THE HALL OF INSIDES 2: The Wizard vs. The Hairy Willets. THE HALL OF INSIDES, A Story From The PULSE OF POWER WORLD. The Wizard wants to control the Hairy Willet Clan. Little does he realize that THE HALL OF INSIDES is part of VIVANT, the sentient supernatural store. The store doesn’t appreciate it when deception and corruption are used to control others. But, can the Wizard outsmart the Hall and the Hairy Willet? Find out more at Fantasy/Comic Book
A vastly changing landscape would certainly capture one’s attention. The nation’s trees face an immediate threat from the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB), a devastating invasive pest with no natural predators. With up to 70 percent of the U.S. tree canopy at risk of being lost to this pest, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is spreading the word about the beetle this summer with a series of TV, radio and print public service announcements (PSAs).
The adult Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) is active throughout the summer months and into the fall. This invasive pest was first discovered in the U.S. in 1996, likely arriving here unknowingly inside wood packing material from Asia. The insect threatens recreational areas, forests, and suburban and urban shade trees. The beetle attacks 12 genera of trees, including birch, maple and elm. It is truly a landscape-altering invasive pest. And all states are at risk.
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ATA Karate For Kids is a specialized program created exclusively for children. The Karate for Kids program includes two age groups. Pre-school karate for kids classes are for children ages 3-6 and the karate for kids classes for children ages 7 through 12. The foundation of the martial arts ATA curriculum is the ongoing ATA review and development of life-skills such as positive mental attitude, high goal-setting, perseverance, self-control and confidence.
Karate For Kids training is designed to be fun and fulfilling for each student. This is because Taekwondo is an individual activity rather than a team sport. Therefore every student is an active and valuable participant in class. They work out with kids their own age and size under well-supervised conditions, and progress at their own pace.
Through personal growth and achievement, students advance with a martial arts belt rank but are also acknowledged for outstanding performance in martial arts class, school, home, special events, or in tournament competition. New rock song "We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve" is an emotional piece about domestic violence.
Now that the Super Bowl is over, the NFL will have a chance to reflect on quite a year. Domestic violence was frequently at the forefront of the 2014-2015 season and unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Sarantos is proud to release this latest rock song. Violence against women and children results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships, and from societal abuse of power and domination in the forms of sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. The abuses of power in society foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which condone violence against women and children. “This a powerful rock song about domestic violence in our society today," says Sarantos. “It seems like this topic was in the news a lot in the last year between the NFL, Bill Cosby and so many other stories that made headlines. My heart goes out to the victims. I wrote this song to not only start a conversation on the matter but to hopefully help others find a solution. This is a hard rock song about a man who has made many mistakes in his life. He constantly takes emotional abuse from his partner. Somewhere along the way, he has lost his faith. Thru the words, the bruises and the blame though he stays right there... Why does he stay right there? I hope this song helps drive home the message throughout the world that domestic abuse is simply not ok.”
33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
SC Johnson, the world's leading manufacturer of pest control products, is using its 60 years of insect expertise to educate consumers as the Zika virus continues to spread. Immediately following the initial outbreak in Brazil, the company assembled its experts and began developing educational resources for consumers to understand how to best protect themselves against mosquitoes that may carry disease.
For nearly 60 years, SC Johnson entomologists have studied insects at the Entomology Research Center in Racine, Wis., the world's largest private, urban entomology research center. In their research, they help SC Johnson create products that consumers can trust and to provide them with the right product for their pest control needs. SC Johnson is the world's largest manufacturer of insect repellent and household insecticides, including OFF!®, Raid®, Autan® and Baygon®.
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Honeywell (NYSE:HON) today announced the next generation of smart building technology, Command and Control Suite, which turns complex facility data into recommendations and easy-to-implement changes that help boost business outcomes — lowering costs, minimizing risk and reducing downtime.
By combining intelligent automation, advanced analytics and visualization with the simplified user experience of today‘s home and mobile electronics, Command and Control Suite links building automation and the enterprise. It can provide a holistic view of a connected building‘s video feeds, access control and fire alarms, for example, and pull in relevant information from human resource applications. Integrating data from these disparate systems could help security personnel track occupants and make sure they exit the facility in the event of an evacuation, improving employee safety.
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Men and women are biologically different – and so are their skincare needs. This premise fueled the development of the Artistry® brand’s latest scientifically advanced skincare collection, Artistry® Men.
Artistry® scientists’ findings and expertise led to this customized collection, which targets men’s two primary skincare needs – oil control and hydration – to reveal healthier-, younger-looking skin in men of all ages and ethnicities.
