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MANHUNTERS: FUGITIVE TASK FORCE, premiering Tuesday, December 9 at 10:00pm ET/PT on A&E, follows the elite agents of the NY/NJ Division in the heart of New York City, the most active unit in the country, as they track down a different dangerous felon in each episode.
Tags // manhunters  ae  task  force  tv  new  series  tv  series  trailer  criminals  crime  fugitives 
Categories // Street 
Added: 5958 days ago by Manhunters
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 13488 | Comments: 0
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Une calomnie : Israël répand le sida et les stupéfiants Juge religieux suprême Tayseer Al-Tamimi, télévision palestinienne (Fatah), 2 décembre 2007 Le problème du sida doit être examiné avec attention. Nous avons pour voisin une société (Israël) où la maladie est très répandue, qui s'efforce de transmettre (le sida) à la société palestinienne et de répandre lusage et la dépendance aux stupéfiants. Aucun doute à ce sujet.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5731 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 13199 | Comments: 0
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Refuge pour les animaux et contre les Usines a chiots. Stop Puppy Mills In Quebec
Tags // dogs  cats  funny  music  animaux  chat  chien  dons  cheval  aide  appui  puppy  mill  tejas  animal  refuge  usines  chiots 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 5905 days ago by Charly
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 13108 | Comments: 2



Are you ready for your close-up? Dove® is giving one real woman the ultimate close-up experience – a chance to show off her skin in a TV spot that will air during the season finale of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars.” The Dove® Close-Up Challenge is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a real woman to get a taste of what celebrities experience on the show. It celebrates the launch of Dove® VisibleCare™, a revolutionary new line of body wash that actually gives women visibly more beautiful skin in just one week. Actress and former “Dancing with the Stars” contestant Jennie Garth will announce the contest in a Dove®-sponsored TV spot airing during the Oscars telecast, LIVE Sunday, Feb. 27 (8:00 p.m. ET) on the ABC Television Network. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5145 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 12932 | Comments: 1
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After all these years, E.T. has yet to phone home and his mother is worried sick.
Tags // et  robot  chicken  phone 
Categories // Funny  Cartoon  Science and Technology 
Added: 6470 days ago by E.T.
Runtime: 0m9s | Views: 12787 | Comments: 3



Maxine Carter is the best bonded courier working in the Pacific Rim. But her next task involves delivering a bratty 15-year old named Alice to her mother in the U.S. amid a bitter custody battle. Little does Maxine know that a trap is waiting for them, and its up to her to keep Alice safe, providing they dont kill each other first. Premieres December 21st at 8pm ET on Lifetime Movie Network!
Categories // Miscellaneous  Comedy 
Added: 5949 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 12621 | Comments: 0
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Le Dr Ismaïl Radwan, porte-parole du Hamas prône le meurtre de juifs pour hâter la Résurrection PATV (Fatah) 30 mars 2007 Lheure (de la Résurrection) n'adviendra pas tant que les musulmans n'auront pas combattu et tué les juifs, Alors le Rocher et l'arbre diront : Ô musulmans, serviteurs d'Allah, Il y a un juif derrière moi, tue-le ! Nous devons nous rappeler de notre nation arabe et musulmane, rappeler que la Palestine et la mosquée Al-Aqsa ne seront libérées ni par des sommets ni par des résolutions internationales, mais par les armes. Puisse Allah s'emparer des juifs et des Américains qui nous oppriment, et de leurs partisans ! (more)
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5731 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 12520 | Comments: 0
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Back for the 10th Edition is the world's premier freeride mountain bike event, Red Bull Rampage - the contest that puts the “mountain” back in mountain biking. All disciplines of riders including downhill, slopestyle and freeride mountain bike athletes converge on the demanding terrain of Virgin, Utah to compete for glory and bragging rights in one of the biggest tests of skill and guts in the world. The event will be broadcast live and on demand beginning October 16th at 12:30pm ET/9:30am PT exclusively on Red Bull TV as part of the Red Bull Signature Series, a collection of the most innovative and progressive events in action sports. The stage is now set as the best riders from around the globe have arrived in the desert outside Zion National Park to begin practicing their runs. The only things that will separate a rider in the start gate from standing atop the podium 2,000 vertical feet below are the narrow, exposed ridgelines, 70-foot jumps over rocky canyons, and the near vertical drops. But for those who step-up to the challenge of man versus mountain, only one will be crowned king of the hill. Who will it be? Defending champion Andreu Lacondeguy from Spain? Can two-time winner Kyle Strait make it an unprecedented third? Or will regular contender for the Best Trick award, Cameron Zink, see his name listed at the top of the leader board? Watch Friday to find out! To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3452 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 12392 | Comments: 0
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MANHUNTERS: FUGITIVE TASK FORCE, premiering Tuesday, December 9 at 10:00pm ET/PT on A and E, follows the elite agents of the NY/NJ Division in the heart of New York City, the most active unit in the country, as they track down a different dangerous felon in each episode.
Categories // Street 
Added: 5958 days ago by Manhunters
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 12338 | Comments: 0



