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In the morning I wake up without you my side and I`ve been just wake up in dream where you were holding me still tight In the evening I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'am watching movie that is coming but I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve missing out of something I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'am alone you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re not my side here in home and I missing and missing you so in the morning I could be, so damned glad and live, put the loundry dry in sun, and afternoon I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'am dissapointed again somehow. In the morning I thought that maybe we should meet but then lost that thought escaping I feel you like a stone in me In the evening only the movie is rolling on but of the plot I dropped away thinking about us what went wrong here alone and I missing and missing you so early morning I could be, so damned sure I can, put the things allright again, when morning come I fail and miss it again. In the morning I know I must keep living on this thing inside me is a killing I have to try forget it all the end is come
Tags // arto  art0  thend 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6136 days ago by art0
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 12574 | Comments: 0
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Building your clientele base is an important part of making sure your business will grow. Repeat customers are important and you should continue to maintain good relationships with your existing customers. But, it is also necessary to reach more people, so you can gain more clientele. These are some quick and easy ways you can use social media to your advantage.
Added: 3428 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 12448 | Comments: 4
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Mister K.I.D. Lyrics: High Noon HOOK: Just when you thought it was safe to play outside, here comes the new kid on his big red bike poppin wheelies ackin all silly, billy, i think this kid's lookin for a fight (wild wild west)and the noon is high Verse1: Please for the sake of safety remember the alias I am the epitomy of what you think that crazy is while you're the equivalent of pussy a mercedes gets 20 on it, call me on it, on this table(place your bets) I am not an arguer so you should probably save your breath you are gonna need it when you're runnin like a lazy pet see, i told you that next time you'll listen but there's not a next imagine that no one takes the minutes to find out that i am a cool cat (i second that opinion)hey,jay(what)(shut up your ass) they will never get it so i force it like abortion on a poor kid who's family just knows they can't afford it to live in this society with rovers and porches their pinto's on 10s, wheels hot as 10 torches to some it's a sin, to some it's life choices truth is(dum dum) keep your minds open (open up wide) and listen to the veteran life is shorter than my attention when I'm in netherlands blowing hella dough on hella weed and hella hashish man i feel like this is a holloween party for candy man (i see dead people) I see, i see dead people it's always a big honor when i talk to real people instead of haters, fakers, occassional pansy ass today marks a brand new era, my people raise up your glass in the air(air) taste it like the bread at mass I'm a lighter give a fuck who is a match they on fire as soon as i get a chance firefighters are like...'nope, i ain't touchin that' i approach ever future like, what's a past? if you ain't learn from your mistakes? (here's a common task) take a rake scrape it across your face and you'll know what it's like for hell's gates to slam on your ass Hook)/
Categories // Music 
Added: 5752 days ago by m2team
Runtime: 5m34s | Views: 11774 | Comments: 1



/Intro Allow me to just introduce myself, my name is.. (well...uhhh) K to the I D and right now I am like what the sky be higher than a cloud, much cooler than the sound of a milli a milli, wired through 2 accounts while i blew threw a philly, chicky rolls another round whole life's been an adlib, now I'm in the foreground four front, six back, feelin like the president (sweet like) three swedish models as my deligates never had a problem with you sellin that to be totally honest, I'm a product of the celar rats honored to watch em rise sky high without sellin packs (though my boy crooklyn)taught me grab and then sell em back (though he did, I) never been involved in the sell of crack, pills go stupid, so do snow when I'm boardin that slope, been weird, I don't live out of fear I live out my tic tocs just switched in 6th gear as i breeze to the pier, watch the waves crash sand feels like I dream, but i see i am me, and I'll never change that for no man even if it means gain fame and a few more fans i see staring at the ceiling like Outkast did only seems to be a part of the muthafuckin plan and i guess so was me being a veteran so.... allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is (mister)K to the iddI I got continents to conquer, so i ain't got the tiddyme to riddyme with asinine rappers who ackin ice cold, then they froze as i hold, and then pass the mic (go!) we all been through it, that's just a fact of life ask tootie, you would need to practice twice or triple to get to the level I'm rappin right now, multiply that number by 6y and y stands for years, equals, I tears, go 'head and drip them, cry cause i never did, just accepted what it is and maintained focus like a rifle to a bear seen the eifel out in pa/ris watched steve piss on it, yeh so disrespectful, careless i feel like that one gray rabbit with the carrots (mnnnaaaah) what's up doc? I'm fearless, lawless, the one that spin heads like ferris what's a gun to a full blown terrorists? (boom) done with that bullshit, mail any response to www.suckthis .com done/ Crack a bottle /Intro (I feel like i wanna)crack a bottle right upside his fitted cap swear to allah i'll do that the way i finish tracks (super fast like)superman is in the building look up higher than the ceiling look up higher than your feelings when you're eyeing me in VI/P, stands for puss ass(es) ain't hangin round me, I'm the light if you get gassed(bitch) nicca I am being sicka than these faggots slangin raps cause I'm over em (frozen to em) I should probably thaw myself out to get closer to em hop out like (ice)cube up in smoke crack a bottle, right upside his fitted cap til his dome is opened wider than a groupie's legs my word giddame ain't the only way to get em wet simple, pliddane a protege of the best and sorry to say but that crown stays in the west you say you great, i say must've been great legs how you run off at the mouth and get chased with your fake ass, you see me nigga, I'm a 100 never whinin I'm a 100 with the grindin you a 100 with a minus(-100) a/ttached to it feels just like I'm glidin, I'm on air(air) right into your iris (so you can see clear) i know it ain't fair, but ah ha ha, na na I don't care your biz is so gladis(night) feels like slapboxin a bear that ain't ate for half a year and it's lovin it's steak rare see? how I switch it, flip it, then sit it on my hair L.A. on the brim until I'm..... L.A. in my viddanes when I'm sittin in this chiddare when you stare so please don't forget it or medics'll zip it up and say somebody (cracked a bottle)right upside his
Categories // Music 
Added: 5752 days ago by m2team
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 11593 | Comments: 1



