Kevin and Janice press their luck when they first come across The World for a Dollar deal.
15 Minutes a day
15,000 Hotels
$1 a Night
A woman is going about her daily routine, cleaning out the living room. But wait something is not right here - would you put this accessory in your living room?
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Severley intoxicated prisoner in the processing room confirms if he was or was not drinking. Watch as he fails many times over before even getting a breathalizer test. If your still bored, check out/add my profile if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
The N900 is Nokia’s first Maemo device. With software originally built for PC and a powerful “engine room” it offers its users the first fully functional mix of smartphone and pocket laptop. Available for pre-order now at
lestinian girl victim: Hamas responsible for war PATV News (Fatah), Dec. 29, 2008 PATV News Report - We were sleeping 7 girls in the room. We were asleep and didn't know what was happening. In the morning all the bricks were on top of my head, And the head of all my sisters. My 4 year old sister next to me was dead. - How many were you? - Seven In the other room were my mother, my father, my younger brother and another sister, who is 13 days old. I say, Hamas is the cause in the first place, of all wars. It's Hamas.
MacDraft is a fast and powerful 2D home design and graphic design program for Mac OS-X. Here is a tutorial where we'll actually create a fully furnished floor plan in 8 minutes!