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Search // report
Results 205-216 of 230 for ' report ' (1 seconds)
The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) today launched its inaugural Sustainability Report at the Economist’s World Ocean Summit 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. The landmark report showcases key environmental and social data across all 14 GSI member companies. This is the first time a global food sector has collectively reported on sustainability performance indicators in such a transparent manner. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3559 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 758 | Comments: 2
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Linksys®, a leader in home and business networking solutions and Rivet Networks, makers of the award winning line of high-performance Killer™ Networking products for desktop and notebook PCs, today announced at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany, the upcoming availability of the new Linksys WRT™ gaming edition router – the WRT32X. This first of its kind collaboration, Linksys and Rivet Networks teamed to incorporate the Killer Prioritization Engine (KPE) to provide serious online gamers the only router optimized for high-speed gaming for users with Killer-enabled gaming PCs. The KPE optimizes traffic for low latency and less lag and ensures that the Killer-enabled PC’s gaming, audio, and video is fast and smooth, while simultaneously managing other online traffic in the home to ensure other devices and activities are not compromised. The new firmware and graphical user interface (GUI) was also custom-built from the ground up with a focus on monitoring and controlling gaming network traffic. The Linksys WRT32X is available for pre-order starting today and plans to ship starting in September 2017. The global gaming market of more than 2.2 billion gamers are expected to generate $109 billion dollars of revenue this year of which 27% is from PC Gamers and 31% from Console Gamers or combined 58% according to the latest Global Gaming Market Report from Newszoo. “Serious gamers are spending money on game play and expect to have technology that provides significant advantages to beat their opponents”, said Vince La Duca, global product manager at Linksys. “The Linksys WRT32X provides advantages that no other routers have – and that is the Killer Prioritization Engine. The router, when paired with a Killer-enabled PC –from makers such as Alienware®, Gigabyte®, MSI® or Razer®, and others provides a powerful end-to-end connection to prioritize gaming traffic to reduce peak ping times up to 77%*, providing a real advantage for faster kills over opponents that use regular “so-called” gaming routers.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2750 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 753 | Comments: 1
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Politicians, economists, media and researchers from around the world will gather in Tunis from May 14 to 17 to take part in the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy. As the forum's media partner, SWI will report live from the event, and officially launch its microsite dedicated to direct democracy and its partner site, The aim of the microsite - online in 10 languages since December 2014 - is to inform readers about political rights and democratic processes so they can form their own opinions in order to play a greater role in the decision-making process. Switzerland's unique form of participative democracy is the focus of the site whereas offers a global view. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 3582 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 745 | Comments: 1
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As entrepreneurs struggle to find desirable investments that also allow them to have an impact on the future of our country, Primrose Schools invites them to explore the benefits of opening a high-quality Primrose preschool in their communities. As the nation’s leading early education franchise company, Primrose currently has more than 350 locations in 29 states and is growing across the country. Financial forecasters and economic developers alike point to early education as a stable investment that yields strong returns. A recent report by Child Care Aware shows that the high-quality early education industry generates a return of more than $8 for every $1 spent, meaning the returns of providing early education for children positively impact the economic development of communities and future workforce development. Last year, IBIS World reported that the industry reached a record high of $47.8 billion and is expected to continue to grow at an even faster pace than the overall child services market. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2721 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 744 | Comments: 3
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Today Fetzer Vineyards, a pioneer in sustainable winegrowing, announces the release of Road to Regeneration: Corporate Consciousness Report, highlighting key milestones achieved through 2016 and plans for a Net Positive future. The release of Fetzer Vineyards’ first-ever sustainability report marks an important step in the company’s sustainability journey, particularly as the historic California vintner approaches its 50th year of Earth-friendly winegrowing in 2018. The release of Road to Regeneration also comes just days before the commencement of COP23, the 2017 United Nations’ Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, where Fetzer Vineyards will receive a Momentum for Change award from the UN for its leadership in modeling sustainable practices for the wine industry. The recognition comes two years after Fetzer Vineyards presented on climate-smart winegrowing at COP21, the Paris Climate Talks, the only U.S. winery to do so. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2672 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 743 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Hopping from store to store and from website to website to compare prices is so prevalent it’s practically an American sport. In survey after survey, consumers report that they shop online looking for the best price. So why would a price match guarantee win customers? We’ve got three great answers to that question.
