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For more astrology videos visit The story of an Astrologer lost within his own dream. Upon meditation he finds himself locked within a spellbinding trance. Overtaking his body and whisking him off to the Astral world. Confining him to his own dream world. Only to cross paths with archetypes of his own unconscious. Archetypes representing the symbols of Astrology. Defining his own identity as Apollo - The sun. Apollo's mission is outlined to free himself from the Astral world. Mimicking the events of his life preceding. The Astral world mirrors the theme of the Kung Fu film watched the night before. Upon his journeys, Apollo meets Jupiter - His saviour and teacher. Jupiter unlocks Apollo's potential guiding him to self realization. Unravelling his powers as a Martial Arts Master. Giving Apollo the strength and keys to survival in the Astral World. Jupiter reveals Apollo path is to bring harmony to the opposition with the malefics and benefics archetypes. As failure to his mission means being lost in the Astral world - forever confined in a state of insanity. Dubbed voices reminiscencent of 70's style Asian B movies. A unique mixture of comedy, kung fu action and parody. One of the first and few theatrical movies focusing on Astrology
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6178 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 9m57s | Views: 6478 | Comments: 1
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Visit for Artistic Copper Pendants
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5962 days ago by azjewelry
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 6447 | Comments: 0
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vtech preschool learning adventure learning globe. visit:
Categories // Family  Games  People and Blog 
Added: 4835 days ago by GOATHERDER
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 6447 | Comments: 1
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Spirit-Esprit-EL-455-20 VISIT:
Added: 4833 days ago by GOATHERDER
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 6416 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Visit my site and download the full length recording to help you to stop worrying and create a wonderful life to programme your mind to have a wonderful life. This is the first few minutes of a full recording programming your mind to not only let go of the worrying habits but to plant suggestions of making your life better. If you click the link you can read more of what is on this hypnosis trance by Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Debbie Williams. If you think
Added: 4564 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 9m55s | Views: 6398 | Comments: 1
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davinci jenny lind stationary crib white. visit:
Added: 4829 days ago by GOATHERDER
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 6393 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Summer is the time to dream and make dreams come true. Please visit for more wedding bouquets and wonderful flower arrangements.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4662 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 6381 | Comments: 0
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Popcorn from St John Ambulance, is a hard-hitting film about first aid. Popcorn shows the benefits of first aid and how accidents can happen anywhere, and at any time. Every year, 150,000 people die in situations where first aid could have saved them. In most accidents, effective first aid can often be the difference between a life lost and a life saved . For your free St John Ambulance first aid pocket guide text SAVE to 82727 or visit Share Popcorn from St John Ambulance with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. If you'd like to tweet this, please use #sjapopcorn as your hashtag
Tags // popcorn  st  john  ambulance  popcorn  st  john  ambulance  film  first  aid  first  aid  film  learn  first  aid  first  aid  accident  sav 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5245 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 6383 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Ab Machine Crunches | Ab Workouts - Another fantastic workout for your abs. Using an ab machine you isolate the abs for a targeted workout. Depending on your fitness level you can adjust the weight on the machine to increase the intensity of the workout. Even though free weight and body weight ab exercises work additional muscle groups besides your abs the ab machine is a great addition to your ab workouts. It provides a little variety so you don't get bored with the same old exercises every workout session. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4709 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 6367 | Comments: 1
     , the friendly rivalry campaign between Trace Adkins and Richard Petty, is giving fans a chance to not only fight tough pain but also help children fighting for their lives and injured service members fighting for our country. Fans of BC and Goody\'s powders will notice new packages on the shelves branded with familiar faces and charity logos.The new packaging showcases the support of two charities personally selected by country music superstar Trace Adkins and racing legend and NASCAR Hall of Famer Richard Petty. With each purchase made between January 1 and March 31 of these specially marked boxes of BC or Goody\'s, fans of Richard Petty and Trace Adkins will be helping to give back to the organization affiliated with each man and each brand. To donate to these causes, visit or
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5147 days ago by a1broadcast
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 6348 | Comments: 0
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Mirassou® Winery and interior design expert and TV personality Genevieve Gorder know a thing or two about the intersection of wine and design. Mirassou and Genevieve have teamed up to share their respective expertise, offering tips and ideas to help brighten up home entertaining spaces. Earlier this year, Mirassou and Genevieve announced the Brighten Your Home Sweepstakes for a chance to win a virtual design consultation with Genevieve, a $5,000 cash prize to bring the design to life in their home, along with Mirassou branded items perfect for brightening up any entertaining space. Visit by August 31, 2012 to enter and to view the official rules. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4595 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 6338 | Comments: 1
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Inflatable rentals in New Jersey offering giant water slides, obstacle courses, swimming pool inflatables and more. Visit: for info.
Tags // pool  inflatable  rentals  nj  water  slides  new  jersey  inflatable  game  rentals  nj 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4680 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 6330 | Comments: 0
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