Tired of all of the negative news? From taxes to unemployment to the upcoming election, Princess Cruises is stepping in to help people get away from it all with “The Campaign to Escape Completely.” Now through November 6, the cruise line is focusing on what it does best - offering consumers the chance to escape completely by giving away FREE Caribbean and West Coast Getaway cruises, plus a chance to win a cruise on the new Royal Princess through games and sweepstakes. The “anti-negativity” campaign will also feature a sequence of videos supporting the theme, all of which are cast entirely with Princess Cruises employees.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/58009-princess-cruises-escape-completely/
Subaru of America, Inc. and Nordica USA will team up to kickoff snowsports season with the XV Crosstrek Run. Two talented free skiers will journey from coast-to-coast hitting major mountain resorts and events along the way, while piloting the all-new Subaru 2013 XV Crosstrek. Digital content will give fans a look into the free skiers lives, their slope side skills, and the versatility and capability of the XV Crosstrek.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/59476-xv-crosstrek-run/
Sydney Festival is an annual three-week arts Festival celebrating Sydney in summer. Every January, the Festival brings the harbour city to life with an explosive array of theatre, dance, music, visual arts, film, talks and genre-defying events, with something for everybody.
Sydneysiders and visitors know Sydney Festival is one of the most wonderful summer festivals in the world – a claim underpinned by the city’s lustre and charisma, making it an ideal showcase for the world’s great artists.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/58124-sydney-festival-2013/
Jif®, the number one choice of choosy moms, announced today that 9-year-old Jacob C. from Morganton, NC is the Grand Prize Winner of the 11th Annual Jif Most Creative Sandwich Contest™ at an event in New York City. The aspiring chef received a $25,000 college fund for his one-of-a-kind recipe, the Magnificent Mole Chicken Torta, while four runners-up each received a $2,500 college scholarship fund for their delicious sandwich recipes.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/56452-jif-most-creative
Ejemplo de voz en off para video corporativo de locutor ingles britanico en Madrid Edward Olive con estudio propio para grabacion de locuciones. Locución grabada en home studio con Rode Videomic Pro, FiiO, Audacity y Toshiba SATELLITE P875 Harmon Kardon.
Edward Olive es un locutor y actor nativo inglés británico nacido en 1970, residente y autónomo en Madrid España, que propone servicios de locuciones para todo tipo de proyecto audiovisual.
Además de ser locutor y actor Edward abogado inglés y ex profesor de derecho y ofrece una voz a la vez neutra de narrador de clase media corporativa seria y también cálida y amable de 35-50 años para videos de empresa y venta, campañas de anuncios televisivos, programas de viaje, e-learning y para apps de tabletas y teléfonos móvil.
Además de una voz estándar de locutor corporativo, como actor Edward tiene a sus disposición una gran variedad de personajes, acentos regionales y actuaciones que se puede adaptar para crear todo de papeles de personajes de diferentes tamaños y edades tanto serios o dramáticos como cómicos para video juegos, cuentos infantiles, voces para maquinas tragaperras, dibujos animales etc.
Edward Olive dispone de estudio propio para grabar locuciones en Madrid centro y de desplaza a los estudios y productoras de sus clientes para colaborar con directores de proyectos.
Edward Olive is a native British English voice-over artist and professional screen actor resident and legally self employed in Madrid Spain.
As well as professional voice over actor Edward is a UK solicitor (attorney / lawyer) and ex law lecturer and offers a neutral middle class educated professional corporate narrator voice which is at the same time serious and professional and also warm and approachable in its tone and delivery, perfectly adapted for all sorts of audiovisual projects including corporate & sales videos, television advertising campaigns, travel programs, tablet & mobile phone apps and e-learning.
As a professional actor Edward also offers a range of characters which can be adapted to clients\\\\\\\' projects that can include age changes, bodies of large and small size, regional accents and voice variations. Various roles can be played from the serious or dramatic to the light and comic for videogames, slot machines & one arm bandits, children\\\\\\\'s stories and cartoons.
Edward has his own studio in Madrid and also offers the possibility of collaborating with clients and directors in their studios in Madrid to suit the clients\\\\\\\' need best.
Websites: http://www.edwardolive.com/
Fusion-io and two-time USA Memory Champion Nelson Dellis are teaming up to showcase the importance of memory in our minds and our datacenters. While Fusion-io focuses on helping its customers scale the challenges in their datacenters, Nelson will be focused on scaling the challenges he will face on Mount Everest, including what happens to your memory under the extreme conditions found on the world's highest mountain.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/60918-fusion-io-climb-for-memory
Ahead of World Stroke Day 2012 (October 29), European Policy Makers have joined over 90 Medical and Patient Organisations, and more than 100,000 people, in supporting the Global Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Patient Charter and calling for National Governments and the World Health Organisation to act to make the prevention of AF-related strokes a priority. The Charter outlines ways to improve the diagnosis and management of AF which, if implemented, could stop thousands of preventable strokes from occurring each and every year.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/57497-sign-against-stroke/
Apple Vacations has launched Hawaii SuperSale – its biggest sale of the season to the Hawaiian Islands. With Apple Vacations' exclusive reduced rates at the best Hawaiian hotels and condos, plus value-added extras like free breakfasts, free nights, free guaranteed upgrades and a complimentary Mahalo gift box, Hawaii SuperSale has a deal for every vacationer.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/58557-apple-vacations-hawaii/
Ejemplo de una escena grabada para un video book de actores y actrices en Madrid para enviar a directores de casting, agencias de actores y modelos y representantes artisticos con Belen Gonzalez Dura actriz.
Example of scene recorded for videobook, reel, showreel and book of photos and portraits for actors, actresses and models in Madrid Spain Edward Olive photographer and videographer.
Example of coaching by Edward Olive British English voice coach for actors and drama teacher in Madrid Spain.
Videobooks de Edward Olive para actores y actrices en Madrid España para directores y directoras de casting, agencias de actor y representantes de modelos.
Ejemplo de coaching y clases de arte dramático en ingles de Edward coach de voz ingles britanico nativo y profesor de arte dramatico en ingles.
Advert for Gangs of London PSP Playstation Portable tv advert commercial with:
Edward Olive British English actor in Spain
Anuncio spot con
Edward Olive - Actor, presentador y locutor inglés británico nativo Madrid
Nobody’s perfect. In fact what makes you “you” are the challenges that you overcome. That’s the premise behind global health service company Cigna’s new online gathering place for individuals dealing with peer-pressure, body image, self-confidence, career and parenting issues.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/60874-cigna-go-you-hub/
Actress and mother of two Sarah Michelle Gellar is joining March of Dimes and Sanofi Pasteur on the Sounds of Pertussis® Campaign to help raise awareness about pertussis, also known as whooping cough, and the importance of adult vaccination. Pertussis is on the rise across the U.S., and infants and young children may be most vulnerable.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/61367-sanofi-pasteur-sounds-of-pertussis/