When the first Beetle rolled off the production line, it was called simply the Volkswagen — “the people’s car” — but its distinctive shape inspired nicknames across the globe: Beetle, Käfer, Vocho, Coccinelle, Fusca, Maggiolino or ! In total, 21.5 million cars were sold.
More than 60 years later, in 1998, the “New Beetle” rekindled the spirit and imagination of the original to a new generation of Volkswagen owners. The second generation version sparked another round of uplifting and joyous enthusiasm known as Beetle Mania.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/vw/40222/
Discovery Familia anunció hoy que se unirá a una segunda e importante etapa de “El Desafío del Presidente”, programa del Consejo Presidencial en Entrenamiento Físico, Deportes y Nutrición” (PCFSN). El reto continúa en el 2012 con “PALA+ Challenge”, una iniciativa que no sólo promueve la importancia de incorporar actividad física a la rutina diaria, sino también la de mejorar los hábitos alimenticios. Discovery Familia, el único canal de TV hispano que está apoyando activamente esta iniciativa a nivel nacional, busca ser una fuerza positiva una vez más y llevar este mensaje a la comunidad hispana.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/56151-discovery-familia-pala-plus
http://www.CharlieHustleMusic.com The
official 2012 Debut video of Charlie\'s World by Charlie Hustle. Visit
www.CharlieHustleMusic.Com to purchase and download Charlie Hustle
Music. In 2012 Charlie will be donating 2% of his online sales to Bi
Polar research. Check him out doing public speaking engagements in
local New York CIty High Schools for at risk youths. - 2012 GiveBack
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Here you will find the newest products, solutions and industry connections that will keep your business growing. This, along with an extensive education program will leave you more knowledgeable, connected and prepared to meet your customer needs.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/52246-international-boston-seafood-show-2012
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Nearly five black women die needlessly per day from breast cancer in the United States – a total of 1,722 deaths annually – according to a study released today at the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Forum and simultaneously published in Cancer Epidemiology. The 2012 Racial Disparity in Breast Cancer Mortality Study found that 21 of the 25* largest U.S. cities have a black: white disparity in breast cancer mortality, 13 of which are statistically significant.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/52895-avon-foundation-breast-cancer-forum-racial-disparity-mortality-study
In an unprecedented gesture of love and kindness coinciding with Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2012, the relationship matching services company, Valenti International, announced a pledge today by its Founder, Irene Valenti, to personally donate $5000 along with a commitment to raise an additional $25,000-$30,000 to recoup the losses suffered by the non-profit organization Empty Cradle, which recently fell victim to embezzlement. The fundraising campaign was launched by Valenti International which will collect and administer donations from private individuals, corporations and foundations, plus fund the remainder of the balance until the financial goal is reached.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/54440-valenti-international-valentines-day-donation-empty-cradle
The View’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck hosted the ninth-annual More Magazine/Fitness Magazine Women’s Half-Marathon in Central Park on Sunday, April 15. More than 7,200 women participated in the race—the largest women’s-only half-marathon in the country—established by More and Fitness magazines, in partnership with New York Road Runners. Hasselbeck participated in the race for the second straight year, besting her 2011 time by more than four minutes and finishing in 1:40:05. She ran in support of Team NoGii to raise money for Celiac Disease research, as well as Team Red, White and Blue, to support America’s war veterans.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/55061-more-fitness-magazine-womens-half-marathon-ny-elisabeth-hasselbeck