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Search // candidate
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StarKist® announced today that Charlie® the Tuna, the alTUNAtive 2016 Candidate, is leaving the world of high stakes politics behind so he can do something even bigger: become the President of Charlie's® World–a 3D undersea adventure filled with videos, activities for kids, tips for busy moms and plenty of recipes! Using innovative 360-degree technology, fans will be immersed into this new digital water oasis. By simply moving the mouse or mobile device, consumers will be able to navigate, play and engage with the separate sections of the microsite to discover all the fun and flavor StarKist has to offer. “To Charlie's® loyal supporters, don't be sad or disappointed. Charlie® always had a vision: provide options to consumers in order to keep meals and snacks from being the same old, same old,” Andy Mecs, Charlie's® campaign manager and Director of Marketing and Innovation at StarKist, said. “Charlie® did what he set out to do: he brought levity to this Presidential campaign with a focus on a bit of humor and delicious recipes. But, now, he has found a more appropriate job as President of his own undersea world!” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3008 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 750 | Comments: 1
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