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This video is about the kamae (the stances) in the kuroi Ryu ninjutsu tradition that is represented by sensei Arie van den Akker a koga ryu ninja teacher. Sensei Arie van den Akker is the only ninja teacher who is teaching the genuine art of Koga Ninpo. Check this video about the stances taught and explained by Sensei Andreas leffler friend of Sensei Arie van den Akker
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5393 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 6m16s | Views: 7872 | Comments: 1



This exercise is a Kurokumo Bushido Academy exercise of the Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu school which is for getting good balance and the practise of the hardest Kick and Backfistpunch to keep your balance. In this video Sensei Arie Van Den Akker founder of ZVCNoord and COmbat Sequens was learning this exercise for the first time. See how it is done!
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5406 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 7533 | Comments: 1



Koga Ninja master Sensei Arie van den Akker from Boornbergum:: Become a Kicker!!! Use the kickbook!!! Kicking is very important in the Martial Arts scene, it does not matter what you practise it can be : Karate , Kungfu, Kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, Genbukan, Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu, Kurokumo Shinobi Goshido or any other martial art system or style. Different Kicks of the Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu / Kurokumo Shinobi Goshido system are displayed and somed up in this book. Sensei Arie van den Akker from the Kuroi Ryu Ninjitsu school the Kanji for this school in Japanese is 黒竜忍術: , a Ninjutsu head instructor and leader / co founder of the Kurokumo Bushido Academy the Netherlands, is the author of a book about kicking in the martial arts, it is called: "Kuroi Ryu Ninjitsu Kicks"
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Sport 
Added: 5355 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 3m49s | Views: 7111 | Comments: 0
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Old footage of Sensei Arie van den Akker from the Netherlands practising Kurokumo Shinobi Goshido in his younger days in Munich with us at the Dojo of Shidoshi Andreas Leffler 5th dan in Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu. The Technique practised is called Oe Li Tsai and it is more of a Ninja Drill from the old Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu system of Japan. 黒竜忍術 , Kuroi Ryu Ninjitsu or Koga Ryu Ninjitsu are connected arts. Sensei Arie van den Akker in his younger days as a white belt student of the Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu school. Kurokumo Bushido
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5406 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 7090 | Comments: 0
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Sensei Arie van den Akker was born in 1966 in the city of Boornbergum (Netherlands) he is a Ninja master from the Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu Tradition a clan of Koga Ninja. He is fighting a full contact sparring boxing match against his Sensei , Shidosdhi Andreas Leffler. Sensei Arie van Den Akker has founded Modern Ninjitsu , Ninja Kids and the Kurokumo Bushido Academy Holland and the ZVCNoord Martial Arts Academy. For Realistic Ninjutsu Training
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5393 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 7025 | Comments: 0
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