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Do we need more gun control? More guns?
More target gun control? With the Sandy Hook shooting fresh in our
memories how can we make sure that this doesn't happen again? Arm
teachers? Ban all guns? Watch the newest Meme Factory episode and find out, with just a tad of satire mixed in. Get Smart Fast. Want to see more of the Meme Factory? Check us out on; Youtube: Vimeo: Twitter: Facebook: Web: And our Podcast at Or on iTunes at the Meme Factory Podcast Check out my personal nonsense too at and Thanks for watching everybody! See you on the wire
Where might be the perfect place to introduce Tecnu Bites & Stings, an aptly named new over-the-counter product for stings and insect bites? How about the Great Texas Mosquito Festival in Clute, Texas? For 36 years, thousands of people have gathered at the yearly celebration along the gulf coast of Texas; a place known for thirsty mosquitoes, biting ants and other persnickety pests.
To the group at Tec Labs it sounded like the perfect place to get credible feedback on their innovative new product. So they hired a professional camera crew, grabbed some cases of Tecnu Bites & Stings and left the humidity-free confines of Oregon and headed to the land of cowgirls and Texas tea.
As the camera rolled, the video crew got some wonderful feedback from a great mix of people. The goal was to get honest and straightforward reactions and that’s exactly what occurred. Texans love straight talk and Tec Labs was thrilled to get the feedback. See the authentic reactions for yourself by watching the video!
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Ever wondered what happens behind the doors of one of the world’s most established venues? IFSEC has got a backstage pass to the Royal Albert Hall to investigate how it keeps world-famous performers, and this iconic building, safe and secure.
Speaking to Amanda Squires, Director of Operations, an insight is given to the co-ordination of the 850 events delivered each year, as well as, the delicate procedure undertaken for getting modern CCTV and access control systems in place in this grade 1 listed building.
Amanda is joining the Protecting London panel debate at IFSEC International 2015, 16 – 18 June at ExCeL London, along with the British Museums’ Health & Safety Manager and Crossrail Ltd.’s Security Manager to discuss the considerations that need to be made when protecting such high value assets.
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Ejemplo de una clase del curso de coach de voz inglés con profesor de ingles británico nativo y locutor Edward Olive escuela de inglés para un profesor especializado en clases para actores, arte dramático, preparación para presentar videos corporativos como presentador o presentadora, grabar voz en off para locutor o locutora, aprender un acento inglés de Gran Bretaña - Reino Unido - Inglaterra, coaching para dar presentaciones, participar en reuniones en inglés, ingles corporativo, inglés de negocios o ingles juridico en Madrid España. Academia de ingles en Madrid con clases personalizadas de inglés con Edward Olive coach de voz en ingles para clases de técnica, fonética, hablar en público y locución. Las clases se imparten con máximo dos alumnos por clase con lectura en voz alta, ensayos y grabaciones de las locuciones de los alumnos, con aspectos técnicos como postura, vocalización, respiración, naturalidad, control vocal, posicionamiento ante micrófonos, lectura anticipada, hábitos vocales y técnicas de arte dramático. Escuelas británicas en Madrid capital y la comunidad de Madrid.
Example of class from course with British English language vocal coach & voiceover teacher Edward Olive British voice coaching school in Madrid Spain English academy for actors, actresses, voiceover artists, company executives, lawyers and companies to help with presentations, meetings and public speaking and preparing corporate videos. Acting and drama classes for actors, actresses and voiceover talent. British schools in Madrid.
In an effort to inform children and their families about the importance of food safety, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Ad Council are joining 20th Century Fox to launch a series of public service advertisements (PSAs) featuring footage from the upcoming film Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Road Chip.
An estimated 1 in 6 (48 million) Americans get sick from foodborne illness each year, resulting in roughly 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Children are among the most vulnerable to food poisoning because their immune systems are still developing, so parents and caregivers need to take extra precautions when preparing food for children under five.
The new PSAs, featuring everyone’s favorite Chipmunks – Alvin, Simon, and Theodore – highlight the four food safety steps consumers can use to prevent foodborne illness. The Chipmunks’ antics and hilarious situations in which they find themselves provide a perfect platform to illustrate these four steps: Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill. The PSAs help explain actions anyone can take to safely prepare their food, using the Chipmunks as the tool to bring fun and relevancy to a serious topic. The partnership includes TV, radio, out-of-home and web advertising, and parents and children can also find kid-friendly activities that further reinforce the food safety steps by visiting
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