Religieux palestinien : le Coran condamne Israël à la destruction Ce chapitre (du Coran) déclare la destruction du prétendu Etat dIsraël avant même sa fondation... La bénédiction sur la Palestine est liée à la destruction du centre mondial du châtiment, la tête du serpent (Israël). Quand la tête de serpent de la corruption mondiale sera coupée, ici, en Palestine, et lorsque les tentacules de la pieuvre seront sectionnées partout dans le monde, arrivera la réelle bénédiction et la destruction des juifs ici, en Palestine, et ce sera une superbe bénédiction pour la Palestine. Une autre bénédiction adviendra plus tard, Allah le maître des mondes soit loué, avec létablissement partout dans le monde, dun juste et judicieux califat. (more)
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5731 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 12126 | Comments: 0
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Vidéo des adieux de la terroriste Reem Riyashi avant son attentat suicide une terroriste auteur dun attentat suicide considère le meurtre de sionistes comme un billet dentrée au paradis. Bilan : 4 morts Site internet du Hamas, 2004-2009 Je suis la martyre Reem Riyashi, jespère que les lambeaux de ma chair seront des éclats dobus qui déchireront les sionistes en morceaux, frapperont à la porte du paradis avec des crânes sionistes. Je me suis si souvent adressée à mon âme : Ô mon âme, si tu hais les sionistes ennemis de ma religion, mon sang sera la voie qui me mènera au paradis. Depuis ma dixième année, je me suis efforcée de demander quotidiennement des conseils à ceux qui pouvaient me guider, mécouter et maider. Je souhaitais tant accomplir une Shahada (attentat suicide) en Israël. Grâce à ma persévérance et avec laide dAllah, mon vœu a été exaucé. (more)
Tags // gaza  israele  reem  rishay  fatah  tv  armee  violence  aiiah 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5731 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 12115 | Comments: 0
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The two-hour Lifetime Original Movie Event ?The Murder of Princess Diana,? will air in a special three-night premiere beginning Saturday, August 25 at 9:00 PM, followed by encore presentations on Sunday, August 26 at 6:00 PM and Monday, August 27 at 9:00 PM on Lifetime Television. The film will also air on Friday, August 31 at 9:00 PM, the 10th anniversary of Diana?s passing. All times are ET/PT. ?The Murder of Princess Diana? stars Jennifer Morrison (?House?) in a fictionalized account of the book by the same name by Noel Botham, which theorized that the car crash that claimed the lives of the Princess of Wales, her companion Dodi Fayed and their chauffeur Henri Paul, was a conspiracy. Morrison portrays a journalist who witnesses the tragic car crash and quickly becomes convinced it was not just an accident. for more information please visit
Added: 6456 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 12086 | Comments: 1
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