Skills: Level 10 Hunter, Level 30 Agility, Level 30 Crafting, Level 34 Construction
Items: 10 oak planks, 10 Steel nails , Hammer, Spade, clockwork, plank, silk, raw cod, swamp tar, 5 feathers, Mahogany plank, soft leather. You can take all these items with you at the beginning to avoid banking.
Meet the 2010 Robinsons Fruit Shoot Juice Crew as they share their skills with you. Learn how to develop the same skills and maybe next year you could be in the Robinsons Fruit Shoot Juice Crew.
In this video drop into the bowl with Schaeffer McLean and watch him skate his heart out before demonstrating the basics to get anybody started skateboarding.
Quests: Death Plateau and Troll Stronghold.
Skills: Level 28 Agility, must be able to defeat a level 171 Troll.
Items: One yew or maple log, rope, iron bar, cake tin, insect repellent or Bucket of wax, swamp tar, climbing boots or 12 gp, food I am working in this website!
Meet the 2010 Robinsons Fruit Shoot Juice Crew as they share their skills with you. Learn how to develop the same skills.
In this video meet B-Boy expert Karam Singh and learn how to breakdance. Watch him bust his moves, and then teach you how to b-boy just like him.
Skills: Level 10 Hunter, Level 30 Agility, Level 30 Crafting, Level 34 Construction
Items: 10 oak planks, 10 Steel nails , Hammer, Spade, clockwork, plank, silk, raw cod, swamp tar, 5 feathers, Mahogany plank, soft leather. You can take all these items with you at the beginning to avoid banking. I am working in this website!!
Meet the 2010 Robinsons Fruit Shoot Juice Crew as they share their skills with you. Learn how to develop the same skills.
In this video meet Will Ford on the beach and watch his extreme Yo-Yo-ing skills. Then stick around as he shows you how to do the Yo-Yo tricks too.
Meet the 2010 Robinsons Fruit Shoot Juice Crew as they share their skills with you. Learn how to develop the same skills and maybe next year you could be in the Robinsons Fruit Shoot Juice Crew.
In this video join Olivia Read poolside to watch her strut her stuff on the diving board, then demonstrate the techniques to master the sport.