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G-Star's Metropolitan Explorer inspired NY RAW Autumn/Winter 2011 collection was shown at New York Fashion Week this evening. The characteristic modern 3D denim approach and craftsmanship of the specialist denim brand were combined with elegant fabrics from1920's city life, fused with outdoor utilities in a dark color palette including raw indigo, hunting green and utility grey. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5134 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m30s | Views: 7472 | Comments: 1
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Steelcase today launches a year-long celebration of its 100th anniversary, and its reinvention as a globally integrated enterprise, focused on the future of work. Known as the long-time leader of the office furniture industry, the company has thrived for a century not only because of its products and manufacturing strength, but because of its core commitment to people at work and its human-centered approach to innovation and design. “From the start, our company has been about more than furniture,” said James Hackett, CEO of Steelcase Inc. “We have always focused on people and what people can do. Companies don’t survive for a century – ideas do. So as we turn 100 years old we want to take this opportunity to look out into the future and see all the things that make us optimistic. We see a future full of limitless possibilities.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4740 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 7317 | Comments: 1
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There are many big changes people can make to save money – cut back on all entertainment, for example. But there are also a number of smaller things people can do to save money, and with the economy not yet turning around, it seems many Americans have opted for this approach. Almost two-thirds of U.S. (65%) adults say they are purchasing more generic brands to save money, slightly up from February when 63% said they were doing this. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // harris  poll  save  money  economy  cut  back  spending  multivu  44726 
Categories // Business 
Added: 5344 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 7275 | Comments: 2
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Since 1953, Ladies’ Home Journal has profiled real-life troubled marriages in its popular Can This Marriage Be Saved? column. Today, Ladies’ Home Journal extends the Can This Marriage Be Saved? brand to a series of webisodes – taking a humorous approach to common dilemmas at This webisode focuses on: Our Dog is Coming Between Us. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 5461 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 7209 | Comments: 1
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Today, Target Corp.® (NYSE:TGT) announced 42 new schools from across the country that will receive a new library as part of the 2011 Target School Library Makeover program. Education experts and advocates such as Alma Powell of the America’s Promise Alliance and Sir Ken Robinson, along with elected officials including Congressman John Kline, Chairman of the Education and the Workforce Committee and Congressman Gene Green (TX-29), were invited to celebrate this announcement with the principals at the Library of Congress. Additionally, principals from among the 42 elementary schools participated in a Principal Summit, led by Ralph Smith of The Annie E. Casey Foundation. The summit was designed to inspire school leaders, provide best practices for cultivating reading skills by using their new libraries, and explore how educators approach literacy strategies. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5035 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m23s | Views: 7208 | Comments: 0
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Kaplan University presents Visionary Voices, a series of interviews that chronicle our goals in regards to adult education and continuing education throughout your life. Kaplan University offers online degree programs designed to expand the way you think and help you develop both personally and professionally. Students turn to us to develop their critical thinking skills, to challenge and prepare them for successful careers.* At Kaplan University, we recommend that students look for support and encouragement in those around them. This journey is one that requires commitment and dedication and finding mentors along the way helps to keep students motivated. We want to encourage our students to try new things, to take a variety of courses to help ensure they are well-rounded and prepared when they complete their online college degree. We are an accredited university that believes online courses can enrich your life just as much as attending a course in a brick and mortar classroom.† Our unique approach to distance learning sets us apart from other online colleges. At Kaplan University, we strive to make every resource available to our students to help them succeed in the field they choose. *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. †Kaplan University is regionally accredited. See our website for details. “I want to learn from someone who has really been there. I want access to the best minds in the world, access to real leadership. I want to be inspired by people who are inspired, someone who understands the passion and the hunger to create; inspire me. I want to learn from someone who made a difference, from somebody who tried something new and succeeded at it, who broke the rules and are breaking new ground. I want to learn how to make decisions that will make a difference. The world’s preeminent innovators, a timeless exchange of ideas from established experts to aspiring new candidates, a new form for this inspiration is here, at Kaplan University. Until Kaplan [University] and comparable schools did their instruction online, there really hasn’t been appreciable disruption in higher education. If I were to have any advice for a Kaplan University student thinking about an entrepreneurial career path, I would say don’t be afraid to fail. What you want to do is to acquire the habit of trying new things. There’s a saying that you’re only as young as the last time you changed your mind. Finding that right balance between your needs and your profession and your own growth is always something that is evolving. One of the principals I teach is find a wing to climb under and what that means is you need to find someone in your life who can mentor you through different stages of your life. Kaplan [University] provides access to powerful ideas from brilliant thinkers, the practical intelligence and inspiration that are vital to success today and critical for a brighter future. I want to think on a different level. I want to be provoked by original ideas; I want to have a hand in my destiny. I always tell young people, ‘finish your education and don’t rush.’ You actually need education more than you need money. You need ideas, you need to know how to teach yourself, you need to know how things work, you need to be able to look around you and see combinations that other people haven’t seen before. For a Kaplan [University] student thinking about, or interested in, being an innovator I would often say, ‘take a wide range of classes.’ We too quickly pigeon hole people. Reality is that we’re all capable of being so many things. My advice is be broad, understand that things change quickly, and understand what’s happening
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4890 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 6794 | Comments: 0
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Mike Rowe has teamed up with Lee Jeans to share his common-sense philosophy on denim – a straight-forward approach that mirrors the 120-year-old brand known for its authentic quality. Rowe, creator and star of the Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs,” is not shy about what he looks for in a pair of blue jeans. “It’s pretty simple,” said Rowe. “They should last. They should fit. They should fade. They should never cost more than fifty bucks. And they should be blue.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // mike  rowe  lee  jeans  premium  select  dirty  jobs  ladies  consumer  multivu  45674 
Added: 5318 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 6763 | Comments: 0
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Being one who loves to indulge in the fear of things that go bump in the night, I used to sneak downstairs and quietly watch the Creature Feature movie hoping not to wake up mom and dad. If they caught me I knew that the only thing that would go bump in the night was me. Still sometimes I would hear the approach of slippers and then I would shut the TV off and hide. As soon as I would hear that he was at the far side of the basement I'd make my move and and gun it up the stairs...
