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Search // remote
Results 13-24 of 55 for ' remote ' (0 seconds)
With iExplorer (HD) , you can manage/view files on your remote servers (Windows sharing server/FTP server/WebDAV server/SkyDrive/Live Mesh/Google Docs/CloudMe/DropBox/Box.Net ...) in home, office and anywhere. iExplorer also is a good eBook reader, media player, and work assistant. You can read CHM, ePub, PDF and large text/PDB files with outline/bookmark/annotation support, play musics and movies without copying them to your device, edit spreadsheets on your Google Docs and save them as different formats, print any viewable documents. Features (version 2.2) General * Access files on iPhone/iPad or Windows Sharing Files/NAS server/FTP Server/Cloud server (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive, Google Docs ...) * Transfer files/folders/subfolders between iPhone/iPad and remote servers * Transfer files with Bluetooth between iOS devices * Transfer files between iPhone/iPad and PC with USB cable * Manage files on local or remote server (Rename/Delete/Move/Email/...) * Sort files by Name/Size/Date/File Type * Zip & Unzip files on local or NAS server/FTP server * Edit text file * Edit Google spreadsheet, download google docs as pdf, Microsoft office document, zip, image, open office document, text files and so on. * Open files in other apps. Open file from Safari, Mail and other apps. * Stream html/Microsoft office files/keynotes/numbers/pages from NAS/FTP/Cloud servers * Search files in folder/subfolders (support both local and remote servers) * Sync files from NAS/FTP/Cloud server. View offline files if the server is not reachable * Adjust priorities for transferring file tasks * Print & tweet any viewable documents/ebooks (Printer needs support AirPrint). Media * Stream photos from your NAS/FTP/Cloud servers (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive ...) * Support large images * Smoothly zoom/scroll photos, view thumbnails * Stream Audio/Video from NAS/FTP/Cloud servers (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive ...) * Support subtitle files (ssa/ass/srt) for video playback * Multitasking supported for Audio stream File Viewer * Embedded PDF viewer, support outlines, bookmarks and annotations. * Embedded CHM viewer, support outlines and bookmarks. Optimized for iPhone/iPad * Embedded ePub reader, support outlines ,bookmarks, font style, fast scroll, auto scroll * Fast large text/PDB reader, support font style, fast scroll, auto scroll, multiple encodings * Remember last read position for PDF, CHM, ePub, large text/PDB files * Microsoft Office files, iWork files, Web files ... * Code viewer, syntax highlighted for C, C++, Objective C, C#, Java, Php, JS, CSS ... * Fullscreen mode for viewer in iPad (iExplorer HD only)
Tags // iphone  ipad  ios  file  manager  skydrive  google  docs  webdav  nas  ftp  smb 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4670 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6325 | Comments: 3
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Grant Matthews journeys to the Himalayas in search of an ancient mystery hidden in a remote monastery when he confronts a conspiracy of zealots who will kill to protect this secret that could transform the world's understanding of religion. Grant's life will change forever, if he survives. Learn about the book here, Learn about this author here, Suspense/Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4986 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 5945 | Comments: 1
    At Fish Fun Co. Its Fun watching Your NEW Rc Fishing Videos. Today we're Featuring The Radio Ranger and The LuckyStrike with the Rc Fishing Pole. First Rc Bass Fishing in Texas, and then Rc BlueGill Fishing!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4673 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 7m45s | Views: 5860 | Comments: 0
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McNeil Nutritionals, LLC, the maker of SPLENDA® Sweeteners, announces the launch of NECTRESSE™ Natural No Calorie Sweetener (pronounced Neck-TRESS). It is the only 100 percent natural, zero calorie per serving sweetener made from the goodness of real fruit – monk fruit extract – available at stores nationwide. The new sweetener derives its natural sweetness from the monk fruit, a small green melon that has been cultivated in Asia for hundreds of years. Found on lush vines in remote mountain regions, monk fruit is traditionally grown in small family orchards. Today, McNeil Nutritionals, LLC, has combined naturally sweet monk fruit extract with the perfect blend of other natural sweeteners to bring consumers the rich sweet taste of sugar without all the calories. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4596 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 5780 | Comments: 0
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Wateraid - Dig Toilets Not Graves. Wateraid chases Londoners with this remote controlled poo to demonstrate the plight of the 2.6 billion people globally who don't have access to a toilet. The victims of WaterAid's poo can escape -- but billions of people across the world can't. Living without proper toilets means people have to go wherever they can. This causes deadly diarrhoea, which kills 4,000 children a day. Help make it stop. Sign our petition at
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5281 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 5709 | Comments: 0



