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The Founder of the Monarchist Party of Russia gave a press conference in the TASS press centre in Yekaterinburg on December 6th. According to Bakov, the documents which support his announcement were deliberately and symbolically made public in Yekaterinburg. This city was chosen through having witnessed the most gruesome and ruthless act of regicide. During the press conference, the journalists were presented with the Memorandum of Friendship and Cooperation between The Republic of The Gambia and Romanov Empire, which had been signed December 1st in Banjul by the Secretary General of The Gambia Dawda D. Fadera and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romanov Empire, Modou Lamin Saidykhan. According to said document, the west African Republic of The Gambia became the first government to officially recognize Romanov Empire and establish diplomatic contacts with it. In exchange, Romanov Empire agreed to pay 60 Million USD to the budget of The Gambia. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2647 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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