For six weeks this spring, America’s PrepareAthon! and other preparedness partners will focus on different hazards and provide simple actions that people and communities should take to prepare for each particular hazard.
This sixth week highlights extreme heat. Individuals, communities, businesses, schools, and houses of worship around the country are holding preparedness discussions, conducting drills, and taking specific steps to prepare for extreme heat.
America’s PrepareAthon!SM is a grassroots, community-based campaign for action to get families, organizations, and entire communities better prepared for extreme heat and other emergencies.
To view the multimedia release go to:
For six weeks this spring, America’s PrepareAthon! and other preparedness partners will focus on various hazards and provide simple actions that people and communities should take to prepare for each particular hazard.
This second week highlights tornadoes. Individuals, communities, businesses, schools, and houses of worship around the country are holding preparedness discussions, conducting drills, and taking specific steps to prepare for tornadoes and other disasters.
America’s PrepareAthon!SM is a grassroots, community-based campaign for action to get families, organizations, and entire communities better prepared for tornadoes and other emergencies.
According to the National Weather Service, tornadoes caused $320 million in damages in 2015.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Nisa 34.Ayet: Allah´ın insanlardan bir kısmını diğerlerine üstün kılması sebebiyle ve mallarından harcama yaptıkları için erkekler kadınların yöneticisi ve koruyucusudur. Onun için sâliha kadınlar itaatkârdır. Allah´ın kendilerini korumasına karşılık gizliyi (kimse görmese de namuslarını) koruyucudurlar. Baş kaldırmasından endişe ettiğiniz kadınlara öğüt verin, onları yataklarda yalnız bırakın ve (bunlarla yola gelmezlerse) dövün. Eğer size itaat ederlerse artık onların aleyhine başka bir yol aramayın; çünkü Allah yücedir, büyüktür.