An optimist sees the glass half full; a pessimist sees only a remote chance that a carjacker will return his car with a full tank of gas.
Added: 5742 days ago by firelobe
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 5545 | Comments: 1
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Deep in the heart of the Coral Sea, patriotic Australians and enthusiastic travelers today snorkeled and splashed their way to the opening of world’s most scenic and remote polling booth, placed on the Great Barrier Reef’s tiny sandbank island of Upolu Cay, 30 kilometers northeast of Cairns. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4865 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 5117 | Comments: 0



Surmang Foundation has operated a primary care clinic in a remote, poor region of Western China, in partnership with the Chinese Government, Qinghai Province, and Yushu Prefecture, since 1992. The Core Project has treated over 60,000 patients for free, including medicine, since the clinic building was completed in 1996. Its focus is on the maternal and child mortality/morbidity rates of the region, among the highest in the world. It supports two local ethnic Tibetan doctors, Phuntsok Dongdrup and Sonam Drogha. In our catchment area, the average annual income is about $50. Surmang Foundation’s remote site is a test case and a model for all of rural China, because impoverished nomadic Tibetans manifest in the extreme, most rural health and poverty problems. In cooperation with the Chinese Government and several hospitals, Surmang Foundation is currently expanding its mission to address the lack of access to basic services among the 28 million impoverished residents of rural, Western China and the lack of capacity of the local medical providers. The pilot project will create a network of remote providers for IT-based distance medical education and remote diagnosis and referral. The pilot began in 2005 with the promulgation of an archive of all Tibetan and Chinese language health promotion materials and continued in 2006 with the installation of a satellite dish at the Surmang campus. A part of that is the Community Health Worker Project funded by an AmCham grant in Spring 2005. Surmang Foundation has partnered with the Soong Ching-ling Foundation since November 2005.
Tags // surmang  foundation 
Categories // Webcam 
Added: 5492 days ago by yaojia
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 5032 | Comments: 2



In the mountains of Nepal…in a remote monastery, Buddhist monks inexplicably turn to cannibalism and torture – while Painter Crowe, director of Sigma Force, begins to show signs of the same baffling, mind-destroying malady…and Lisa Cummings, a dedicated American doctor, becomes the target of a brutal, clandestine assassin. Learn about the author here Learn about the book here Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4800 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 4585 | Comments: 1
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Launching today, Save the Children and Ad Council’s Every Beat Matters™ campaign draws on the power of music inspired by children’s heartbeats to give Americans new ways to help millions more children survive. Multimedia public service ads featuring the creation of OneRepublic’s new single “Feel Again” debut today and will be distributed to more than 33,000 media outlets nationwide. The ads—created pro bono by ad agency BBDO New York and filmed by Academy Award-nominated directors Sean and Andrea Fine—show how children’s heartbeats collected in remote villages of Malawi and Guatemala inspired a hit song that can help bring hope to children around the world. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  News and Politics 
Added: 4548 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 3810 | Comments: 0
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In this video, Fluke expert Corey Glassman explains how to get your Wireless CNX system set up. If you haven't seen CNX in action, this is a great video demonstrating how the modules work together to provide remote, simultaneous and recordable readings. At the core of the Fluke CNX Wireless System is a CAT III 1000 V / CAT IV 600 V multimeter with a screen that displays its readings along with live readings from up to three other measurement modules. For more complex troubleshooting, users can view live measurements from up to 10 modules simultaneously on a computer equipped with the CNX PC Adapter. The modules, which include AC Voltage, AC Current Clamp, iFlex AC Current Clamp, and K-Type Temperature units, can take live measurements or log up to 65,000 sets of data. Logged data can be saved to a computer in .csv format.
Added: 4413 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m25s | Views: 3718 | Comments: 2
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This video demonstrates how to use iExplorer to connect Windows sharing file server/NAS server/FTP server/Cloud server and manage files. iExplorer ( iExplorer HD (
Tags // iphone  ipad  ios  file  manager  skydrive  google  docs  webdav  nas  ftp  smb 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4667 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 3573 | Comments: 1
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