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Search // impression
Results 13-19 of 19 for ' impression ' (0 seconds)
We have significant experience in the 3d Industrial design and development of 3D Engineering models to depict your industrial plant based on specifications set by your blue print With our in-depth experience, ability and resources, we provide you the complete 3d structural design and detailing services to ensure a seamless visual impression of your plant.
Categories // Business 
Added: 3950 days ago by 3dwalkthrough
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1130 | Comments: 1
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Enter the Adam and Eve Coupon Code HANS to enjoy 50% OFF at the checkout. Order today to get FREE Shipping, a FREE Mystery Gift, and FREE Hot DVD’s. The Casting Couch Professor Puppet and Sasha Snow discuss about the casting couch situation in Hollywood. Sasha is an aspiring actress who’s trying to get her way through stardom. Everyone knows that it’s hard to achieve one’s dream of becoming a celebrity but it’s definitely even harder for women because it frequently happens that a producer would leave some subtle impression of a Quid pro quo “this for that” situation. Say, a producer would solicit some sexual favors in return of becoming a cast in a show. Sasha, in her experience, has a few to mention just like male producers would come up to her and would say something in a smooth connotative language but the meaning is still the same. In a form of straight forward language, it only means one thing and that is “I want to f*ck you”. So it’s like this, they’re just working it out in a professional context like getting drinks here and there, wining and dining, etc. But behind the scenes there are some celebrities out there who made their way through the top by sleeping with everyone in the corporate ladder.
Tags // hollywood 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4318 days ago by marghans333
Runtime: 6m24s | Views: 983 | Comments: 2
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After successful exploration runs in 2013 and 2015 the Dutch polar cruise company Oceanwide Expeditions has announced two new expeditions to the Ross Sea in 2017. The ice-strengthened vessel “Ortelius” will be accommodated with helicopters for the two Antarctica cruises, sailing from the South-American continent to the Antarctic Peninsula, crossing the Polar Circle, further west to Peter I Island, sailing in the Bellingshausen sea along the ice-edge of “deep Antarctica” into the Ross Sea. The voyage continues to the uninhabited sub-Antarctic Campbell Island and ends after 32 days in New Zealand. The second cruise offers the same itinerary, but in reverse. The Ross Sea Challenge The Ross Sea region of Antarctica has always presented a dream but also a challenge to visit to explorers. The Ross Ice Shelf prevents a full seasonal operation and distances are enormous. Apart from the extremes, landing sites are still difficult to reach. “With the advantages of the “Ortelius” in combination with the use of helicopters, our travelers are having some great opportunities exploring Antarctica’s most fascinating sites”, says CEO Michel van Gessel. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3344 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 905 | Comments: 0
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China-based smartphone manufacturer Vargo Technology and CEO, Fu Zhaowei, were featured in Times Square on December 21, 2015. The video clip drew the attention of passers-by, generating interest in Fu’s dedication to product detail and his ideas concerning security. The excellent craftsmanship and seamless operating system left an impression on passers-by who trialed the application on site. The closed-loop design uses a safe communications system. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3350 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m42s | Views: 844 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated If potential customers land on your site and don’t like what they see, are confused or don’t have their attention immediately grabbed, they’ll click off your site in about 15 seconds. Seriously, they’ll leave your site more quickly than you can read this paragraph. So how to make a good first impression that will keep them long enough to check out what you’re offering? In this video are five quick and easy steps to help you improve your ecommerce website.
Added: 3182 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 698 | Comments: 3
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Men are known for their power and position for all the time. Good clothing means a lot to create an impression on people’s mind. You can now have to afford a minimum time to update your clothing fashion. You can get a lots of men’s clothing online
Tags // mens  suit  mens  clothing  online 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4291 days ago by mensuits
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 685 | Comments: 2
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“A good impression is not a lasting impression, but a best impression is an everlasting one”. With this bang on approach, Ace2Three is extremely delighted to unveil its new commercial, which reveals the mindset of a hardcore rummy lover who thinks, breathes and lives their most cherished game. The new TVC commercial portrays how a passionate rummy player tries to merge his favourite game in his day-to-day life. Ace2three is overwhelmed to establish a seamless platform for all such rummy buffs who seek a trustworthy platform to connect. In the new advertisement we see a football referee arranging the team in a proper card sequence based on their jersey number. This shows how a certain fascination attracts an individual no matter where they are. Keeping this in mind, Ace2three with its new video opens up a perfect destination for all rummy lovers across the country to follow their gaming passion with ease. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2950 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 678 | Comments: 3
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