As many as one in five U.S. teens suffers from disabling mental illness. Throughout Mental Health Awareness Month in May, highlights the issue of mental illness in teens and tells the stories of two teens who moved from diagnosis through treatment and recovery.
What does mental illness look like in teens? It looks like Colleen, who’s battled depression and anxiety since she was 13, and Katie, who struggled with addiction in her early teens. Mental illness in teens looks just like the kid next door – studies show nearly half of all youth will experience a mental disorder at some point in their lives.
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Written by Paul Val
Thanksgiving is a uniquely American Holiday. It is a beautiful holiday that does not get enough recognition and tends to get lost in the commercialism of Christmas. It deserves it is own special song and we should take the time to celebrate this holiday to the fullest. It is a time of peace and love, where families gather to thank God for all the Blessings he has bestowed on this great country. The words of this song celebrate the greatness of this holiday and some of the Blessings we enjoy as Americans. Performed by Uppercut featuring Brent Carter.
Black Rose Productions Inc.
FlashRock packs up the crew and heads to the Universal Bar and Grill to get some shots of The Cauze. This band has great classic rock infuences like Journey, Dokken and Y&T.
Doctors at Children’s Hospital Boston are just another step closer to securing a cure for sickle cell disease thanks to a little help from some superstar friends. More than $1 million was raised in support of their research efforts on Sunday, January 15 during the “Play Without Pain: Children’s Sickle Cell Benefit,” a partnership with international megastar Celine Dion, Caesars Entertainment, AEG Live and Children’s Hospital Boston. Held at Caesars Palace, the evening included a performance of Celine Dion’s glamorous show directed by Grammy Awards producer Ken Ehrlich, including a touching tribute to sickle cell victims during her rendition of Billy Joel’s “Lullabye.”
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18 of the World’s Finest Vehicles to be Displayed, Including One-of-a-Kind Porsche Type 64. When a nationally renowned fine art museum is showcasing cars as masterpieces of art in your home town you pay attention. When you are Porsche you become a patron and help welcome the cars that represent the industry’s most incredible designs.
The High Museum of Art exhibition, called, fittingly, the “The Allure of the Automobile,” is sponsored by the famous German sports car company, headquartered in Atlanta, and will feature some of the world’s most rare and spectacularly conceived vehicles ever produced. Among these exquisite collectors items from both sides of the Atlantic will be a 71-year old Porsche design that is considered the precursor to all Porsches—the 1938/39 Porsche Type 64.
With teal eyes and silver hair, Ari longs to understand who she is. To find out, she must return to New Orleans. There, Ari is normal, but every deadly creature is afraid of her. Ari will not stop until she knows why, but some truths are too haunting to be revealed. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, YA
On the eve of Memorial Day, a star-studded line-up will grace the stage for one of PBS’s highest-rated programs, the NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT. The multi award-winning television event honors the service and sacrifice of all our men and women in uniform, their families at home and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The concert will feature riveting performances from some of the world’s biggest stars. In addition, acclaimed actors will present personal stories of love and sacrifice submitted by viewers through the concert’s Virtual Wall of Remembrance.
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#2 This book’s name is ‘al-Asma’ was-Sifat’ authored by Imam al-Hafidh, Abu Bakr Ahmad al-Bayhaqiyy who died in the hijri year 458 which means 971 years ago. This book is the Second Edition published by Dar al-Kitab al-^arabi. In the second volume on page 144, Imam al-Bayhaqiyy said: "Some of our companions used as a proof to refute the place to Allah the saying of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam: 'O Allah You are adh-Dhahir and there is nothing above You, and You are al-Batin and there is nothing underneath You.' Therefore, if there is nothing above Him and nothing underneath Him, He is not in a place."
This is the belief of the fine Muslim scholars, the Salaf and the Khalaf. This is the creed of the Prophets, and that’s what we follow wal 7amdulillah rabbil 3aalameen.
*The Salaf were the scholars who lived during the first three centuries after the Hijrah (Immigration) of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. The Khalaf are the scholars who lived after those three centuries.
The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the world's largest annual tradeshow for consumer technology. Recently at the 2011 CES 2,500 exhibitors showcased their latest products and services. National Consumer Technology Trends expert, John Quain provides us with a preview of some the latest technology available this year.
A PASSION FOR GIVING is a stylish, powerful and beautifully shot film with great music and compelling interviews with fascinating people, some famous some not, who inspire the viewer to give and help other people, animals and the planet.
One thing is for sure - everyone needs to eat and drink. A fact that lets the food producers have a certain degree of security. Approximately 1200 Companies came to Düsseldorf with this sense of security to visit the food fairs InterMeat, InterCool and InterMopro, and the hotel and gastronomy fair hogatec. The upturn in the German economy - the organizers know this on the last day of the fair - has not yet arrived. But: some signs of recovery are evident.
The Detroit Auto Show is where the global automotive community converges and the future of transportation is revealed. This year over 40 automotive manufacturers will attend, and over 500 vehicles will be on display, including some of the most innovative designs in the world as well as never-before seen debuts.