Teenagers filming fights on their camera phones is as old as happy slapping, but this footage from a school in Leicester is pretty shocking by anyone\'s standards. Something they don\'t prepare you for in biology class.
More @ http://www.failfunnies.com
Watch this fail video as one after another, multiple drivers tried to make it around the city of Portland, Oregon. Snow on top of ice caused extremely slick roads, which brought about very hazardous conditions. There were approximately 30 vehicles involved in these crashes from driving in the snow with no injuries. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Get to know the Versus car as it goes along the virtual course in St. Petersburg. This will be the first time the series will begin its season in St. Pete and the first time it will open on a temporary street course.
More @ http://www.failfunnies.com
A model during a fashion show unfortunately slipps and falls on a catwalk. Watch and you will see that she not only fails one time but twice. Nothing like having two left feet and embarrassing epic fail moment during a televised event. If your still bored, check out/add my profile if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Blink 182 bassist Mark Hoppus offers up some advice about performing at Madison Square Garden at Z100's Jingle Ball 2010. Catch the whole show on Fuse, Thursday, December 16th @ 9PM! http://www.fuse.tv/z100jingleball
How To Talk To Girls
Funny London based interactive comic book flash animation series. Based on teen city kids stories. created in Flash and adobe photoshop
The Enderz ( Endz )- S01E01 - Who's That Girl
After a short introduction by the reporter the episode starts with a group of friends meeting up at their local hang out, a balcony in their estate. A girl walks by who grabs the intention of the group, especially Jayce. Although he is initially too shy to approach her, peer pressure soon get the better of his pride but has he made the right decision.
Funny little ad for a tool called MemoryLifter - a free learning software. The vid\'s not made by me - just found it on the net and thought it\'s worth sharing, as the tool is really cool. It\'s about pigeons and two stupid guys sitting on a park bench ... Don\'t be a birdbrain. lol
With so much basic information to cover, Get Piano Lesson 1 continues here with this second installment (video 2 of 3) where you can watch me demonstrate proper fingering on the piano. Next, it is your turn to join me as we play our first five piano notes in the Middle C position using a legato playing style. Nothing too heavy at this point... but just wait until next lesson. To get the complete story behind this video, just visit me online at: www.get-piano-lessons.com/beginner-lesson-piano.html