Added: 3196 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 738 | Comments: 2
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The American International Automobile Dealers Association (AIADA) together with the Association of Global Automakers (Global Automakers) today released an economic impact report showcasing the growing impact of the international automakers on the U.S. economy. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3952 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 730 | Comments: 1
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The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) today released its annual Hot Wheels report, which identifies the 10 most stolen vehicles in the United States. The report examines vehicle theft data submitted by law enforcement to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and determines the vehicle make, model and model year most reported stolen in 2017. While Honda Accords and Civics produced prior to the introduction of anti-theft technology continue to dominate this report, a deeper look at the data demonstrates just how effective anti-theft technology continues to be. A total of (6,707) 1998 Honda Civics were stolen in 2017 compared with just (388) 2017 Civics. Put another way, (17) 1998 Civics were stolen last year for every one 2017 model. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2357 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m43s | Views: 731 | Comments: 1
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“Want to enjoy life,” “like to learn things,” “look for adventures and like to take risks” – these traits tell the story of how Americans perceive entrepreneurs, as revealed in the 2015 Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report (AGER). It’s an optimism that permeates the research again this year, with 86 percent of Americans expressing positive attitudes toward entrepreneurship, up a remarkable 24 percent from 2014 and a resounding 11 percent more than the 2015 global average (75 percent). Echoed by their strong desire for “independence from an employer” and “self-fulfillment, possibility to realize own ideas,” at 75 percent and 72 percent respectively, this positivity is indicative of the country’s thriving entrepreneurial spirit. “The attitude toward entrepreneurship is not only remarkably high but significantly increased from last year when fewer than two-thirds of respondents reported a positive attitude,” notes Dr. David B. Audretsch, professor and director of the Institute for Development Strategies at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs. “What’s more, the secondary importance of financial compensation contradicts the most prevalent stereotypes and myths about why people choose entrepreneurship.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3392 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m12s | Views: 732 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated, the #1 pregnancy and parenting digital resource, today released its 2016 U.S. Cost of Raising a Child report, which examines the rising cost of having a baby. More than 1,100 BabyCenter moms completed the survey, which found that parents spend an average of $13,000 per year on each child. In 2016, 7 out of 10 moms say they are worried about having enough money to raise their kids – a 5 percent increase since last year. BabyCenter also found that 9 out of 10 moms are in debt and nearly 4 in 10 don’t see a day when they will be entirely debt free. Also, 1 in 4 is receiving financial aid from a parent or family member, and 1 in 3 is experiencing relationship issues with their partner due to working longer or irregular hours. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3071 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 725 | Comments: 0
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Equinix, Inc. (NASDAQ: EQIX), the global interconnection and data center company, today unveiled the findings of its Enterprise of the Future survey, which uncovered a rapidly accelerating global demand for interconnection that will transform IT strategies over the next two years. Studying the priorities and perspectives of more than 1,000 IT decision makers across 14 countries, the Enterprise of the Future survey revealed significant momentum towards the adoption of interconnection-dependent IT strategies by enterprises seeking to drive revenue growth. By 2017, 84 percent of IT leaders surveyed will deploy IT infrastructure where interconnection – defined as direct, secure physical or virtual connections between a company and its partners, customers and employees – is at the core, compared to only 38 percent today. The survey also indicates that interconnection can create millions of dollars in value. A full report of the findings, “The Enterprise of the Future: Unleashing the Interconnected Enterprise,” is now available for download here. In the interconnected era business models are increasingly interdependent and consumers and employees alike consider anytime, anywhere, any device connectivity the standard. Organizational expansion, ubiquitous user access and the sourcing of external business and IT services to cloud-based providers are forcing enterprises to have more points of engagement with more end users and business partners across an ever-widening physical and logical footprint. Existing IT architectures were not built to support this level of dynamic engagement and distributed coverage, and the Enterprise of the Future survey shows enterprises responding with a massive strategic and behavioral shift away from centralized corporate resources to distributed, interconnection-centric IT infrastructure. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3428 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 709 | Comments: 0
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Millennials are now the largest living generation in the country. One of the most studied and analyzed generations, millennials are now becoming parents. According to a Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research report published in 2015, 43 percent of children age 0-17 had millennial parents in 2014, and this figure is expected to exceed 50 percent in 2016. A new independent survey of U.S. households, supported by Connections Education, found that millennials are supportive of alternative approaches to education, with three-fourths of millennial parents (77 percent) saying a DIY approach to education, in which learners craft a path to graduation that best fits their needs, is a good idea. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3111 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 710 | Comments: 2
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