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Search // reality
Results 13-24 of 211 for ' reality ' (0 seconds)
More tilt-shift craziness that makes reality look like a toy train set! I think somebody should invent and then market some glasses you could wear so you could see the world like this, then we could all neck some real strong acid and see what happens!
Tags // animation  fantasy  minitures 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5813 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 3m33s | Views: 13898 | Comments: 0
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People (the HulkeN-fans) are scared by this dangerously ghost ! FICTION OR REALITY? Now, you will discover the truth ( ! )
Categories // Music  Funny  Webcam 
Added: 6205 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 12760 | Comments: 1



Clip Part 1 of 7 taken from movie Utopia featuring the song Synthetic Paradise from the Utopia Album by Breck Stewart. Actors: Breck Stewart, Eric Deslauriers. This song relates to that place where we all yearn to take refuge in, this sort of fabricated haven where the harsh reality of life is somehow muted. Like a perfect island in the middle of nowhere full of life, light and beauty.
Categories // Music  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5942 days ago by breckstewart
Runtime: 3m35s | Views: 12095 | Comments: 1



We're down to the final five and it's time to test the girls' survival skills. But can they handle the battle and not take it personally? Tune in Wednesday at 11pm ET on FUSE to find out.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  People and Blog 
Added: 5935 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 12000 | Comments: 1
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Endemol’s latest reality show taking 5 lucky travellers on an amazing, adventurous all expenses paid trip of a lifetime to New Zealand.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 5620 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 11476 | Comments: 1
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Visit for videos on Martial Arts philosophy and spirituality. Information on Qi-Gong, Energy Work, Zen and Taoism. A kung-fu parody. High kicking, hard chopping action. The evil Pleus aborts the Zhang-Yi clan in his lust for the power of the Yani. Watch as Sayume Mirubuto brings peace to the clan once again
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6167 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 9m11s | Views: 11364 | Comments: 1



Visit for videos on Martial Arts philosophy and spirituality. Information on Qi-Gong, Energy Work, Zen and Taoism. A kung-fu parody. High kicking, hard chopping action. The evil Pleus aborts the Zhang-Yi clan in his lust for the power of the Yani. Watch as Sayume Mirubuto brings peace to the clan once again
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 6167 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 7m44s | Views: 11191 | Comments: 1
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Busted on! Men (and women) on the street confess their green lies at the premier of “Big Green Lies” television special produced by Seventh Generation, to be broadcast on Fine Living Network, April 22.
Added: 5797 days ago by ESKCSG
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 11193 | Comments: 0



AdaptiveMobile, the world leader in mobile security today reveals that machine to machine (M2M) technology is on the verge of widespread adoption, with 10% of UK residents already using it regularly and 54% expecting their phone to talk to, unlock and start their car by 2015. While awareness is high, however, so too is concern over security, with 86% of respondents stating that they see risks associated with M2M technology. AdaptiveMobile will be demonstrating the reality of these threats at Mobile World Congress, with the remote hacking and unlocking of a front door via a mobile phone. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4744 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 10918 | Comments: 1
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Hosted by Carson Kressley (Queer Eye For The Straight Guy) How To Look Good Naked teaches women of all shapes and sizes how to go from self loathing to self loving without resorting to interventions like extreme dieting or cosmetic surgery. Premieres Friday, January 4th at 9pm EST.
Tags // lifetime  tv  premier  new  how  to  look  good  naked  carson  kressley  queer  gay  reality  queer  eye  body  image  naked  self 
Added: 6295 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 10872 | Comments: 3
      “13 Witches” is a Fantasy Horror series where 13 sisters who practiced paganism hundreds of years ago, have been wrongfully accused of being witches. People whom they loved and trusted came to torture punish and burn them alive. Only one of the ill-fated sisters survived the brutal killings, Nemesis, who then plots to avenge her fallen brethren. A Faustian bargain made by the embittered Nemesis and centuries later, the sisters have been reincarnated and now seek revenge on the ones who cut their lives short.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4734 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 10790 | Comments: 0
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It's down to three girls - and the competition is definitely heating up! The remaining girls find out they're going to have a sing-off to see who stays… and they all think it's their time. Catch the Finale Wednesday at 11 pm ET on FUSE.
Categories // Music  Sexy  Event and Party 
Added: 5931 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 10788 | Comments: 2



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