Global NCAP, the umbrella body of consumer car safety testing bodies, welcomes the Indian Government’s initiative to launch a New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) but believes that this positive step should also be accompanied by action to apply the United Nation’s minimum crash tests standards.
India is now the fifth largest producer in the world of passenger cars but new independent crash tests show why the country should use internationally accepted safety standards. Crash tests of Nissan’s Datsun Go and Maruti-Suzuki’s Swift demonstrate a high risk of life-threatening injuries with both cars receiving zero-star safety rating for their adult occupant protection. These risks would be significantly reduced if the cars had to comply with the UN test regulation for frontal and side impact.
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There are lots of questions on football game days. Are we going to win? Where are we watching the game? Will there be food and drinks? And how early can we start the party? Kristin Cavallari is a wife of an NFL player who knows the game day excitement all too well. When she isn’t watching her hubby from the stands at Soldier Field, she is often the one playing host to her family and friends. With a busy lifestyle of balancing her work as a designer, actress, TV host, mother, wife and, now, author, time is limited. The family of Hoover® Cordless vacuums helps Kristin stay in front of every mess and focus on what’s really important — family, work and football! To check out the Hoover Cordless Family, visit
It seems that most football fans follow the same cycle throughout the season: clean, host, clean, repeat. Hoover Cordless vacuums are the perfect solution to the full-house cleanup before guests arrive and for the quick pick-ups throughout the party. By cutting the cord, the Hoover Cordless Family has cut the hassle of plugging and unplugging a vacuum from room to room or having to pull out a large vacuum for one simple spill.
“For me, time is at a minimum with so much going on,” Cavallari explains. “The Cordless line allows me to get through my quick blitz before guests arrive and get on with making my tasty-yet-healthy game day snacks!”
To view the multimedia release go to:
Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE: EAT), one of the world’s leading casual dining restaurant companies and owner of Chili’s® Grill & Bar and Maggiano’s Little Italy®, announced today the launch of a comprehensive educational program, Best You EDU. In partnership with Pearson, Best You EDU is an employer-education program that provides opportunities for Brinker Team Members, ranging from hourly to management. At absolutely no cost to participants, Best You EDU is open to all Team Members who work at least 24 hours per week with a minimum tenure of 90 days and registration is now open.
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Global NCAP, the umbrella body of consumer car safety testing bodies, welcomes the Indian Government’s initiative to launch a New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) but believes that this positive step should also be accompanied by action to apply the United Nation’s minimum crash tests standards.
India is now the fifth largest producer in the world of passenger cars but new independent crash tests show why the country should use internationally accepted safety standards. Crash tests of Nissan’s Datsun Go and Maruti-Suzuki’s Swift demonstrate a high risk of life-threatening injuries with both cars receiving zero-star safety rating for their adult occupant protection. These risks would be significantly reduced if the cars had to comply with the UN test regulation for frontal and side impact.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Did you know that your company can receive up to 50% government funding when installing an industrial heat recovery system?
The program is called IHRS – or Industrial Heat Recovery Scheme – and within the program, a total of £18 million are available for funding.
Of the £18 million, £6 million are earmarked for concept and design and £12 million are earmarked for installation, commissioning and monitoring.
A heat recovery project can receive funding at any stage – even at the consultant and analysis stage – all the way through to the final turn-key delivery.
Funding applications are graded on a 0-to-10 scale. The higher the score, the greater the funding potential.
In order to be eligible for funding, the heat recovery system must be installed on an existing installation.
The project as a whole is graded based on energy benefit, kilowatt savings as well as environmental, economic and social impact and must achieve a minimum score of 5.
It is a requirement that the recovered energy is used within the confines of the business.
Mustafa Öztürk anlatıyor.
(Talak 4)
Diyanet İşleri :
Kadınlarınızdan âdetten kesilmiş olanlarla, henüz âdet görmeyenler hususunda tereddüt ederseniz, onların bekleme süresi üç aydır. Hamile olanların bekleme süresi ise, doğum yapmalarıyla sona erer. Kim Allah’a karşı gelmekten sakınırsa, Allah ona işinde bir kolaylık verir.
Peygamberin Hz. Aişe ile evliliği :
Buhari hadis no : 1553
Ben altı yaşında bir kız iken Nebî salla`llahu aleyhi ve sellem beni akd ve nikâh eylemişti. (Üç sene sonra) biz Medîne`ye hicret ettik. Hâris İbn-i Hazrec oğullarının menziline indik. Müteâkıben ben, sıtmaya tutuldum. Bu cihetle saçım döküldü. (Hastalıktan kurtulduktan sonra) saçım gürleşti, uzayıp omuzlarıma döküldü. Bir kere ben, arkadaşlarımla berâber salıncakta oynarken annem Ümmü Rumân bana doğru geldi ve beni çağırdı. Ben de annemin yanına geldim. Beni ne edeceğini bilmiyordum. Annem elimi tuttu. Tâ evin kapısı önün (e geldiğimizde ora) da beni durdurdu. Ben de yorgunluktan kaba kaba soluyordum. Nihâyet soluğum biraz yatıştı. Sonra annem biraz su aldı. Onunla yüzümü, başımı sıvazladı. Sonra beni eve koydu. Evde Ensâr`dan birtakım kadınlar hazır bulunyordu. Bunlar bana: - Hayır ve bereket üzere geldin, hayırlı kısmet getirdin! di(ye alkışla) dılar. Annem beni bu kadınlara teslîm etti. Bunlar da benim kılığımı, kıyâfetimi düzlediler ve Resûlullah`a teslîm ettiler. Beni hiçbir şey sıkmadı. Ancak Resûlullah salla`llahu aleyhi ve sellem`i habersiz görünce sıkıldım. (Resûlullah bir sedir üzerine oturmuştu. Yanında Ensâr erkeklerinden, kadınlarından oturanlar vardı. Beni Resûlullah yanına oturttu). Ensâr kadınları beni Resûlullah`a takdîm ettiklerinde ben dokuz yaşında bir kızdım.
