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This February, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) is celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month by hosting the Tournament of Tooth Care, showcasing how parents and caregivers can help their kids fend off the Mouth Monsters –a.k.a. tooth decay. Parents and caregivers can tune in to the Mouth Madness to learn how to help little teeth take on the Mouth Monsters one big game at a time. “Tooth decay in children is a major health epidemic for adolescents across the country,” said Dr. Robert Delarosa, AAPD President. “National Children’s Dental Health Month is a great time for parents to keep their children’s dental health top of mind. Make it a priority this month to find a Dental Home – or home base – for your child’s oral health needs and be sure your next check-up is on the calendar.” Tooth decay is one of the top chronic infectious diseases among children in the U.S. About 60 percent of children will have had tooth decay at some point by age five. More than 50 million school hours are missed every year by school-aged children in the U.S. due to dental visits or problems. And tooth decay isn’t just bad for oral health; children who develop tooth decay at a young age are at a greater risk for developing problems with oral and general health, as well as with educational and social development. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3321 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 852 | Comments: 0
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Pace, Chicagoland’s suburban bus and regional paratransit provider, is proud to remove transportation barriers for people with disabilities through its fixed route bus system and ADA Paratransit service. In honor of the United Nation’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which promotes the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities each year on December 3, Pace has updated their educational materials to help riders with disabilities more easily use Pace’s fully accessible services. The video and graphics below provide educational support related to Pace’s fixed route system and ADA Paratransit service. The materials are intended to improve the experience for riders living with a disability by increasing understanding of Pace’s offerings. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2284 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 858 | Comments: 2
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DePuy Synthes Companies today announced the launch of Hit Play, an educational initiative that encourages those dealing with hip or knee pain to stop settling for a life on ‘pause’ and instead take action to get back to the activities and people they love most. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common reasons for severe hip or knee pain, affecting nearly 27 million Americans today and will potentially affect up to 67 million people by 2030.1,2 In turn, demand for hip and knee replacements are expected to dramatically increase, yet many women see joint replacement as a “last resort” and often wait until the pain has become unbearable before turning to surgery. Through a series of compelling and relatable content, DePuy Synthes seeks to inspire the millions of people stuck on ‘pause’ due to hip or knee pain to explore joint replacement with a doctor, as a potential viable solution when they Hit Play. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3041 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 853 | Comments: 0
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Lockheed Martin has launched Generation Beyond, a first of its kind, national educational program to bring the science of space into thousands of homes and classrooms across America. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program is designed to inspire the next generation of innovators, explorers, inventors and pioneers to pursue STEM careers. “Our children — the elementary, middle and high school students of today — make up a generation that will change our universe forever. This is the generation that will walk on Mars, explore deep space and unlock mysteries that we can’t yet imagine,” said Marillyn Hewson, Lockheed Martin Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “They won’t get there alone. It is our job to prepare, inspire and equip them to build the future – and that’s exactly what Generation Beyond is designed to do.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3247 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 834 | Comments: 0
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Mede Ovbiagele described about his learning experience and educational journey at centennial college in Toronto.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4269 days ago by jasonw93
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 827 | Comments: 0



Educators engage with the most vulnerable populations and good intentions aren’t enough to drive decisions. Ethics goes beyond a simple right vs. wrong and there is a clear and compelling gap in educators’ professional continuum. Now, the research-based ProEthica™ program offers educators techniques and strategies for improving awareness of professional risks and vulnerabilities, and for the application of professional ethics in daily decision making. Developed by Educational Testing Service (ETS), the ProEthica online educator ethics training program is research-based and designed for teachers and educational leaders. Through a series of interactive modules that combine instruction and checks for understanding, the ProEthica program uses real-life scenario-based simulations and activities to help educators establish an understanding of ethical principles and decision making, and learn how to apply them in their daily practice. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3244 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 829 | Comments: 1
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Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care, a nationally recognized provider of comprehensive educational child care programs, today launched its new national advertising campaign titled Learn OnSM. Fueled by the notion that learning extends far beyond the classroom, the campaign showcases how a child’s curiosity, sparked while at Kiddie Academy, carries into every aspect of their day. “Our new Learn On campaign underscores our fundamental belief that opportunities to teach and expand young minds present themselves every day and everywhere,” said Greg Helwig, Kiddie Academy president. “Kiddie Academy empowers children with valuable tools to help make the most of those opportunities. Given the right environment, they become more curious and collaborative, with the ability to discover and accomplish more. We hope to communicate the potential and fascination for learning that exists in every minute—in the classroom, at home and throughout the community.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2254 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 827 | Comments: 0
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Free The Children, an international charity and educational partner that focuses on delivering aid to impoverished children around the world, announced it has standardized on DocuSign, Inc. (DocuSign®) for Digital Transaction Management (DTM). With DocuSign, Free The Children keeps administrative spending to a minimum so it can ensure at least $0.90 of every dollar donated goes to supporting programs that directly benefit children in need around the world. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3760 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m57s | Views: 824 | Comments: 2
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I am confident that, in shaa Allah, this video will be one of those very motivational and educational videos on Ramadan you have watched. By Br. Majed Mahmoud
Added: 4255 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 8m1s | Views: 821 | Comments: 0
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I am confident that, in shaa Allah, this video will be one of those very motivational and educational videos on Ramadan you have watched. By Br. Majed Mahmoud
Tags // ramadan  islam  muslim  islamic  month 
Added: 4255 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 4m9s | Views: 801 | Comments: 0
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Farmers Insurance® announced today that 15 teachers across the country were named finalists as part of the company’s Thank America’s Teachers® Dream Big Teacher Challenge®, awarding teachers for their ideas to help create a lasting and positive impact on their classrooms, schools, and communities.
Added: 3073 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 800 | Comments: 3
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T. Rowe Price has launched Star Banks Adventure, an online game and mobile app, as a fun way for kids to learn financial concepts that will help them manage money in the future. Our 2015 Parents, Kids & Money Survey found that three-quarters of parents and kids think that game apps are a good way to teach kids about financial matters. Star Banks Adventure, now available for download on iOS and Android devices and online at, is designed with a tile-matching concept to reinforce financial education topics and engage kids in an epic adventure to save the galaxy from financial chaos. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3612 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 787 | Comments: 1
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