B-ball for the China earthquake victims was played steet style and raised over 80,000 HKD last week in an all out exhibition match between AND1 U.S.A and local celebrities team which included Jaycee Chan. Jaycee made major cash by catching nothing but air 8 times in a row in a free throw contest. 24 Herbs, SIR JBS MC'd the game and the whole band kept the fans out of their seats during halftime. The final score didn't matter because everyone won on this night. Look for the next Streetball event -- it should not be missed.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6146 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m58s | Views: 11582 | Comments: 0



Summer should be about taking vacations and spending time with friends and family, not taking trips to the bank branch and waiting in line to speak to a teller. That’s why ING DIRECT USA, the nation’s largest direct bank, is encouraging its Customers to put their bank branch in their pocket with the launch of their enhanced mobile application for iPhone® and BlackBerry® devices. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5356 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 11515 | Comments: 0
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Official Music Video of
Tags // hotspur  chandelier  rock  you  should  know  better  music  video  awesome  cool 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5693 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 11002 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Douglas White explains in easy to understand terms what Social Media Marketing is. Business engaging consumers with video, blogs, forums and other channels. The next episode is on the compelling reasons business should be in social media spaces.
Categories // Business  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5884 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 10783 | Comments: 3
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If you are left-handed, this next piano lesson should be a breeze! Now that we have played our first five piano notes using our right hand, it is time to learn the NEXT five notes you should learn on the piano using your left hand. Still nothing too fancy at this point, although I did feel a slight urge to begin the lesson with one of my favorite Chopin tunes. As always, you can check out the online version of my free piano lessons at:
Tags // piano  lesson  left  hand  legato  learn  to  play  keyboard  free  lessons  frederic  chopin  valse  in  c  sharp  minor  music  education 
Categories // Music  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6344 days ago by getpianolessons
Runtime: 6m59s | Views: 10364 | Comments: 1



Charles Barkley says that high school basketball players should have to spend two years in college before being drafted. Do the fans agree? Find out on FANARCY, Tuesdays at 10:30ET on VERSUS.
Tags // versus  fanarchy  zach  selwyn  charles  barkley 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5756 days ago by VersusFanarchy
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 10269 | Comments: 0
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Don't be afraid to get wet, jump on in because the water's just heating up as this summer anthem finally gets it's much anticipated release. Bombs Away are back with 'Super Soaker' - the follow up the their absolutely massive last single, 'Swagger'. With more bikini-clad girls than should be legal in one film clip (!), make sure you grab your copy from iTunes now.
Tags // bombs  away  super  soaker  hot  girls  bikini  pool  party 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4805 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 10232 | Comments: 0



The birth of a child should be the happiest moment in a couples life. But when a doctors wife has twins, one of whom has Down syndrome, he makes the difficult decision to send one away. A nurse discovers his plan and intervenes, putting into motion events that will haunt the family for twenty years. Premieres Saturday April 12th at 9pm EST.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 6209 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 9845 | Comments: 1



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