Visentin (Love It or List It). While the 6’4” identical twins brothers go head-to-head to win championship bragging rights, the competing teams stop at nothing to take home the $50,000 grand prize To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4285 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 1185 | Comments: 0
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Learn how you can easily enable Emoji keyboard on your device! Send amazing emoji pictures, unique emoticons, turn any word into emoji preset in a tap, and more! Get ultimate Emoji Emoticons Art iOS app How to enable Emoji 2 Keyboard on iOS 6 - Open Settings - Go to General - Scroll down and tap Keyboard - Select Keyboards - Tap Add New Keyboard - Scroll down and select Emoji - Emoji keyboard has been activated. Now you can use Emoji in Messages, Notes, Contacts, and more! - Open the Messages app, for example - Tap and hold the Globe at the bottom and then select Emoji - Select the Emoji you like by tapping on it
Tags // emoji 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4288 days ago by Apalon
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 1177 | Comments: 2
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Black Hole 592-0 Moonbeam featuring ARCHNGL - Sun Went Down 1. DJ Tarkan Remix 2. Ost & Meyer Remix 3. DJ Tarkan Instrumal Remix 4. DJ Tarkan Radio Edit 5. Original Soundtrack Mix 6. Ost & Meyer Radio Edit
Tags // moonbeam  feat  archng 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4053 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 3m46s | Views: 1132 | Comments: 0



Daee Ahmed Moait Gives A Talk About Where Are You In The Times Of Trials And Deception.
Tags // trials  new  islam  deception  talk  ahmed  islamic  lecture 
Added: 4301 days ago by Warda
Runtime: 4m52s | Views: 1136 | Comments: 0
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Back-to-school is around the corner, and Primrose Schools, a family of accredited, early education and care schools, is accepting enrollment for Fall 2014. With more than 280 schools in 20 states across the country, Primrose provides high-quality education and care to more than 60,000 children ages 6-weeks to 6-years-old. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3879 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m33s | Views: 1121 | Comments: 2
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TianNing farm, a new dairy project in China’s Ningxia province is off to an impressive start. The design was coordinated by Afimilk and equipped with Afimilk’s milking system and herd management system, the farm was planned to house 6,000 cows and 4,000 heifers. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 3921 days ago by MultiVu
Runtime: 8m3s | Views: 1122 | Comments: 1
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Benzinmotoren mit Direkteinspritzung sind gefährlicher für Umwelt und Gesundheit als bislang angenommen. Das beweisen die Ergebnisse eines neuen Tests, den die Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (DUH) bei der Abgasprüfstelle der Fachhochschule Bern (AFHB) in Auftrag gegeben hat. Die erstmals auch unter realen Fahrbedingungen gewonnenen Daten machen deutlich, dass der Ausstoß von Nanopartikeln und anderen Schadstoffen, im Vergleich zu den Ergebnissen auf dem Rollenprüfstand, auf der Straße massiv ansteigt. Deutlich höhere Emissionen gibt es jedoch auch im Labor, sobald die Testbedingungen einem realistischeren Fahrverhalten angepasst werden. Aus diesem Grund fordert die DUH eine rasche und umfassende Markteinführung entsprechender Abgasreinigungstechnologie, wie sie bei Dieselmotoren seit langer Zeit im Einsatz ist. Die Abgasprüfstelle der Fachhochschule Bern hatte die Emissionen eines Hyundai 30 GDI (1.6 L) und eines VW Golf VII TSI 1.4 L in verschiedenen Messzyklen sowie in jeweils fünf gleichen Straßenfahrten pro Fahrzeug ermittelt. Zur Messung von Nanopartikeln verwendete die AFHB ein „on board“-Gerät (NanoMet 3). Anschließend vermaß die Abgasprüfstelle beide Autos auf dem Prüfstand nach dem „Neuen Europäischen Fahrzyklus“ (NEFZ) und dem sogenannten Autobahnzyklus, der im Vergleich zum NEFZ einen realitätsnäheren Fahrbetrieb simuliert. Den Autobahnzyklus führte sie beim Golf einmal ohne und einmal mit eingebautem Partikelfilter durch. Während der VW Golf im NEFZ-Zyklus sowohl die ab 2014 als auch ab 2017 geltenden Grenzwerte für Partikelanzahl einhielt, blieb der Hyundai nur unter den schwächeren Grenzwerten für 2014. Auf der Straße zeigte sich dagegen ein gänzlich anderes Bild: Die Emissionen des Golf stiegen stark an und waren höher als die des Hyundai. Der im Golf für einen zweiten Durchlauf eingebaute Partikelfilter verringerte den Ausstoß fast vollständig.
Tags // auto  abgase  umwelt  emissionen 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4133 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 1113 | Comments: 1
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It’s normal to have uric acid in your body, but too much can increase your risk for gout – an extremely painful form of inflammatory arthritis that often presents with other health issues, including kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes and permanent joint and tissue damage. Despite this, just 10 percent of gout sufferers are being properly treated – and more than one-third have not had their uric acid checked in the past five years. To raise awareness about the need for timely treatment for gout – including regular monitoring of serum uric acid (sUA) levels – the Gout & Uric Acid Education Society (GUAES) has introduced a new “Go for Six” campaign. The campaign urges those who have or who are at risk for gout to get their sUA levels checked every six months, and to work with their doctor to determine a treatment plan for controlling gout and keeping sUA levels to a healthy 6 mg/dL or below. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3572 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 1117 | Comments: 1
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