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Kur'an Talak 4
Diyanet İşleri :
Kadınlarınızdan âdetten kesilmiş olanlarla, henüz âdet görmeyenler hususunda tereddüt ederseniz, onların bekleme süresi üç aydır. Hamile olanların bekleme süresi ise, doğum yapmalarıyla sona erer. Kim Allah’a karşı gelmekten sakınırsa, Allah ona işinde bir kolaylık verir.
Peygamberin Hz. Aişe ile evliliği :
Buhari hadis no : 1553
Ben altı yaşında bir kız iken Nebî salla`llahu aleyhi ve sellem beni akd ve nikâh eylemişti. (Üç sene sonra) biz Medîne`ye hicret ettik. Hâris İbn-i Hazrec oğullarının menziline indik. Müteâkıben ben, sıtmaya tutuldum. Bu cihetle saçım döküldü. (Hastalıktan kurtulduktan sonra) saçım gürleşti, uzayıp omuzlarıma döküldü. Bir kere ben, arkadaşlarımla berâber salıncakta oynarken annem Ümmü Rumân bana doğru geldi ve beni çağırdı. Ben de annemin yanına geldim. Beni ne edeceğini bilmiyordum. Annem elimi tuttu. Tâ evin kapısı önün (e geldiğimizde ora) da beni durdurdu. Ben de yorgunluktan kaba kaba soluyordum. Nihâyet soluğum biraz yatıştı. Sonra annem biraz su aldı. Onunla yüzümü, başımı sıvazladı. Sonra beni eve koydu. Evde Ensâr`dan birtakım kadınlar hazır bulunyordu. Bunlar bana: - Hayır ve bereket üzere geldin, hayırlı kısmet getirdin! di(ye alkışla) dılar. Annem beni bu kadınlara teslîm etti. Bunlar da benim kılığımı, kıyâfetimi düzlediler ve Resûlullah`a teslîm ettiler. Beni hiçbir şey sıkmadı. Ancak Resûlullah salla`llahu aleyhi ve sellem`i habersiz görünce sıkıldım. (Resûlullah bir sedir üzerine oturmuştu. Yanında Ensâr erkeklerinden, kadınlarından oturanlar vardı. Beni Resûlullah yanına oturttu). Ensâr kadınları beni Resûlullah`a takdîm ettiklerinde ben dokuz yaşında bir kızdım.?
Free The Children, an international charity and educational partner that focuses on delivering aid to impoverished children around the world, announced it has standardized on DocuSign, Inc. (DocuSign®) for Digital Transaction Management (DTM). With DocuSign, Free The Children keeps administrative spending to a minimum so it can ensure at least $0.90 of every dollar donated goes to supporting programs that directly benefit children in need around the world.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
As part of National Teen Driver Safety Week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council announced today their first national public service campaign designed to prevent underage drinking and driving. Following the success of iconic campaigns including “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk” and “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving,” the new public service ads (PSAs) were unveiled this morning by Mark Rosekind, Administrator for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), at the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) Teen Safe Driving Summit in Washington, DC.
“One teenage death from drinking and driving is too many,” said NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind. “Our goal with this campaign is to raise awareness among teenagers that drinking and driving is one of the worst mistakes they can ever make, with deadly consequences that can’t be undone.”
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among teens in America, and almost half of teens killed in crashes are the drivers themselves. Despite a minimum legal drinking age of 21 in all 50 states, almost one-quarter of young drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes had alcohol in their systems according to data from NHTSA.
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Seatrade has selected Maersk Container Industry as the main supplier for its expanding reefer container fleet. The 4,000 new Star Cool Integrated™ reefers will be equipped with the latest technology to protect perishable cargo during long-distance transportation and keep energy consumption at a minimum.
The order of 4,000 new Star Cool Integrated reefers from Maersk Container Industry (MCI) will reinforce Seatrade’s perishable and sensitive cargo logistics, where durable and cutting-edge reefer technology is playing a vital role. Seatrade is a leader in specialised reefer services and the world’s largest specialised reefer carrier.
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Men are known for their power and position for all the time. Good clothing means a lot to create an impression on people’s mind. You can now have to afford a minimum time to update your clothing fashion. You can get a lots of men’s clothing online