Tags // stephen  hereford  steve  terror  television  sitcoms  prime  time  the  munsters  the  addams  family  lost  in  space  star  trek  the  t 
Categories // Music  Funny 
Added: 4403 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 6629 | Comments: 0



Parents learn to create a home environment that God can use to work in their children’s lives. It’s a biblical, innovative fresh approach to parenting, and one that’s long overdue. Learn about this book: Learn about this author: Religion/Christian Life/Family
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5358 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 6623 | Comments: 2
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Kaplan University nursing alum Debra Eppley was already working in the nursing field when she started her RN-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion program (RN-to-BSN program). Kaplan University’s flexibility and support offered her the opportunity to complete her degree online while continuing to work. Once she completed her Bachelor of Science Nursing online, she was able to make a career move that not only increased her salary, but also her level of job satisfaction. Kaplan University makes taking online nursing classes a streamlined process. Every day nurses choose Kaplan University for their online master’s degree programs. The distance learning curriculum makes a nursing degree obtainable for working professionals. Nursing as a career is a rewarding occupation that could allow for a wide range of employment opportunities beyond the hospital doors.* The Kaplan University School of Nursing offers online nursing degrees such as an the RN-to- BSN completion program, the RN-to-MSN option, and nurse practitioner certificate programs† to help get you where you want to be. Nursing programs at Kaplan University, including the MSN programs online, are designed for nurses that are already in the field. It’s this unique approach that sets Kaplan University apart. *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. † At this time, the nurse practitioner certificates are available only in the following states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Vermont. “I got out of high school and started working. I had a family very young. About the time I was 28 I decided I needed to go to school. I went and got my associate’s degree in nursing at that time. I had worked in labor and delivery, and that’s my niche. I like it–I like babies, I like seeing families with their babies. Then I thought, I love floor nursing but there was something else I wanted to do. We are in Coshocton, Ohio, which is very near to the heart of Amish country. I just needed to step out and do something else for myself. What I thought I would like to do required a bachelor’s degree and so I started looking down that road. I had kind of shopped around on the net looking for every last online class. You’re looking at price, you’re looking at length, you’re looking at what kind of clinical requirements are there–especially for me in nursing. I just started weeding and narrowing it down and I kept coming back to Kaplan University because it seemed to fit what I wanted to do at that time. I enrolled to start my bachelor’s degree. There were times when I thought I was going to quit–family life is too much, work is too much, school is too much. I thought, no wasn’t an option. But of course that thought of having that extra two year degree bumps that salary up immensely. I was also thinking, ‘I’m going to have four kids I have to put through college, because now I’m encouraging them to go to college so I need to find a way to help them pay for that, too. Financially going back to school was a huge plus. This January the head of OB at the time decided to leave her position, and it was open. They posted the job and I debated long and hard because I thought, ‘It’s too soon,’ ‘I can’t be there yet,’ and after much coaxing from a few of my coworkers, my husband, and my mother, I went ahead and I applied for the job and they hired me. I started the end of March; I am now the OB coordinator, so I manage the whole OB department. It’s just a huge feeling of pride. My Kaplan [University] experience was fantastic. They just want to see you succeed and they want to help you get there. You have a job, you have a
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4890 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 6362 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated spiritual workshop is very profound and can support your emotional healing from abuse situations. Discover this new age spirituality approach.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5469 days ago by CrimsonCircle
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 6161 | Comments: 0
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To support its first-ever global creative platform, Bare Escentuals ( takes an unprecedented approach and pursues a blind casting call to select the women that will appear in its ‘Be a Force of Beauty™’ campaign launching this September. Featuring five women—another first for the brand that has traditionally featured their award-winning bareMinerals foundation in its marketing efforts—Bare Escentuals recognizes the casting process was as fundamental to the campaign as the idea itself. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4932 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 6155 | Comments: 0
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